Chapter 7: Break Up

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(A/N: I'm so sorry that this chapter is out so late but it's finally here. It's not the greatest since I kind of rushed it a bit, but I hope you enjoy it still! :D)

**Stan's P.O.V**

"Stan honey, wake up. You can't sleep all day."

I groaned as I slowly opened my eyes yawning. I glanced in the direction of my alarm clock through half-lidded eyes. It was already 12:45 pm. I hadn't planned to sleep half the day away, it just happened. Not like I had any plans anyway. I sighed as I turned to lay on my stomach and buried my face into my pillows closing my eyes.

As I was slowly drifting back into a peaceful slumber once again, I heard my phone buzz on my bedside table. "Goddamnit." I mumbled as I forced myself to sit up and reach over to grab it. It was a text from Wendy "Shit..." I squeezed my eyes shut tightly and pinched the bridge of my nose. I had forgotten I promised Wendy I would go out with her tonight to make up for all the times I've been blowing her off. In all honesty, I really didn't want to go but I had to make an effort. I unlocked my phone as I mentally prepared myself for her wrath and began to read.

Wendy<3: Hey Stan, are we still on for later? I can come meet you at yours if we are. :D x

I began to text her back, deleting and retyping something else a few times as I thought carefully about what I was going to reply.

Stan: Sure! I did promise after all and I do owe this to you. Besides, I miss spending time with you. :( x

God, how much longer was I going to keep this up for? I was lying to myself and her. Sure I still loved her but more as a friend at this point. I just don't feel as strongly about her as I once did yet I still told her I loved her. My feelings were fading for Wendy but growing stronger for someone else. That someone else just so happened to be my super best friend. I felt a wave of sadness rush through me as I realized that I had lost Kyle because of a stupid decision that I made. How he would never know how much I truly cared for him. How much I...loved him. But I just couldn't bring myself to tell him.

My thoughts were interrupted by the sound of my phone buzzing once again as I received a reply from Wendy.

Wendy<3: Cool! Me too Stan, I really hope we can make this work. I miss how we used to be. Is 6:30 okay for you?

Stan: 6:30 is fine. See you then! Love you. <3 x

Wendy<3: Love you more! See you later! <3 xx

I felt like I should be excited about tonight but I just couldn't find the energy within me. I would much rather be spending this weekend playing video games or hanging out around town with Kyle. I hadn't spoken to him for days and I missed his company. I felt empty and alone. I needed him and I was incomplete without him by my side. I hated how things were between us right now and I wanted things to get better. Is this how Kyle felt? Goddamnit, what was I thinking?! I don't blame him for acting like he did, I'm the worst friend ever. Maybe I should go to his house and see if he's okay. Even if he does hate me at this moment in time but I at least want to make an effort.

And that's exactly what I was going to do before tonight. I still had plenty of time left. I finally forced myself out of bed and made my way to the bathroom, jumping in the shower before picking out some fresh clothes, getting changed and then beginning to make my way to Kyle's house.

I made my way down the path and stopped outside the Broflovski residence, butterflies beginning to flutter around inside me. Why was I so nervous about seeing Kyle? I calmed myself down before I walked up to the front door, hesitating as I knocked gently. I hoped it would be Kyle answering the door but I was scared of what he was going to say or what would happen to use. I don't blame him for hating me, I would be the same.

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