Chapter 10:

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A/N: As I was informed last night, or rather this morning, that yesterday's chapter didn't really have an 'ending', I will just say right here that I love to do cliffhangers, so get used to 'em! Cliffhangers are like my best friend, because they add mystery to the book... I put in a lot of effort into this one, but as always, writing a new chapter takes a while, and a lot of breaks for the paragraphs, although I try to stay general. Anyway, hope you enjoy this next segment! And I'm sorry if I'm sounding too rude or mean about this kind of thing, but it is my book, and I will use a lot of cliffhangers.

When they arrived back at the Cave, Conner immediately left the area, and began to get ready to head off towards Metropolis, again. It wasn't like he wanted to go, but it was rather as a way for him to think about the day, and how he kept on blowing up to M'gann in anger and spite, without anyone talking to him. He knew she didn't deserve it, so why was he such a fool? As he left the Cave, M'gann gently asked him, telepathically, "Do you want me to go with you?" Conner stated, "No." He then pulled his motorcycle helmet over his head, and rode off, leaving M'gann and Martian Manhunter in the Hangar.

\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\//\/\/\/BREAK LINE! CHARACTER CHANGE! BREAKLINE!\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/

M'gann watched Conner leave, and gave a sad sigh. She thought about everything that had gone on at the school, from them sharing a telepathic link, to him picking up her books so they wouldn't get wet. It really hurt her to watch him seem so sad, and yet refuse help from anyone. Despite him telling her to stay out of his mind, after the fact, M'gann knew what she had to do. She had to go after Conner, and understand exactly why he was so refusive to everyone. She had to know why he didn't want to be with her. So quietly, she went into camouflage mode, and flew out of the Hangar, following Conner on his motorcycle, until he reached the outskirts of Metropolis. "Metropolis? Why would he come here? I thought Conner didn't like that Superman never listened to him.", she thought to herself. Now M'gann was really confused, but she never let it stop her. She flew closer, and watched Conner get off his motorcycle, wearing a deep frown on his face. She, still being in camouflage mode, stared at the young clone completely puzzled as to why he would return to a place where he knew someone didn't like him. 

\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\//\/\/\/BREAK LINE! CHARACTER CHANGE! BREAKLINE!\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/  

Once he had arrived, Conner slid off his motorcycle, and stepped into the familiar territory. The massive hole he had created from his outrage earlier was still present, but now, the rocks he had broken apart, were nowhere to be seen. He assumed it had been Superman that had cleared them away, as they were hazardous to others. Seeing a long rock that hadn't been destroyed by his own temper, Conner walked over to it, and sat down. He put his hands on his chin, and frowned, as he stared out over the huge city, watching it and the busyness of its everyday life. He said, "I wish I wasn't such a monster. How am I that stupid as to yell at M'gann? She never deserved anything I ever said to her. All she has been to me, is a friend, and I treat her like I treat people I hate. And monkeys. Oh, HOW I HATE MONKEYS!" Conner was so busy thinking about M'gann, that he never noticed her come up behind him, until he felt a hand on his shoulder. Turning around, Conner watched as M'gann revealed herself, and said, "Hi." Conner frowned, then turned back around, as he responded, mumbling, "Hi." M'gann tried again, and asked, "Can I sit here beside you?" Conner gave a single nod, and shifted over so there was plenty of room. M'gann sat down, and between them, a few minutes passed where not a word was spoken. They both just sat in silence. 

Finally, after the minutes of silence, Conner said, "I told you not to follow me out here." M'gann responded, "You may have told me to, but I can tell something is wrong." She continued, asking again, and turning so that her auburn brown eyes and his piercing blue ones were even with each other, "Do you want to talk about it?" Conner sighed, and sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck, then said, "I um, I guess so." M'gann listened, as Conner replied, going deeper into his answer with, "Do you ever feel like you aren't enough? Like everyone hates you, and thinks you're crazy? Or if you do something, then no one's going to want to know who you are or what you can do?" M'gann nodded, and replied, "I do, Conner. I understand completely, feeling like the weight of the world is on your shoulders, and that you simply aren't able to do anything. We can't let the lies win, though. Aliens like us, have to stay together, or we will just be giving the enemy what they want. They want us to hate ourselves and what we are. The human population has never liked any idea of having aliens stay on Earth, in the first place, so many of us, have to hide what we are, so we aren't driven to shame." 

Silence once again reigned between the two aliens, for a few minutes more, until Conner asked quietly, "Do you ever feel like you're not strong enough?" M'gann teased, "Don't tell me you think you aren't strong, Conner Kent?! You're Superboy! You can pick up a bus with ease and tear apart army grade material weapons, like it's nothing!" "Yeah, but I mean, I'm not Superman. I'm just his clone. His literal genetic copy.", the said clone replied, with a deep frown. M'gann said, "You're right, you aren't Superman. You aren't even close to him, because you're better than he is. I mean, being a clone isn't all bad. Think about will always look the same as you do now! There will literally be no physical change!" "And how is that a good thing? I thought people were supposed to change.", Conner said, looking straight at M'gann, as he said it. The Martian responded, "It's a good thing, because it means you won't ever have to change your Zeta entrance photo. All of us will change physically, but you will always remain at your height, and with your own looks. It's good to be different, but it's also good to stay true to yourself, Conner. This is you. And it is perfect just the way it is, even if..." "Even if, what?", Conner asked, his eyebrow rising with the question. M'gann replied, quietly, "Even if you think you're a monster. I don't care what you think you are, and I hope you know that you aren't that at all." Conner listened to M'gann, but kept his voice quiet. He couldn't understand how she could like him, especially after the way he had treated her. Conner turned to M'gann, and stared into her brown eyes. At first, he considered kissing her, but instead, he brushed back a piece of her red hair, and said, "It's not easy for me to say this, but thank you, M'gann, for getting me, uh, back to my senses." The Martian beamed, and replied, "No problem! Now why don't we head back? I'm sure the Team is waiting for us, so we can practice." Conner silently nodded, and the two of them got up, and went back to the motorcycle. As Conner rode his motorcycle back to the Cave, he thought about M'gann more deeply. He was sure now that he was thinking clearly. Maybe if M'gann didn't see him as a monster, did that mean that he had a chance with her? He still wasn't sure, but he was much more sure than when he had first arrived in Metropolis.

A/N: I hope that was enjoyable for you all! Thank you for the support in this book! It means the world! I will just end here, because I think you know what I would say next... <3

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