Chapter 12:

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A/N: As requested by a loyal reader in private, here's my promise to update. Here's Chapter 12!

Conner pulled away, and hesitantly said, "M'gann, I.." The young Martian looked up at him, with only kindness in her chocolate brown eyes. She asked, "Yeah, Conner?" The clone sighed mentally, then said, "It's hard for me to say, but I think I like you as more than a friend, or whatever that word is. Wally says it a lot about you..." M'gann asked, "You mean, love?" Conner sheepishly rubbed his neck, and answered, "Yeah, that...I think." He felt so embarrassed by having to have the girl he fondly enjoyed being around, answer his question. M'gann said, "Conner... that's really sweet of you." The tall clone mentally blushed at the comment, and M'gann mentally giggled like a young schoolgirl. They stared into each other's eyes, having what all would call a mental love conversation. 

After a few minutes, Conner and M'gann broke off the conversation, but the feeling still remained. He now felt more comfortable with her, and liked telling her how he felt. He felt happy, for once, that she had shown him how to behave. And that he didn't need to have his father's approval at all. In fact, she showed him as long as he approved of himself, that he didn't have to worry about anyone else's opinion. However, there was still a few things Conner was worried about. He may have had the courage to tell M'gann how he felt, but he still was unsure of how to show it. That, would come at a different time. 

Suddenly, Conner heard the Zeta-tube introduce the Dark Knight himself. M'gann heard the announcement too, and both left to check out why Batman was there. When they arrived, they discovered they were the only ones who had been in the Cave at the time. Batman looked at them, then said, "Just who I was looking for. I have a private mission for you two." M'gann asked, "What is it?" The Dark Knight answered gruffly, "Belle Reve Penitentiary." Conner looked at the redhead beside him, and gave a firm nod. His first mission with just M'gann? Conner knew it was going to be an interesting one.

\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\//\/\/\/BREAK LINE! TIME GAP! BREAK LINE! TIME GAP!\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/     

That night, in a large boat house, by the water, Conner pulled the white, realistic looking wig over his black hair, as M'gann secured the mini clips in place, behind his ears. He rolled his eyes, and asked Batman, "Why do I have to wear this? It's stupid." The Dark Knight responded, "You both are going undercover in Belle Reve, as the Terror Twins. They should be here in a few moments." Conner kept a frown on his face, as M'gann told him telepathically, "Conner, you do know the hair completes the look. And think about it, I think you look pretty great, for Tommy Terror, that is."  "Uh, thanks? By the way, about earlier...", Conner started. M'gann told him, "Hold on, we have a mission to complete." "Right.", the clone answered back. Looking outside, he watched as Red Tornado and Superman escorted the twins into the building. They immediately had inhibitor collars put on, and the twins started to complain. Tommy spoke first, his thick Southern accent sticking out like a sore thumb, "*I-I don't feel right. My strength... But I just gone toe-to-toe with Superman.*" Conner replied, "*Congratulations. That's more quality time, than he's ever given me.*" Conner looked to M'gann, and added, with the Southern accent, "*Got your inspiration, sister Tuppence?*" M'gann smiled back, and answered in a similar accent to the twins' own, as she changed her look to match the female twin, "*I believe I do, brother Tommy.*" Tommy demanded, "*Somebody tell me what's going on*!" Batman replied, with a slight smirk, as he put inhibitor collars on Conner and M'gann, "*It's simple. They're under arrest.*" Tommy just *groaned in response, while Tuppence stayed silent, anger settling into her. Conner looked back at M'gann, and nodded once. The mission was about to begin.

\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\//\/\/\/BREAK LINE! TIME GAP! BREAK LINE! TIME GAP!\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ 

After the mission was a success, the next day, Conner found himself heading back to the Cave with M'gann's hand in his. He recalled the kiss they had shared. It had been so emotionally powerful, for his first one, and yet, he was relieved that M'gann was okay. Looking over at her, he watched her sleep softly beside him, a thin blanket over her shoulders, to help restore her to warmth. He smiled slightly, then gave a gentle squeeze. He really had found his place with her, beside him. M'gann stirred at the squeeze, and opened her eyes. She mumbled, "Conner, are we back at the Cave yet?" He answered, "No, not yet." She said, "Hmmm, you're warm..." She leaned in closer, snuggling beside his strong arms. Conner didn't mind the extra weight on his shoulder, as long as it was just M'gann. As she dozed back off to sleep, Conner wished he could punch something. The feeling of his fists hitting the villains made him thrilled to be a hero. It was violent to think that, but he didn't care. M'gann was safe, and the mission was a success. That was really all that mattered to him.

When they got back to the Cave, the rest of the Team, except Wally, who was at school still, greeted them with smiling faces. Conner and M'gann stepped out, holding hands, and M'gann was beaming brightly. She exclaimed, "Guys! Guess what?!" Robin smirked, as he responded, watching the two, "Supermartian got united?" M'gann asked, "What? No, Conner and I...we're a couple!" Conner heard Robin mumble, "That's what I said, didn't I?" Kaldur replied, "Congratulations, you both. I wish you both well in this new journey." Artemis growled, "They aren't getting married, Kaldur. They're just dating." The Atlantian responded, "Of course, but them being a couple is a new journey for them." Artemis just rolled her eyes. Conner drowned out the argument heating up, and turned to M'gann. He asked, telepathically, "Why couldn't we have kept this a secret?" M'gann answered, "Because Conner, what I've seen on TV shows people telling others that they are dating another. It's tradition to tell someone." The clone said, "I would have much rather this been a private known fact." Still, with the argument in the background, Conner put his hands on M'gann's shoulders, and kissed her again. She kissed back, and his stone cold heart began to warm up to something new, and interesting. He loved M'gann, and that was the truth. He didn't care who saw them, as long as it made his father jealous that he could know how to love, and how to have feelings, something which he supposed, Superman never had dealt with before.

A/N: So this obviously took place BTS before and a bit after Terrors (S1E11). This is one of my favorite episodes, and it just so happens I was watching this one a few days ago, thanks to buying it off Amazon. Anyway, tell me what you think of this, please. Votes or comments are always appreciated! Hope you liked it, and thank you for reading!

*Also, partial script for this episode is by Greg Weisman. Have to give the man credit... And the incredible voices of Supermartian, Nolan North and Danica McKeller! <3

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