Chapter 6: Lonely

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(A/N: Sorry for the late update but it's here now! :D 

Also, sorry for it being kinda short. I ran out of ideas again and I just wanted to get something out there. :)


**Kyle's P.O.V**

"Dude, we can't be friends anymore."


"No dude. It's best we have time apart..."

"Please.....don't do this...."

"Don't talk to me. Don't even come near me."

"Don't leave me promised!"

"I don't care about you..."


"I never did."

I jolted awake in a cold sweat, the poisonous words from my dream torturing me inside my mind. I looked around searching for the familiar sight of my best friend sleeping softly next to me. He wasn't there. Tears began to gently fall down my cheeks as the words began to grow louder. They were right. He didn't care and he never did. I wanted it to stop. It hurt so much. I missed having my super best friend by my side all the time. But my stupid self just had to go and ruin it all "Stan..." I sobbed quietly into my hands. I was missing the way he comforted me. I missed his touch. I missed the way we would quietly fall back asleep together. But that wasn't going to happen anymore.

I glanced at my alarm clock on my bedside table blinking away my tears so I could see clearer. It was already 4:15 am and I had school tomorrow. A wave of nausea ran through me. I hadn't faced Stan since yesterday in the boys bathroom. I planned to try and avoid him throughout the day but I knew at some point I would have to face him and I was nervous. I closed my eyes as thoughts swirled around my mind, crying softly until I eventually fell asleep.

**Time skip**

So this is what it's like to be lonely, spending every moment thinking 'bout you...

I trudged my way through the snow by myself, listening to the music on my phone. I decided I would walk to school rather than get the bus so I wouldn't have to face Stan. Yet again I hadn't gotten much sleep and I felt drained. I wanted today just to be over with. It's not as if I could spend recess or lunchtime with my best friend. 

I sighed as I reached the school building, hanging my head down as I made my way through the hallways and to my locker. Luckily, it appeared Stan wasn't here yet. I grabbed my stuff out of my locker and shoving it in my bag. Suddenly, I felt a hand come down on my shoulder. I jumped back in surprise almost falling over. A slight excitement began to grow inside me as a pair of arms caught me from embarrassing myself "St-" I cried, ready to hug him tightly. However, it wasn't him. "Jesus christ Kenny!" I snapped. I instantly felt bad when I noticed he looked a little sad "Sorry..." I muttered, "Don't apologize, dude, it's okay." he paused smiling sadly at me. "I know Kyle..." he told me as his smile changed to concern. I swallowed "W-what?" I stuttered staring at him wide-eyed. Oh god, what did he know? I knew Kenny always had his ways of finding things out, especially when it comes to finding out peoples deepest darkest secrets. My question had to wait to be answered because at that moment I saw Stan and Wendy walking over. My heart stopped and I felt sick. I felt my world crashing around me all over again. He looked happy. Like he hadn't lost anything. Meanwhile, I was over here completely destroyed and losing everything. 

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