Chapter 9:

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A/N: So this is kinda a hard written chapter, cause I was a bit rough in figuring out how to fit everything in with the already known script from the series. However, I got it to work, so if you want, check it out, and let me know. And this time, I did add some more conversation in this one, due to being told my last chapter had barely any communication to each other, in it.(Thanks for the constructive criticism, BTW! It really helped plan this chapter!)

The next day came all too early for Superboy. Begrudgingly, he opened his eyes, and pulled his shirt on, then walked into the kitchen, where M'gann stood making sandwiches, one for herself, and one for him. She said, excitedly, "This'll be so much fun, Superboy! Come on!" Growling in morning gruffness, he went to the fridge, and retrieved the milk. Then he checked the cabinet, and found a box of Cheerios, the only kind no one really liked, except for him, because they didn't have any flavor. He got a bowl from the counter, and slumped into a seat at the table, then poured the cereal first, then the milk. Silently, he ate, and watched M'gann move. After he finished eating, he cleaned up, and left the room. Calmly, he went into the Hangar, and waited. M'gann soon came out, and handed him a bag, then said, "*Ready for school? I made our lunches!" 

Just then, Red Tornado and Martian Manhunter entered the room. Martian Manhunter said, "*The first day of a scholastic season carries great cultural resonance. We want to wish you both well." Superboy listened as M'gann talked with her uncle and the robot in charge of being den mother, until he heard M'gann ask him something about a new name. He asked, "*My what?" Martian Manhunter changed forms, then said something, even though it didn't really come in clearly, as Superboy found himself staring at M'gann in her Earth form. She really was pretty, even without her green skin that paired so nicely with her red hair. A few minutes later, Superboy had an Earth name, even if he didn't understand what it meant or why M'gann liked it so much.(Note: Conner means 'dog/hound lover'. Kinda ironic since he gets Wolf later. And Megan means pearl. Ik, cause that's my name too!) Once they finished up, Martian Manhunter, in his human form, drove them to Happy Harbor High School, where they would be attending. As they were standing in front of the building, Superboy, now known as Conner, stared silently up at the high walls. M'gann clasped her hand in his, and they stepped onto the grounds together. 

Much later, after school ended, Conner found himself standing outside of the school again, waiting for Martian Manhunter to return. He had already had an entire day that was somewhat non-ordinary to his standards. However, there had been a single good highlight of the day, and that, was he got to learn more about M'gann and the Green Martians, and he had picked up her books so they wouldn't get wet. The Earth history was interesting as well, even if he knew about it already. Looking over at her, while she spoke with the cheerleaders, Conner sighed, and waited silently. Hearing someone walk behind him, he turned instantly, and out of impulsed coordinated memory, punched the lower step.

 A young girl with blonde hair appeared in his peripheral view, and sat down beside him softly. She said kindly, "Hi, I'm Becca, and you must be Conner Kent, right?" Conner nodded, then felt odd for nodding when the new name was mentioned. He'd still have to get used to it. Becca spoke again, pointing to the step, "I'm sorry if I startled you." He said, "It's alright." Becca laughed, and said, "You are one funny guy, Conner Kent! Most guys would have added more to that, but you seem to have someone else on your mind." He raised his eyebrow, and asked, "What?" Becca giggled, "It's so obvious! You have a thing for Megan, right? I mean, you're staring at her, and you blushed when I just said her name." Conner moved his hand up, and felt his cheeks. They did feel a little warm. He said, shakily, "Uh, yeah... I mean, we met a few months ago, but-" Conner watched as M'gann waved goodbye to the other cheerleaders, then headed towards him and Becca. When she arrived, she said, "Conner, um, my uncle just called. He said he's ready to get us picked up." Right away, Conner knew what M'gann had meant. Her uncle had contacted her via telepathic communication, and told her he was on his way. Looking back at Becca, Conner watched as M'gann said, "Hi! I'm Megan Morse!" "Hi, Becca Lanscroft. Nice to meet you, Megan.", Becca responded politely, rising to meet her. M'gann said, "So you met my friend, Conner?" Becca said, "Yeah, he's something else." Conner couldn't stand it anymore. All the talking was getting to his head, and giving him a severe headache. He stood up abruptly, and headed for the roof. He knew that would be quieter, and give him a place to vent off his steaming anger. 

As soon as he had stomped off, Becca asked, "What's wrong with him? Just get upset?" M'gann looked up at Conner, and sighed, then replied, "Yeah, but I'll talk with him. It was really great to meet you, Becca. Maybe we can chat again, later?" Becca nodded, "It's a done deal. Talk to you later, Megan!", then she walked off, leaving the young Martian standing still. M'gann left a message with her uncle about what was going on, then went to the top of the school, where she found Conner making paper balls, them smashing them in his hands. She said, telepathically, "Are you okay, Conner? You seemed a bit upset, and I know you're mad at me, but-" "I'm not mad at you, M'gann. I just....ugh!", Conner started angrily. M'gann took a seat beside the clone, and replied, putting a hand on his shoulder, "Conner, do you want to talk? I can listen, right here. Just tell me whatever's on your mind." "I'm fine, okay? Is that what you want to hear? Huh? I'm your average clone. I'm nothing like the original. A fake. A phony. I'm not Superman, and I never will be! But I am fine...just fine. So quit asking, okay?!", Conner growled, saying it mentally. M'gann replied, "Please talk to me. Share with me what's wrong. Why you're so worried. Why you're scared to show me who you really are." Conner stopped at her words, then replied, "It's hopeless. We can never be anything more. You wouldn't want me, if you knew what I could do. It's just not going to happen. We aren't destined for this." "For what?", M'gann asked. Conner responded, as he rose, "For a relationship. It's just not supposed to be.", then he walked off. M'gann got up and followed him out to the car, where Martian Manhunter was waiting for them. Once both were in the car, he asked, "So how was your first day, M'gann?" The girl responded, "It was okay. I got on the cheerleading squad!" "Great, and how about you, Conner?", Martian Manhunter asked kindly. Frowning and staring out the window, Conner never answered back. He didn't want to share it. No one else needed to know. And frankly, he was tired of answering stupid questions he'd already answered. So, the whole way back to the Cave, he stared out the window, and the whole car was silent, because of it.

*(Credits to Greg Weisman and Warner Brothers, for several of these gorgeous quotes, that were heard in the show! They did such a great job! SUPERMARTIAN IS BEAUTIFUL! Get them back together for S3!)*

A/N: So, yeah, it did turn out a bit rough, but I hope you enjoyed anyway! I do not always have a rough edge, but working off script and freedom is difficult, when you have to add in stuff people already know! If you really enjoyed this chapter, please consider leaving a comment. If you just moderately enjoyed it, a vote is enough for me! (Also, some of the central ideas I wanted present for Supermartian, for their mental discussion, are from the song, Rewrite the Stars , from The Greatest Showman. That song totally is Supermartian themed! Listen to the song if you have seen the movie already, or if you haven't seen it, still listen to it! It is so perfect and beautiful!

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