5. Paanch

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"What in the hell took you so long?" That was how I was greeted up on entering the club. No hi or hello or even 'you look so nice in the borrowed clothes!'

Okay, that might not have been something to be expected. It would be moreover full of mortification...

I turned around to face the owner of the voice. The short fellow around my height, with typical black Indian hair and his blinking brown eyes, stared at me.

"Is it just me or does she really look different?" Mayank finally spoke after staring at me for a whole minute like a mute.

"Thank you," I grinned toothily at him because getting that out of him was just as good as hearing that I was looking gorgeous. He was never generous with his compliments, except for Prerna, he would never compliment any other girl. Even if it was his best friend.

Shaking his head, he started barking orders around, "Pratyusha, check with the DJ yaar, why isn't that guy here yet? Madhav, tell them about the plan."

Then he turned towards me, "Rynah please check with the food and the cake. Those are the most important aspects of this party that I am entrusting you with. Make sure that they have nailed it."

He patted my upper arm twice before going back with other preparations.

And I understood his desperation. He wanted everything to be perfect for Prerna, and it was really cute and romantic of him to plan the party and worry that it wouldn't be up to the mark.

I did what he had asked me to. The buffet was set on the rooftop space of the club. And the cuisine just tasted heavenly. I fell in love with the lasagne and chili chicken. I even requested to taste it twice. The time just flew so fast and soon it was the time to surprise Prerna.

Mayank had left to 'lure' Prerna to the location, as he was putting it, about half an hour ago while we waited for them patiently. The last minute preparations never seemed to come to an end.

Prerna could be really handful sometimes. Especially when she was at her time of the month. Ah ha baby, period were Mayank's nightmare. And... That happened to be today...

"Where are you dragging me off like a criminal, Mayank? Careful! Do you want to make me limp for the rest of my life? And I told you already that I cannot at all dance in this condition, what if I make a tattoo behind me on my dress? If that happens, I will make you wash it till I have my white dress back!" We could hear Prerna nagging from the other side of the door while we controlled ourselves from laughing uncontrollably. Seriously, this time it was way worse than the other times. Poor Mayank...

"Gosh, baby! Do you have to talk about all that now? And why did you wear a white dress when you were... You know what I mean, right?" Mayank had freaked out, we could evidently hear it in his voice.

"Periods, Mayank! It's called periods, menstruation! It's not 'you know what I mean' and I will wear what I want! Whether it be a white dress or a granny's dress or a bikini! We are in a free country and I will make you wash the stain if it happens to occur," Prerna's tone was very heated and I swear I could picture Mayank sweating profusely standing before her, under her perfectly manicured nail of her index finger. It was always the same and I don't think that it was ever going to change.

Then the whispering started that we weren't able to hear, but I was damn sure that it was Mayank who was pleading his case to her. And soon after that Prerna cut some slack on him, "Okay baby, this is just one time. Only for you."

With that said, they finally opened the doors as everyone shouted, "Surprise! Happy birthday!"

Prerna was genuinely surprised as she started to laugh which changed to her joyful tears soon after and hugged Mayank, very tightly might I add.

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