Chapter 8:

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A/N: Readers, just a small heads up for reference, this chapter is stuck between the episodes Bereft and Targets. The ending of this chapter is when Targets begins. And Supey gets his real human name in the next chapter, so stay tuned...even though we already know what it is, and I really love it, cause I have a cousin by the same name. Anyway, thanks so much for reading and giving input! It makes writing these much easier on me, to know what's liked or 'dis'liked!

Superboy, angry as ever, left the Hangar with a deep frown on his face. Barely registering that Wally and Robin were on either side of him, and seemed worried, he shoved them both out of the way, and left them stunned. "Geez, what's his problem?", Wally whispered to Robin. Superboy yelled, "NOTHING IS WRONG! NO PROBLEMS!" Robin looked quizzically at the ginger in front of him, and shrugged, then said, "I don't know, but he seemed irritated." Wally stated, "Dude, he's always irritated. I think I still have a red mark, from when he pummeled me into the metal shaft a few days ago, when we woke him." Both boys watched as the clone left the room, then the door to the Hangar opened, and M'gann stepped out, her eyes puffy and red, with tear streaks on her green cheeks. 

Wally glanced at M'gann, and asked, "Sweet thang, what's wrong? You look upset." M'gann sniffed, and answered, "I think I pushed Superboy too hard. He's mad at me." "But why would he be mad at you, Sugar? You're amazing!", Wally replied, flirtatiously. M'gann said, "I don't know. I never invaded his mind after you all told me it wasn't good to do that here. I just walked in and found him, then he got mad at me." Robin thought for a moment, then said, "You know, SB's been acting sort of odd, since you two got introduced to each other. It might be possible he likes you back." "Really? He doesn't seem to be interested...", M'gann said, hesitantly. Robin answered, "I'm positive, Miss M. Superboy may be a bit angry, but he isn't a monster. He is Kryptonian. Those kind of bloodlines, make him the angry part, and I think he thinks he's a monster because he scared half the world, when they learned he existed." M'gann thought a second, then said, "Huh, is that possible? I guess it could possibly be..." Robin added, "And if you count up all the times he's gotten angry, it's when someone says something about you, that he doesn't like, that he punches walls or acts out of control." "Well, what do I do?", the Martian asked. Robin replied, "Just be honest, and tell him. That's something I'm sure he'd appreciate." M'gann nodded, then said, "But he told me we can't be anything. He told me in the Hangar." Robin asked, "What were his exact words, M'gann?" The green skinned alien replied, "He said he couldn't have me. Then something about how I'm too good for him..." Wally cut in, "Well, he is right, babe. You are way too good for a guy who's temperamental." 

Superboy listened to the three teens' discussion from back in the hall. He knew he had been way too impulsive with his decision, and he had probably hurt M'gann, which he never intended to do. He was just too shy to admit he was feeling emotions of warmness, especially after being force grown for sixteen long weeks, and the only thing he was loud with, was punching things and acting like a crazy, angry clone with no heart. Now, all of the things he saw, things he felt, things he knew, were real. He really did want M'gann to be his special person, one he could trust to share his secrets with, like how he always felt out of place. All he wanted, was a second chance to be able to tell M'gann, but would she listen? He had scared her, and he was worried. Worried that she might just agree, that he indeed was a monster by nature. 

Later that night, Superboy watched the news coverage on the TV screen in front of him. He noticed Red Arrow, the one teen who he had been told, had once been on the Team, but decided to do his own thing, dressed in a fancy suit, and holding a briefcase. Although only Aqualad had left for the private mission that Red Arrow had requested he be involved in, Superboy had wanted to be out in the field, instead of being cooped up in the Cave, with a Martian girl he was fond of, but couldn't say anything, without sounding like a idiot. If anything, punching things and people that were evil, seemed to be a much better fit for his angry persona at the moment. The next day, he was supposed to attend his first day of school, and that also left him confused and a little sick to his stomach, for some reason. He had heard Robin and Wally talking about their real names, although Robin never shared his, that were supposed to be used at school. Would he be forced to pick up a human name too? For being only sixteen weeks, he was pretty sure telling people his name was 'Superboy', would raise eyebrows and questions, and frankly, he didn't want to deal with that. Perhaps one of the visiting League members would help him pick out a name that didn't sound stupid or weird. And what about the things he was going to have to learn? He already have been created and fed all the information, enough for a sixteen year old boy, to know, so he would already be smarter than the others in the group of people. What was the need then, to attend a place where he would already know the answers to practically everything? He wasn't sure. All he knew, was that M'gann was supposed to go with him, and that was what made him sick to his stomach, because he knew things were tense. Would the tension increase with this 'school' thing? He hoped not...

Standing up, Superboy switched off the TV, and went to back to his small closet. Opening the door, he slipped inside, and closed it behind him, then breathed. He took off his 'S' symbolled shirt, and placed it beside him, then closed his eyes. When he did, he thought he could still sense and feel the knowledge from the G-nomes coming to his mind. Opening his eyes instantly, Superboy thought he was trapped again, and with a thrust of energy in his strong muscular arms, he ripped the wooden door right from its hinges, and threw it like a piece of plastic across the room. Feeling the cool air rush against him with his newfound, doorless room, Superboy breathed again, and closed his eyes a second time, this time keeping them closed as he tried to sleep, even though falling asleep was unnecessary, since he was a clone. 

A/N: Again, I want to thank you all so much for reading this, and allowing me to give you some work on my second favorite OTP, since my first favorite, is Spitfire! I can't wait for S3 so much, and I hope Supermartian and Spitfire returns! (There might be proof that Spitfire is returning, but I'm not sure if the evidence is real or an edit. Either way, both have to come back!)

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