Chapter 3: Sleepover

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(A/N: This chapter is longer than the others and I honestly had fun writing this one. :D

Hope you enjoy!)

(Warning: There is a little bit of sexual content but it's nothing graphic.)

**Kyle's P.O.V**

Home sweet home I thought to myself as I made my way up the pathway. "Hi Bubby!" mom called to me from the kitchen as I entered, closing the door behind me "Hi mom" I replied. I took off my shoes, placing them neatly out of hazards way next to the front door. "How was school?" she asked beaming at me as she made her way over to me, "It was great." I lied as I put on the fakest smile I could. I didn't want her to worry about me. After all, I knew deep down I was just overreacting to something silly and being selfish, "Good to hear bubby! Dinner will be ready in about an hour. We'll call you down when it's done." she told me before giving me a quick hug and began making her way back into the kitchen. That's when I suddenly remembered I still needed to ask if I could stay over at Stan's. "Hey, mom?" I called to her, stopping her in her tracks, "Yes bubby?" she asked, raising a brow, "Can I stay over at Stan's tonight?" I asked her. She answered almost instantly "Sure bubby." she flashed one last motherly smile before continuing the rest of her trek back into the kitchen.

I made my way up the stairs and into my room, shutting the door behind me. I glanced over at the red glowing numbers on my alarm clock. It was only 5:00 pm. I had plenty of time to spare since Stan wasn't going to be here until 7:30. Thoughts of Stan and Wendy making out and possibly doing god knows what in the back of the cinema suddenly flooded into my brain. I shuddered, clenching my fists as a wave of anger ran straight through me. I shook it off pretty quickly and decided to distract myself starting with getting things I would need for later on and shoving them into a bag. Once I had done that, I sat at my desk and made a start on my homework. May as well do something productive. It had only taken me 20 minutes to complete so I checked all my social media. I got bored pretty quickly. I stood up from my desk and flopped down onto my bed, burying my face into my pillow groaning. God, I was so bored.

I hadn't realized how tired I really was either until now. I was completely drained. I was beginning to doze off until I heard a gentle knock on my bedroom door "Yes?" I called out, my voice being muffled by my pillow. I heard the door open and I looked up to see Ike standing in the doorway looking at me with gentle eyes "Mom said to come and get you for dinner." he notified before turning and making his way back downstairs. I sat up yawning and glanced over at my clock again. I groaned. Only an hour had passed and there wasn't much more I wanted to do. I just wanted to see Stan. Sighing, I got up and trekked my way downstairs for dinner. I wasn't really hungry but I forced myself to eat everything so mom wouldn't interrogate me about why I wasn't eating. She could literally rant for hours and I was in no mood for that today. I was done eating so I excused myself and took my plate out to the kitchen, placing it in the sink before making my way back upstairs to my room and flopping back on my bed.

**Time skip** 

I awoke to the sound of the doorbell ringing and could hear my dad faintly chatting to someone. Jesus, how long was I out for? I don't even remember falling asleep. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. My room was now pitch black. Seems like I was out for a while. I turned on my bedside lamp as I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, rubbing my eyes once again as they adjusted to the light. My door creaked up and I turned my head to see who it was. "Kyle!" Stan exclaimed as he came running over, jumping onto my bed and tackling me down "Hey dude!" I laughed at him trying to push him off as I felt my face heat up. We wrestled around for a while before we both sat on the edge of my bed in silence trying to get our breaths back. "So dude, you ready to go?" Stan broke the silence grinning at me. I nodded and instantly felt a hand grab mine and yank me up "Well then! Let's go! Video games are waiting for!" he cheered excitedly, "Dude!" I cried out laughing at how childlike he was being right now. I just about managed to grab my stuff for tonight as Stan pulled me out of my room, practically bouncing down the stairs to leave "Bye Mr. and Mrs. Broflovski!" he called out. My parents and were watching us in awe smiling and Ike just raised a brow. They were all pretty much used to our behavior around each other and they had accepted it "Bye Mom, Dad, Ike!" I called out between laughs, shutting the door behind us and running hand in hand down the street toward Stan's house.

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