Chapter 11:

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A/N: Yes, I have another chapter for you all! Gosh, the readings have skyrocketed, since I last updated! THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! Please enjoy!

The next day, after school, Conner watched as M'gann eagerly went right into the kitchen, and began to dig out things to make yet another batch of something. He absentmindedly leaned against the wall, watching her move. The way she flew about the kitchen, it made him feel as if he could soar above the clouds, even if he physically couldn't. For some odd reason, he still had no idea why he couldn't fly. He was from Superman's DNA, so shouldn't he have the same powers? Obviously, it wasn't true. Conner stared, until he felt a rush of cool wind blow by him, which was enough to snap him out of his staring state.

 He saw Wally, smiling up at him with the huge emerald eyes Conner had somewhat come to find homey and bright, in his dark, chaotic world of hate and anger. Wally said, "Yo Conner! You should totally come into the TV room with Rob and I! We're about to play a game on the Xbox, but you're happy to join us, if you want to!" The clone frowned, but reluctantly followed the hyper ginger into the room that had the giant TV screen on the wall. Robin was already on the ground, putting in a DVD. Wally rushed in, and took a seat on the ground, and patted the area beside him. He called, "Come on, Supey! You can sit between Rob and I." Conner walked over, and sat down on the ground awkwardly, his legs too long to have up. Robin looked over his lap, and smirked at Wally, then said, "You know, Conner, you can sit like this. It's more comfortable this way." Robin changed his seating to that where his legs were crossed in front of him. Roughly, Conner changed the position too, but he also found that way to still be hard. Robin handed him a controller, and told him how to play the game, before switching on the TV.

Half an hour later, Wally was yelling out, "Dude! You just blocked me! What the heck was that for!?" Robin replied, his fingers pounding on the controller, "That was for picking my character, Kid Dork!" Conner held the controller in his hands, and just stared at it. He hadn't the faintest idea of what to do with it, as video games weren't a part of what he had been programmed to know. With his face in a frown, Conner listened as Wally again retorted loudly, "Rob, you just cheated! You literally just cheated!" Robin argued back, "Don't get your red hair in a tussle, West. You're just upset that you didn't think of doing it first!" Conner growled, his anger becoming hotter with each moment the two best friends bickered. He disliked having to listen to them argue, in his super hearing, because when they did, it was so loud. Finally, he had enough. He threw the controller down, stood up, and stomped out. Robin and Wally just looked at each other then at Conner. He heard them say, "What's his deal?", but didn't leave them an answer. 

Once he was out of the room, Conner headed for the Zeta-tube and practice room, and found M'gann in it. He stepped in, and walked over to her, his ears picking up on her soft heartbeat. It was soothing. When he reached her, M'gann asked him, "I thought you were playing a game with Robin and Wally. Did it end?" Conner shook his head, and said, "No. They're arguing over who cheated. And they were being loud." M'gann smiled lightly, then said, "I'm assuming too loud for your ears, since you have super hearing?" Again, he gave her a nod. M'gann turned to face him, and he noticed her cheeks turn a soft crimson. He pointed out, "Your cheeks are red. Are you hot?" M'gann immediately touched her cheeks, then remarked, "Oh gosh, um..." Conner watched as the ginger haired Martian turned invisible. He said, "Something is wrong." M'gann said suddenly, "No, nothing's wrong, Conner. It's just...the way you said that...sounds like a complement." The clone stated, "Oh." He fell silent after that, and quietly left the room. He didn't want to embarrass himself even more, even if it was true what he had said, about her being hot. He had heard Wally use it, and supposed it was a way to tell someone if they were warmer than usual. He hadn't thought it could be used to describe girls.

Conner, seeing a window of opportunity, went into the gym, and found Artemis punching on his bag. He watched her quietly, until the blonde noticed. She asked, "What? Haven't seen a girl beat a punching bag before?" Conner replied, "Not really." Artemis stepped back, wiped off the sweat from her brow, and cracked her knuckles, all before answering, "Superboy..." "It's Conner, now...I think.", he quickly interjected. "Right. Conner, I never say this, so call this your one time of hearing me say it, but I'm sorry for how I treated you earlier. I was just angry about some personal things, and I shouldn't have let them drive me to make that call.", Artemis said, her voice sincere. The clone stayed silent. He had no idea what to say. Artemis...was him. It was odd, and felt weird sitting in his mind. Suddenly, Artemis' personality changed back to her usual self, as she asked, "Well?" "Well what?", he asked quizzically. Artemis pestered, "Aren't you going to say something?" Conner asked, "Am I supposed to?" Artemis frowned, "Just as I thought... I apologize and sound sincere, and you think I shouldn't get anything back in return." Still, he remained quiet. "Fine. Be that way. I don't give a care!", the blonde retorted. Conner left the room after that. It seemed like the only person he could understand and want to be around, was M'gann. 

He headed to the Hangar and, and found the Martian right beside the Bioship, petting it. She said, her voice cheery, "Oh, hi Conner!" He answered back, "Hi.", then walked to the Bioship, and looked at it. M'gann said, "The Bioship is ready in case we have to go on a mission." He nodded, and put his hand on the Bioship. Subconsciously, he stepped closer to M'gann. His heart began to race again, as he looked into her brown eyes. Before he knew what was happening, he felt his hand on her shoulder. He felt himself getting closer, until their lips were merely centimeters apart. That was when his mind flashed back. He stopped, then jerked his whole self away from her, and couldn't speak. Despite now knowing in his heart that she didn't care that he thought he was a monster, he still couldn't find the courage to do something about the feeling. He may be Superboy, a courageous clone, but he also was now Conner, a worried teenage with strong emotions. Both were a part of him, and neither could mix.

A/N: Okay, so my poor baby SB....I loved writing this so much, and even if it isn't all between he and M'gann, it still proves he's always thinking of her. And yes, I left on a cliffhanger.... It was really needed. Please vote or comment, depending on which you prefer more! Again, thank you for reading!

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