Chapter 14:

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A/N: So I was given the suggestion to do a first Valentine's Day chapter for these two adorable alien characters! And here we are... I hope you all enjoy!

Many months later, in Martian and Kryptonian time...

The cool air blew strongly onto Conner, and yet, he remained like a statue. His arms crossed, he stood out on the back of the Hangar, and stared out over the ocean waters. He breathed in the salty air, and wished he could see M'gann. Recently, she had gone with her uncle on a special trip back to Mars, and it was the first time Conner was alone without her. He really hadn't wanted her to go, but there was no choice. Now, he was standing and waiting for her. Hearing the sound of smacking lips, Conner turned, and saw Wally watching him from a corner of Hangar, near the door, eating a bag of chips. The ginger grinned when Conner noticed him, and he stepped closer. Wally came closer, and asked, "Hey Conner, do you know what today is?" The clone responded, thinking for a second, "Uh, Wednesday, February 14th?" Wally gasped, and said, giving Conner a very weak punch in the arm, "Dude, it's Valentine's Day! A day of love! A day dedicated to girls, and chocolate, and everything romantic!" Conner looked at Wally with a confused look in his eyes, as he said, "Valentine's Day? That's an odd name." Wally remarked, "I know, right? Oh my gosh, I completely forgot... I have to get M'gann something for Valentine's Day!" The ginger zoomed off, leaving Conner alone again.

Conner, being confused still, walked back into the Cave. He came into the kitchen, and stood in the entryway. It seemed much colder and much less special, when the giddy Martian wasn't trying to bake, and ending up burning cookies, in it. Coming out of the room, he went into the mission room, and found Robin tapping away on the keyboard. He asked, "Robin? Can I talk to you for a minute?" The Bird turned, and smiled, then said, "Sure Conner... What's up?" The clone walked over to Robin, and watched as Bird began to observe dozens of files. He said, "What do you get a girl for Valentine's Day? Wally said chocolate and hearts, and stuff, but..." "You know M'gann isn't that type of girl...", Robin finished for him. The clone nodded, and began again, saying, "I just want to show her I truly care. And she's super special. It's our first Valentine's Day together, and my first one in general... I want it to be special." Robin said, "First off, awesome for using more than just a few words. You're becoming more human. Secondly, why don't you make her something? I may be thirteen, but I know girls like homemade things more than store bought." "What could I make her?", Conner asked. The Bird said, "Anything that reminds you of her, a heart shaped picture frame, a sculpture, I don't know..." Conner said, "I guess it couldn't hurt to try..." "Epic! Is there anything else you wanted to talk about?", Robin asked. The clone shook his head, and left. He was going to make something so special, M'gann would totally see he cared for her deeply.


\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\//\/\/\/BREAK LINE! CHARACTER CHANGE! BREAK LINE!\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ 

Later that day, M'gann returned to the Cave. She had a wonderful time with her uncle, getting to spend some quality time with him, and catch up, but she missed Conner like crazy. Coming in, she went into the kitchen, and saw Wally waiting with what appeared to be a huge box of chocolates. He blushed, and handed them to her, and the Martian said, with a curious expression, "Uh, thanks Wally?" The ginger speedster bowed, and said, flirtily, "Sweet thang, you're all I ever want to hear that from..." M'gann put the chocolate box on the counter, and left the ginger there, lost in his own thoughts about the redheaded Martian.

M'gann came into the mission room, and found Conner in there. She started to say, "Conner, I'm he-", but was immediately caught off guard when the clone came up, and handed her something wrapped in pink paper and a pink ribbon. He blushed slightly, and rubbed the back of his neck nervously. As she unwrapped the gift, she gasped, "Oh Conner! You didn't have to do this!" She lifted out a heavy, somewhat lumpy sculpture of their hands intertwined. In between them was a small outline of a heart, with a few words inscribed that said, "You love me no matter what. I'll love you forever. ~ Conner." M'gann leapt into Conner's arms, and kissed him happily. He kissed her back, then they broke the kiss, but the moment was still sparkling in their eyes.


\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\//\/\/\/BREAK LINE! CHARACTER CHANGE! BREAK LINE!\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/ 

Later than night, Conner watched as M'gann set the sculpture on the counter in the kitchen, where she would always see it. It made him happy that she liked it. Conner then watched as M'gann came onto the open back Hangar door, where he was, and settled down beside him, her head able to rest on his shoulder. She sighed, "Conner Kent, do you know how much I love you?" He responded, "Enough to cover Mars' surface?" M'gann laughed, and said, "No silly! I love you much more that that! I love you to Mars and back, infinity times." "Infinity, huh?", Conner joked, "That's a lot." M'gann smiled, and said, "It sure is..." Conner looked up at the stars, and leaned in towards the Martian.

Just as he did, a shooting star flashed across the sky! M'gann pointed to it, and exclaimed, "Wow! A shooting star! You know, Conner, I heard that if you see a shooting star, you can make a wish on it, and it may come true!" Conner knew he didn't need the star to get his wish. He already had it, and she was sitting right beside him, her hand clasped in his. The mood was perfect, and his life was better, because of her. Superman hating him didn't seem to bother Conner anymore, now that he knew what love felt like, thanks to M'gann, and her bright cheery spirit. Turning towards her, he gave her a soft kiss under the stars. He closed his blue eyes, and let the power that usually left others scared, out slowly, as he relaxed into the romance. Conner opened his eyes, and brushed back a piece of the Martian's red hair. Yes, this was where he belonged. With her, and no one else.

A/N: So I hope you all really liked this chapter! Sadly, I think I'm going to be doing only one more chapter in this book, as I have several people wanting updates in other books... Anyways, please leave a vote or maybe even a comment, saying if you liked or 'dis'liked the themed chapter. Thank you for the love and the reads! Keep loving Supermartian, and get it back in Season 3!

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