Chapter 2:

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Readers~ I hope you enjoy this next chapter! It may not be as well written as the first one was, but its still Supermartian, so who really cares? It's a sweet ship, and my OTP! Anyway, some cute things to look forward to, Supey coming out of his dark shell a bit more and conversing after a small rage issue, and some hard emotions of his coming to light!

Emerging from his closet room a few hours later, after he heard the other members of the Team  talking in the living room, Superboy headed into the room, and stopped at the entrance. Even though he wasn't necessarily 'angry' per se, he wore a frown and a glare that would sent the slightest normal human, to freak out and run the other way. Coming into the room, Superboy went to stand beside M'gann, his arms crossed. As much as he tried to forget her, there she was, looking as sweet and as innocent as could be, and it hurt him to see her standing there. When he thought M'gann wasn't looking, he would absentmindedly look at her, but would always frown with disapproval, when she noticed him back. All he wanted to do, was to really feel, but clones like him, he remembered, didn't have much emotion. They were programmed to follow direct orders and not to 'feel' much of anything, but for him, he felt something in his strong heart. He felt a small jump that made him so desperate to say something, even though his tongue wouldn't move, when he wanted to speak. So he just stood silent, hoping that by some chance, he would one day be able to 'feel' as the others did.

Suddenly, Superboy heard Wally say, "So sweet thang, what were you doing earlier? I heard from Robin that you were working on the Bioship. She's a real babe..." Immediately upon hearing the words, Superboy figured out that he wasn't necessarily talking about the Bioship in general being a babe, but was flirting with M'gann, and he was trying to say it nonchalantly. M'gann replied, her answer hesitant, "Uh yeah, Wally. I was working on the Bioship. There wasn't much to fix or work on, though." Superboy clenched his fists, fury burning in his heart. He HATED that Wally was a flirt, and a terrible one at that. He HATED that he had to attempt to keep his cool. And he HATED how much flirting M'gann was given. It drove him crazy with silent rage about the issue, since he knew an outburst wouldn't end well. Despite being known as the Boy of Steel, and having huge temper problems, Superboy had enough common sense to know when to stay silent, and when to unleash his rage. All he needed was a mission, so he could beat up somebody, but not his teammates. As if an answer to the need for a mission, Batman's voice rang through the Cave, in its monotone way, as he said, "Team, mission briefing in the training room, stealth mode, in five minutes." Superboy headed to the room, without another word, leaving the others speechless by his angry filled departure. 

Within five minutes, Superboy saw M'gann again standing beside him in the training room. He almost smiled at her, but decided against it, since they were in the room for a mission, not free chat time.  Besides, he had to keep up the charade that he was a clone with no real emotions; only orders. He couldn't let on that he felt a mild attraction to the Martian beauty. Robin and Wally, now in his Kid Flash attire, were standing beside each other as well, poised and ready to go. Even Kaldur was ready, having pulled off his street clothes for his normal red Atlantian front and water benders. Batman's face appeared on the screen, and Kaldur asked, "What is our mission, Batman?" The Dark Knight replied solemnly, "Your mission, is to retrieve a case of vials, from the Amazonian Jungles. The vials have a deadly new toxin in them, from the Amazonian Blue Skinned Tree Frog, that if put into the hands of the citizens and sold on the black market, will cause serious damage as well as result in paralyzation, or death, if a heavy enough dose is delivered." M'gann put a hand over her mouth, and gasped, "D-death...because of that? How can a frog be deadly?" Robin responded, pulling up a picture of a cute little frog with blue skin, red eyes, and green webbed feet, "The Amazonian Blue Skinned Tree Frog's skin has several toxins, M'gann. No one, not even you and Superboy, can get within 20 feet of him without feeling even the smallest effect, which is dizziness and the need to puke. That's why we need to work together to get the vials. If even you guys can't stand it, it means it is dangerous for everyone." Batman added, "Robin is correct. For this mission, each of you have a place in it. As you know each other's strengths and weaknesses, you will discuss further where to go from here, on your own." Kaldur asked, "If we succeed, what are we to do with the vials, if they are harmful to everyone?" Batman replied, "You are to package them in safety boxes, and lock them. If they are in the boxes, then you do not experience the effects. I am sending the boxes by Zeta-tube now. Kid Flash, go get them." Superboy watched as Wally raced off, and returned a few moments later, his arms clutching three large metal cases. He laid them on the floor, then came to stand back next to Robin. When he returned, Batman said, "I am sending you the coordinates for the Amazonian Jungles. Batman out." The screen cut to black, and Superboy watched as the others headed for the Bioship, all except M'gann, whose body was quivering. 

Curious, the clone walked up to her, and stood in front of her, his arms still crossed over his chest. M'gann noticed Superboy, and asked, "Are you okay? You seem really upset over something..." Superboy injected, growling with anger, "I'm fine." After a moment of silence, he asked, still curious, "What about you?" M'gann answered, stuttering again, "Hmmm... Oh, me? Uh yeah, I'm fine too! Doing well!" Satisfied in the least, Superboy made it up in his mind that he would keep things a secret, at least for now, and by that, he meant blocking M'gann from using her telepathy to talk to him, until he really knew if he felt anything more than 'friendly' towards her. The reason for the block, was he really didn't want M'gann or anyone else for that matter to know he was fond of her. As far as what he had been taught, Superboy wasn't sure if he could really just trust M'gann yet. He had to know for sure how she felt, before he said anything first. Turning around, Superboy headed into the Bioship, and sat down in the far back, leaving M'gann stunned and confused, as to his odd behavior.

Thanks for reading this chapter! As for the mission, I'm just going to start the next chapter, after the mission, because it's only somewhat important. I'll give you the important things in there, but not much else about it in detail... Sorry! Anyway, if you enjoyed, please consider voting!

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