Chapter 5:

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A/N: Hey guys! Hope you enjoy the next chapter! 

The next morning, after breakfast, Superboy soon found himself cornered in the therapy discussion room, sitting on the couch, facing Black Canary. He remained silent, not really sure if he wanted to open up or not. For him, he was to not have feelings or emotion, yet, he hated keeping whatever was inside of him silent. Black Canary smiled at Superboy calmly, then said, "Is there something you wanted to talk to me about? I'm here to listen." The clone clenched his fists, and said, "No.", then after a few brief minutes said again, with question, "Yes? I don't know." Black Canary stood up, and walked over to Superboy. She put a hand on his leg, and looked into his eyes, then replied, "I can tell something is bothering you. You can tell me. Everything we discuss stays in this room. It has something to do with M'gann, doesn't it?" Superboy yelled, "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M THINKING!" Black Canary sighed, then stepped back. As much as she wanted to help, she knew Superboy was too stubborn to ask for it. 

After taking a few breaths, she replied, deciding to find a different topic, "How is everything going for you? You adjusting okay?" Superboy frowned, but nodded roughly once. Black Canary said, "The mission a few days ago brought up a lot of problems, didn't it? Dealing with Mr. Twister and trying to understand everything new here in Happy Harbor seems like it would make someone more stressed and more prone to anger." Silence hung in the room like cold ice. "I heard you got mad at M'gann, then apologized after the fact.", Black Canary mentioned calmly. Superboy looked up at the mention of the ginger haired Martian, then stared at the therapist blankly. He had no idea that it even had happened, until the blonde mentioned, "You looked up, Superboy. You want to talk about it?" "No. Just leave me alone.", the clone stated. "Superboy, listen. You may not realize it, but you do have emotions...strong ones. And if you shove and keep them hidden in your mind and heart, then they will eat you alive. Don't reject those powerful emotions. They make you human. And you don't have to carry the world's weight on your shoulders. You're sixteen weeks old. That's too young to feel all that pressure.", Black Canary replied calmly, watching the clone's movements like clockwork. "You forget, I'm sixteen. I don't need this. Leave me alone.", Superboy stated again, this time his wrath and fury burning in his eyes. Black Canary took a seat, then replied, "I can't pressure you into talking, but when you feel like you're ready about your feelings, then don't hesitate to come talk to me. I will always be here, and won't leave you with a one sided conversation. Okay?" Superboy stood quickly, then stalked out of the room. Watching the clone leave, the blonde said, "All he needs is to know that he's being heard. Hopefully, Superboy will confide in me, and trust me enough to open up. I know he's silent and hardheaded, but I also know he needs to be free to speak his mind."

Superboy left the therapy room, and came into the Hangar, his mind buzzing silently with what Black Canary had said once he had left. His super hearing had picked it up crystal clear, and he was bound and determined to not open up to anyone. He didn't need to confide in people. He didn't need to have emotions. He was Superboy, programmed and created to take his genetic  father's place, should he perish. However, he guessed his father would hate him for even doing that, if the issue came up. Fully rejecting any form of feelings was something he was completely fine with. In the Hangar, Superboy heard M'gann's voice as she entered the room. He watched her calmly, standing firm like a statue, his arms crossed. When she noticed him, she said, slightly blushing, "Oh How are you? I haven't seen you since last night." The clone replied coldly, "I am fine. Just fine." Superboy stared at M'gann, as she tucked a piece of her red hair behind her green ear, and smiled shyly. She twisted in place, as though nervous. Then she let out a small giggle, and answered, "Oh, okay. Well, see you later, I guess. I'm going to the mall with Artemis right now." The blonde walked into the room, dressed in civvies. She looked at M'gann, then at Superboy, before saying, "Come on, M'gann. Let's get going." Superboy watched the two girls climb into the Bioship, then leave. With silence as a reminder of his time in Cadmus, he went back inside, and resumed his spot on the couch. 

A little while later, he heard the Hangar doors open, and the Bioship fly in. M'gann rushed in through the door, and Artemis followed, her hands holding over eight different bags from stores. Artemis grumbled, "M'gann! Would you at least consider helping me carry these inside, instead of jumping and acting like an excited child on Christmas day? I swear they weigh like two tons! I don't have super strength, you know." Superboy turned his head, just in time to see M'gann blush again, as she said, "Oh sorry Artemis! I guess I got a bit carried away..." Artemis growled, "'A bit'  is an exaggeration." Setting the bags down, the blonde left the room in search of Wally, so she could find some reason to punch him, instead of the nearest object, being a glass vase on a table. When she left, Superboy stood up, and went after her. He wasn't sure why, but being in the same room as M'gann, was starting to make him see things. Things he wished he hadn't seen. He began to imagine that she was baking for him. A bowl of powder fell on his raven haired head again, and her cheery blush and childish giggle was the only sound in the room. It was odd. 

Coming into the room where Artemis was, Superboy watched her as she neared Wally and Robin. He watched as the blonde pushed Wally from his seat on the ground, and growled, "Move over, Baywatch. This is my spot." Superboy noticed Wally get up, and walk over to him. The ginger said, "Supey, never let a girl boss you around." The clone replied back simply, "Why? You let her boss you around." Wally blushed, then rubbed the back of his head, and said uneasily, "Yeah, when it's Artemis in question, the rule can be broken. She always gets what she wants. Just don't let any other girl do that." Superboy frowned at Artemis, and said, "She shouldn't push you around. Defend yourself." Wally said, "If I tried to do that with Arty, she'd have me in a death hold before you could count to three. I'm not dealing with that. No way, José. Never gonna happen. I'm not asking for death anytime soon." As Wally walked away, Superboy grew confused about it all. He didn't like anything about the weird gut feelings he was getting, when he saw M'gann. It was all strange.

A/N: UGGGHHHHH... Finally got this thing finished after several days! Anyway, hope you enjoyed! Please don't forget to vote and comment your favorites and your opinions. They matter to me so much more than you think...

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