Chapter 8: I Love You

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(A/N: I'm so sorry for how late this chapter is. I had writer's block and lack of motivation to update but here it is! I don't know where else to take this fanfic so this will probably be the last chapter. :D

Hope you enjoy!)

**Kyle's P.O.V**

I watched on out of sight at the couple in silent curiosity. I could hear their voices as they talked. I tried my hardest to make out what they were saying but it was no use. I was too far away. Instead, I just continued to stand and watch the events that were happening right in front of me in silence, leaving my imagination to make up what was being said. Goddamnit! Why am I so worried? She is his girlfriend after all. I have no idea why I felt I had to stick around. My parents are probably wondering where I am but something just forced me to stay. It had felt like they had spent hours talking before I saw Wendy pull Stan into a hug, a huge wave of jealousy ran through me as I watched. However, I noticed it didn't last as it normally would and I saw Wendy wipe her eyes as if she had been crying. But why would she be crying if she's gotten to spend the evening with Stan?

I shook off the question before my mind ended up in a whirlpool and pulled out my phone to check the time. It was really late and I was no doubt going to be in for it when I get home. Putting it back into my pocket, I looked up once again towards Stan and Wendy who were now talking again. I didn't know whether it was worth risk being spotted and leaving now or waiting till they had gone. The second option seemed safer but who knows how long they were going to be there for but who knows what would happen if they see me. I decided that I would wait till they were gone. It's not like I could get in any more trouble for being late home anyway. 

Thankfully, they weren't there for long. I watched as they walked in the direction of Wendy's house. As I watched them walk away, I got a strong urge to run after Stan and pull him into a tight hug and never let him go again, not caring whether Wendy was there or not. I wanted to hear his voice, his laugh. I wanted to feel the warmth that radiated from his body. It took all my willpower to not do just that and make my way home craving the warmth of my bed as exhaustion began to kick in.

**Time skip**

No matter how hard I tried I just could not get to sleep. Thoughts constantly whirling through my head as I lay in bed staring up at the ceiling. I glanced over at the clock on my bedside table as the red numbers shone dimly. It was already 3:00 am. I groaned as I covered my face with my blankets. It's a good job there wasn't school tomorrow.

I closed my eyes, attempting to try to at least get some sleep. It wasn't long till the all familiar raven-haired boy had found his way into my mind once again. The boy I craved. I wanted to feel his warmth, his breath against my face. I wanted to touch him, to feel him all over and I wanted him to do the same to me. I wanted to taste him. I just wanted him. And I wanted him badly.

I snapped my eyes open as I heard footsteps and they sounded as if they were just outside my bedroom window. I sat up and looked over curiously at the window. My heart began to race as the steps became louder the closer they got. Someone was definitely out there. 

Suddenly, they stopped. I held my breath trying to listen for any more noises. I sat there listening for a few minutes but there were no more sounds to come. I sighed as I laid back down and closed my eyes to try to get some sleep once again.

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