Chapter 13:

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A/N: For my lack of updates, here's a sweeter chapter! Enjoy you guys!

It was just a few weeks after that, that things began to get more serious between Conner and M'gann. As first, Conner had almost been embarrassed to kiss M'gann in public. He was a private kind of type. Now, he found himself in the school yard, kissing the girl of his young mind, that he had only been told about. He really enjoyed their mental talks, when they did them. Instead of him speaking aloud, it allowed him to be real and in touch with M'gann, so he wouldn't feel weird about using the word 'love'. As he walked into the Cave one day, he heard M'gann in the kitchen. He came into the kitchen, and asked, "What are you making?" M'gann turned around, and said, "I'm making Halloween Rice Crispies! They're made with marshmallows, a popping kind of flavorless cereal of some kind, and butter. And get this! I'm putting black and orange sprinkles in them!" Conner said, "That is an odd name for something like that. Why orange and black sprinkles?" M'gann giggled, and replied, excitedly, "Because Halloween is on Tuesday, and those are the colors for it! And this is my first year to experience it in person! When I watched the themed episode for it on Hello Megan, it looked like a lot of fun! You dress up in fun costumes, and go to parties, and eat candy, and have fun." M'gann hand palmed her forehead, and said, "Ah, Hello Megan! I forgot to tell the others something really important! The cheerleaders invited me to our school's Halloween party, and when I asked if I could bring guests, they said sure! Also, they said you can come too!" "Ah, thanks for asking, but I'm not exactly the 'party type', M'gann. You know, loud noises drive my super hearing 'crazy', as I'm told people describe it.", Conner said hesitantly. For some reason, parties made him nervous, he found. Maybe it was because it meant he had to talk with someone other than his girlfriend. "Oh, come on, Conner! It'll be fun! It'll give you a chance to get out of the Cave! You need human and Earth experience, and this is the best way possible! Please? For me?", M'gann asked, her voice eager. Conner replied, "Fine. When is it?" M'gann beamed happily, and said, "It's on the 31st! Oh, I'm so happy we're actually going to an Earth party! Wait, we can invite the others! It would be great if they could all come! We gotta ask them!" Conner said, "Maybe you should calm down, M'gann, before you, uh, fly into a cabinet." The Martian looked around, noticed she was several feet above the ground, and blushed, as she lowered herself down. She answered sheepishly, "Right. Earth girls stay on the ground when they're excited."

The night of the party, was one of the greatest nights Conner had ever experienced, since he was found, and joined the Team. He had helped M'gann and Wally pull a prank on a fellow pranker, had eaten what seemed like a ton of sweet things, and was currently watching his girlfriend talk to the other cheerleaders in her incredibly amazing zombie costume. As he watched, he heard Wally walk up behind him, and say, "Supey, great party right? I mean, look at all the hot babes and the food! Uh, what are you looking at?" Conner said, turning to the speedster in the werewolf costume, "M'gann." Wally said, "Oh, yeah! She is one smoking hot babe! Man, any guy that gets to date her is L-U-C-K-Y! Especially in that zombie outfit. And one day, that lucky guy's gonna be me!" Conner watched as M'gann waved goodbye to her friends and walked over. She said, "Hey Wally, are you enjoying the party?" "Of course I am, sweet cheeks!", the ginger spat out. Suddenly, Conner heard a voice say, "Hey-o, Happy Harbor High! Are you ready to partayyyy?!" He heard the sound of clapping all around, and watched as M'gann cheered. The voice said, "Alright! So this first song is from a popular show, known for dancing! This is Glee's Halloween mashup hit, Thriller/Heads Will Roll!"

Immediately, M'gann grabbed Conner's hand and dragged him to the center of the gym, as the music started to play in the room. "Oh man, I love this song! Come on, Conner! Dance with me!", she exclaimed. He said, "But I can't dance." M'gann said, "Of course you can! Just move your feet to the rhythm! It's easy!" Awkwardly, Conner began to do as M'gann did, and moved his feet from side to side. At first he was a bit wobbly, for a Kryptonian, but after a few minutes, he had the idea down. He did his 'wobble dance' for the whole song, and once, when the chorus had played, M'gann had made him almost laugh, as she pretended to do everything zombie like.

The party ended soon after, and reluctantly, Conner, M'gann, and Wally all headed back to the Cave. When they arrived, Artemis was talking with Zatanna. M'gann asked Artemis, "Did you guys have fun? What happened? What'd you do?" Artemis replied, her voice calm, "We saw and met a ghost." M'gann answered back, "Oh, well I think there's still some of the Rice Crispy Treats I made, if Wally didn't eat them all." "Wait...Baywatch didn't eat all of them, did he?" Artemis ran to the kitchen with M'gann trailing behind. Conner watched her leave, and waited on the couch. M'gann returned with two small pieces of the sweet, sticky food, and took a seat opposite of him. She said, entering his mind gently, "I'm glad you enjoyed the party, Conner." He said, "It was new. And you were there. So it was better." M'gann awed, then scooted closer, and kissed him on his cheek. When her lips departed from his cheek, he gave a small smile, and said, mentally to her, "I love you, M'gann. You're the best thing I've got." M'gann said,"Well, in that case, you're the best I've got too, Conner!" She kissed him again, and handed him a piece of the Rice Crispies she had brought. He took it, and together, they gave the other the piece in their hand. It was perfect, being physically close and mentally connected.

A/N: And that concludes this chapter... I hope you enjoyed reading this sweet little chapter, like I enjoyed writing it. If it isn't obvious, it takes place during the unseen parts in the Halloween episode they made, when Artemis and Zee met Secret, and mainly, during the part of the party we never saw. If you liked, don't hesitate to give this a star! Thank you all!

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