Chapter 1:

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Date: July 19th, 2010 (the day after the Team fought Mr. Twister)

Location: The Cave

Time: 1400 hours (about 2 pm)

Staring blankly at the static TV screen before him, Superboy was bored. He had been at the Cave for a few days, after being given his freedom from Cadmus, and had been staying there, because his real father didn't want him. He had already somewhat bonded well with Robin, Wally, and Kaldur, as they had been the ones to liberate him from his pod, and he had been recently introduced to the newest member of the Team, the niece of Martian Manhunter, Miss Martian, or more informally, M'gann. Closing his piercing blue eyes, the clone remembered what the green skinned, red haired girl had said to him, when he first laid his eyes on her. She had said simply, "I like your t-shirt." It had been the first complement he had gotten and it gave him the courage to smile briefly and realistically for the first time, despite his bloodlines. Now, here he was again, all alone. Robin and Wally had school -something Superboy didn't really understand yet, as he was only 16 weeks old -, Kaldur was with Aquaman in Atlantis taking care of some business, and the other members of the higher elite Justice League were nowhere to be seen, except for Red Tornado, but he wasn't exactly someone interesting to ask things about. 

Hearing a sound from one of the bedrooms, Superboy got up, and went down the hall, until he came to the room, where the sound was coming from. Confused, he opened the door, and saw M'gann levitating, and hanging up posters of some girl that looked exactly like her, except for the skin color, that is. M'gann turned around, her brown eyes wide, when she saw Superboy standing in the entrance to her room, with a very confused look on his face. She asked, "You okay, Superboy? Are you looking for someone?" The clone grunted, and said, "No.", then turned, and walked away. He came back into the room with the static TV screen, and resumed his seat on the couch. He noticed, out of the corner of his eye, M'gann fly into the kitchen, and put a book into one of the cabinets, then close the small door, and land on her feet. He watched her go into the Hangar, then say, to her Bioship, "Let's take you out for a little flight." Superboy rolled his eyes, and came into the kitchen. He went to the fridge, and pulled out a bottle of water, and forced the cap off with a snap. Unfortunately, with his strength, when the cap came off, the water came out at him, and left him drenched, the empty, smashed plastic bottle gripped tightly in his fist. He knew now for a fact that he hated liquids, as it had been only the day before that M'gann had left him covered in milk, flour, and eggs. And besides, Kryptonians didn't need to drink anything, right? They were supposed to not need anything, as the physically strongest aliens, in the world. The fact that his mind had drifted to wanting or even thinking about needing a drink left him questioning why. 

Deciding that he really wasn't wanting anything to drink after all, he came into the Hangar, and saw M'gann patting her alien ship. When she saw Superboy, she couldn't help, but giggle, then when he gave her a hard glare as a response, she exclaimed, continuing to giggle, "I'm sorry! It's just that you look so cute when you're dripping with water!" Immediately, Superboy noticed M'gann's green cheeks turn a pinkish red color, and her eyes went wide. She quickly covered her last comment, by injecting in, "I-I mean... What I meant to say was.... Um, do you want me to help you dry off?" Superboy replied firmly, remembering the day before's events, "No.", but came up to M'gann anyway. Reaching beside her, he grabbed the towel that was sitting on the table, then rubbed off the water, not even realizing that the towel he had grabbed, was one that was covered in grease from some of the motorcycles. When he pulled the towel away, he looked at M'gann, as she smiled. Her brown eyes were bright and full of something he hadn't experienced: happiness. No matter what Superboy tried, he couldn't speak, and ask her about her emotions. The words he had wanted to say were on the tip of his tongue, but when he tried, and made the face like he wanted to speak, no sound came out. Struck dumbfounded by his lack of words, the clone walked away silently, letting his huge, brooding personality flood the area around him.

Superboy entered back into the Cave, and saw Robin standing in front of him. The clone pieced together that either Robin had snuck out of his school, or it had ended, yet he didn't ask anything about it. The short, raven haired Bird smirked, and asked, "So Superboy, what do you think of Miss M?" Superboy shrugged his shoulders, and said, "Guess she is alright." Robin grinned, and said, "Right... you and I both know you like her." Superboy mumbled, "No. I don't." Robin smirked again, "Yes, you do, Supes. You know very well that you like her. You're just worried to admit it. If you want to know, I think Miss M. likes you back. She blushed when she accidentally went too far in the Hangar. Blushing is a sign that the person was embarrassed. And she was blushing big time, while you stood dumbfounded with what to say. Trust me, Superboy. She likes you." The clone stood silent, the words running through his mind. He finally walked past Robin, and headed for his closet, the place he had chosen as his room, because it was familiarly similar in size to his Cadmus pod, that had been his home for the first 16 weeks of his life. Before he left the room, Robin called, "Oh, and Superboy? You may want to rub the grease off your nose. I don't want this to sound insulting, or be rude to you, but you kinda remind me of a black Labrador with your black shirt, boots, hair, and nose." Superboy rolled his eyes again, and walked off. On the way to his closet, he stopped by, and looked in the bathroom mirror. He looked at his grease covered nose, and rubbed it away quickly, before retreating to his private, quiet closet to do some real thinking, something he didn't get to do at all in his Cadmus pod, as he was force fed everything he knew. 

If you enjoyed this chapter, please consider voting and telling me what you liked best! Did you like some of the references to the show and the comics? How about the black Labrador comment? M'gann's blushing moment? Supey's unaware knowledge of M'gann liking him? The smashed water bottle incident?

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