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Weep for yourself, my manYou'll never be what is in your heartWeep little lion manYou're not as brave as you were at the startLearn from your mother Or else spend your daysBiting your own neck

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Weep for yourself, my man
You'll never be what is in your heart
Weep little lion man
You're not as brave as you were at the start
Learn from your mother
Or else spend your days
Biting your own neck


"Because I can't John!" Jensen yelled in eyes held pure agony, John stared blankly at the teenage boy as Jensen tried to calm himself down "I know you feel guilty, I know you love him. He is your best friend! But I can't"

Andy watched at conversation between the two mutants as Lauren walked up behind him. The events that went down in the day affecting everyone in the underground.


Cries of terror echoed throughout the halls of the once silent underground, Jensen laid twisting and turning in his bed. Eyes fluttering in his sleep as muffled words escaped his lips, a warm calm hand claps itself over his shaking one causing his eyes to snap open. Panicked eyes met worried eyes in the moonlit room, eyes glistening in the moonlight his hair slightly ruffled in places Andy kneeled next to him.

Jensen eventually got his breathing under control, his gaze never leaving Andy's eyes. Gripping the back of his neck, Andy pulled the teen into the crock of his neck to comfort the still shaking boy. The two boys fell asleep on the bed lit by moonlight, the only comfort Jensen seemed to get before this boy came into his life. The blankets sprawled across the boys as they stayed in their position till morning light. The technicolor sun light painted their hues over the boys faces, bringing Andy to consciousness for a few seconds till the even breathing from Jensen drifted him off once more.

Lauren and John were the people to find the boys, limbs tangled delicately in an intriguing pattern. The presence of the two in the room roused the boys awake, Andy first once again then Jensen. John had a smile on his face as Jensen rubbed his eyes before stretching, his eyes locking on the smiling pair in the doorway. A pinkish tint painted itself on the cheeks of the two boys who were to bashful at the moment to look at the pair once again.


"Johnny, you want me to distract the bus driver as Lauren and Andy take out the wheel? This is an extremely stupid plan" Jensen sighed, looking at the Marine with an annoyed expression etched on his pale face.

"Got a better one?" Snapped Marcos, causing Jensen to sink into himself as he began to shake lightly. A surge of worry flashed through the eyes of the young mutants watching Jensen as he shook. Johnny could see the bruises forms up the boys arms, which he held tightly crossed to his chest. Jensen seemed to ignore the pain spreading up his arms, as he seemed to try to hide his existence from the world all together.

"Why don't you leave him alone?" Andy questions Marcos, the room beginning to rumble slightly. Lauren grabbed Andy's hand before Jensen could calming the boy down. John noticed the bruises now showing on the boys arms and sighed, that caught Marcos's attention his eyes went from Andy to the arms of Jensen who was staring at the ceiling was trying his best not to produce an earth quake. A frown formed on Marcos's face, Jensen hadn't bruised himself since the first few months of him being at the underground.

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