Chapter 2: Jealousy

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(A/N: This one was a little longer and I'm honestly pleased with how this chapter turned out considering I wasn't that happy with it at first. xD

Enjoy!! :D)

**Stan's P.O.V**

"See you after school Stan!" Wendy said sweetly giving me a quick peck on the cheek. I smiled at her as she found her friends and went over to sit with them leaving me standing alone holding my tray. It was finally lunch time and I was starving. I hadn't really had a proper breakfast this morning since the excitement of seeing my friends again had overtaken me and I had rushed out the house. I searched the cafeteria as people bustled around me until my eyes laid upon the table that Kyle, Kenny, Cartman and I always sat at every lunchtime. 

I made my way over while trying not to bump into anyone, noticing that Kenny and Kyle were already there. "Hey dudes!" I called over to them catching their attention, "Hey Stan." Kenny smirked. I placed my tray down and took my usual seat next to Kyle "Hey dude, how was class?"  Kyle asked, "It sucked ass and our teacher is super strict. I would choose Mr. Garrison over him any day." I told him, "Jesus. Says a lot." Kyle chuckled raising a brow. I took a bite from my sandwich before turning to look at Kyle and Kenny "So, how was yours?" I asked them. They had class together before lunch "As you would expect it to be." Kyle said, "Oh dude! There was a really hot new girl in our class. Like really hot!" Kenny exclaimed excitedly, nudging Kyle and wiggling his eyebrows at me. Kyle glared at him briefly before facepalming "Jesus christ Kenny." he chuckled "Well?" Kenny had turned to look at me with a broad smile. Typical Kenny. "Dude...I have a girlfriend." I told him. I noticed Kyle look away looking a little down when I said that "Well, your loss. I might try to get myself a piece of that." he grinned and winked at us before turning back to continue eating his lunch. I rolled my eyes chuckling.

We sat eating our lunch in silence for a while. I glanced over at Kyle every now and then. The usually happy-go-lucky Kyle seemed down. I noticed he wasn't eating his lunch anymore and was just staring off into space with a blank expression covering his face. We had known each other for so long we knew everything about each other no matter how big, small or embarrassing it was. We never hid anything from each other. He was the only person I could really trust and we always helped each other out if either of us had problems. Yes, we have had comments on our relationship in the past about how we always spent all of our time together and how we were more touchy than just normal best friends. Hell, even my dad had told me I needed to spend some time away from him or people would think we were 'funny'. I just ignored it though. I personally thought it was perfectly normal for super best friends to do the things we do and we're always comfortable around each other.

Right now though, my super best friend senses were tingling and I knew something was up with Kyle. He must've felt me staring because now he was looking at me confused with those emerald eyes of his. Although, they weren't sparkling like they would normally when he was happy "Dude are you okay? You seem kind of....I don't know...down?" I whispered asking him, worry in my voice. I think he noticed "I'm fine dude." he reassured smiling weakly. Liar. Although he was smiling, his eyes said otherwise. I didn't want to push him into telling me if he wasn't ready so I just put my arm around his shoulders "Just know, I'm always here for you and you can tell me anything if somethings bothering you." I told him quietly, "Thanks, Stan." he said quietly, barely audible.

It was then when Cartman had come over and joined us "Aww look at the two fags having an intimate moment. Why don't you get a room and make out or something?" he sniggered. Kenny glanced over at Kyle who was now silently playing with his food with his cheek resting on the palm of his hand and punched Cartman lightly on the arm "Not now fatass." he said firmly. I guess even Kenny knew something was up too "AY! Don't call me fat you poor piece of crap!" he cried, "Does the jew have sand in his vagina again?" he sneered looking back over at Kyle. Suddenly, he stood up from the table grabbing his bag and slinging it over his shoulder and stormed out the cafeteria leaving his uneaten lunch behind. I stared after him for a few moments, stunned at the events that had just taken place. I turned to look at Kenny and Cartman not knowing what to say. Kenny gave me the 'you should go after him look' and Cartman actually looked shocked himself for a moment before clearing his throat and returning to his normal asshole self "Oh my god, Jewboy really does have sand in his vagina!" he said smugly before bursting into fits of laughter. Heartless bastard. Why do we still hang around with this fat shit? 

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