Chapter 5: Broken Promises

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(A/N: This chapter a little shorter than the others. I ran out of ideas. I was listening to Word Unspoken as I wrote this chapter so I added some cute lyrics in there. :D

I swear I didn't intend for this fic to be so depressing. xD


**Stan's P.O.V**

I glanced over at Kyle as our teacher explained our homework. He was resting his cheek on his hand staring blankly down at the floor. He looked so miserable, so worn out. The circles under his eyes had grown a lot more obvious. My thoughts went back to the weekend. I had spent it sleeping over at his house and he hadn't gotten much sleep. He would toss and turn, whimpering before waking up in tears and begging me not to leave him every time. Guilt washed over me. I felt responsible somehow but I couldn't quite explain it. I was curious what was causing him to become so badly distressed in his dream.

The bell rang for recess and everyone packed up their stuff and left. Everyone but Kyle. Kenny gave me 'talk to him' look before he followed Cartman out of the room. Kyle didn't look up as I slowly walked over to his desk "Kyle?" I called to him softly, putting my hand gently on his shoulder. "I'm fine Stan, really. I'm just really tired. I'll be fine once I've rested up." there was no emotion in his voice as he said this. I watched him sadly, not knowing what to say before turning back towards my desk to grab my bag.

"Hey....Stan?" he called out quietly stopping me in my tracks. I span around to see him looking up at me, his eyes glazed and his pale face wore no expression. "What happens if, for example, someone likes someone...maybe more than just like And that someone happened to be the only person they truly cared about..." he paused, thinking of how to finish off what he was saying "B-but...the person they liked were already in a relationship so they became extremely jealous..." he paused again turning away slightly, glancing out the window. What was he talking about? "But they didn't want to ruin their friendship because it meant so much to them. So they just decided it was best to not say anything and let their feelings eat away at them every day..." I noticed there was a slight shade of pink making their way onto the redhead's white face and I could feel my own face heating up, heart beginning to race. "And those feelings that ate away at them......just broke them." he finally finished as a tear spilled over onto his now rosy cheeks. He wiped it away pretty quickly.

He returned his sight back out the window. I watched him silently for a moment. Something about what he said sound vaguely familiar but I couldn't quite place the puzzle pieces together. A part of me wanted to just grab him and pull him into a tight embrace, never letting him go but there was something stopping me. A voice was shouting at me in my mind telling me it was my fault that my best friend had become so broken. That it was my fault that he had nightmares and lost sleep. 

I jumped at the sound of someone entering the classroom and suddenly felt warm lips press onto my cheek "Stan! There you are! I've been looking everywhere for you!" Wendy smiled sweetly at me as she wrapped her arms around my waist, hugging me tightly. It felt nice but something felt different. It didn't feel the same as whenever Kyle hugged me or when we would snuggle up together in bed, falling asleep in each other's arms. And I doubt it ever would. "Sorry Wendy I was-" I was cut off by the sound of Kyle pushing his chair back to get up before grabbing his bag and storming out of the room, one lonely tear rolling down his face.

I stood there staring out after him in shock "Stan? What...what happened?" Wendy asked softly looking confused. I didn't know how to explain it. Especially to Wendy. "I-I..." I began stuttering. Wendy flashed a sad smile at me "Go find him, Stan. I know he means everything to you..." she told me gently, kissing me softly on the lips. All my previous thoughts came flooding back. It was all my fault. Everything is my fault. I was destroying my best friend unintentionally and it broke me too and I wanted to scream.  "I-I need to make the right choice..." I said barely audible before running out to find Kyle, leaving Wendy behind confused as to what was happening.

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