Chapter 4: Nightmares

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(A/N: I got feels just from writing this. D:)

**Kyle's P.O.V**

Snowflakes floated lightly down from the sky and landed gently on the ground around us, glittering whenever the sunlight shone upon them. The air was chilled, nipping at my skin "Dude, it's freezing today." I shivered as Stan and I strolled along the path which was gradually becoming blanketed in snow. I felt an arm place around my shoulders and I felt like melting into a puddle on the floor as my face instantly heated up "" I joked looking into the raven's ocean blue eyes smirking. Secretly, I loved how he would be all touchy but he didn't need to know that. We never did it at school since we wanted to avoid assumptions. No doubt we would have Eric Cartman teasing us as usual and then going around spreading rumors that we were an actual thing. Besides, Stan had a girlfriend...

"Hey! I'm just helping my best friend out. You did say you were cold. Besides, it can't be any gayer than us sharing a bed." he snorted. I thought about this for a second. I had woken up snuggled against him this morning "Hmm, you have point. 'Kay you win. But just this once!" I challenged him. He stopped walking and stared straight at me as a devious smirk spread across his face and brung his face closer to mine. Oh my god...I froze on the spot widening my eyes "It'll happen more than once." he whispered mischievously in my ear, his hot breath hitting my cheek causing me to shudder. I swallowed down a moan that took all my willpower to keep in "I-I.." I stuttered. I couldn't speak. I couldn't move. I just stared back at him blushing and completely frozen solid "Dude! Your face!" he burst out laughing as he noticed my reaction before turning to continue walking towards the bus stop where Kenny and Cartman were already standing. I didn't say anything. I just followed behind replaying the event in my head, bringing my hand up to my cheek.

**Time skip**

It had been a long, exhausting week. It was finally Friday and we had survived our first week of school in 11th Grade. I made my way through the crowds of students until I reached my locker. Stan and I had separate classes last period so I decided to put my stuff away while I waited for him. I slammed it shut and leaned against it completely worn out. I just wanted to go home and sleep but I couldn't leave without Stan. 

Ever since that night I had stayed over at his house, I had begun to have nightmares which were becoming worse and worse and a lot more realistic. I always ended up waking from them in floods of tears and I hadn't been sleeping properly either because of them. It was already bad enough I had a hard time getting to sleep. The black circles under my eyes were beginning to get more and more noticeable and I already had a few people ask me if I was alright. Truth be told, I really don't know but I didn't tell them that. Instead, I just told them I spent all night studying. They believed me since I was one of the smartest kids in school alongside Wendy.

I hadn't really seen much of Stan or Wendy as the week flew by unless it was at lunchtime. Wendy had started sitting with us and Stan hardly paid any attention to me anymore. Even in the halls and during classes he would give Wendy his full attention unless she wasn't in one of our lessons. When Wendy was away from him he would act completely normal, like nothing was up. I was happy that we were still friends angered me so much. I felt like a backup plan and I hated it. I wasn't supposed to be second best, I was supposed to be his super best least that's what he always told me. I wanted to tell him how I felt. The only thing that was stopping me was the thought of what it could do to our relationship. 

I wasn't ready to lose the only person I fully trusted.

Sure, we've had tough times and we've gotten through them but this could destroy us. My stupid, selfish feelings could completely destroy us forever if I told him. I can't do it. I'm just going to bite them back and ignore it. If he's happy then I should be happy too.

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