9. Nau

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"Hello! I'm Rynah Kundra!" I smiled but the smile looked very lousy.

"Umm..." I licked my lips and straightened my shirt before trying again, "Hey! I'm Rynah!" But this time the smile was too wide and gave me an amateurish look, my raised hand was left hanging in the air.

"Okay, that will be awkward Rynah," I wiped my sweaty hands over my pencil skirt and smiled just a little, "Hi! My name is Rynah-" I trailed off when I noticed the lady three sinks down from me was washing her hands, the only problem was that she wasn't exactly washing her hands. She let the water flow as she stared at me having my rehearsal in front of the washroom mirror. I felt my cheeks flush. She stared down at me for a minute and then back up.

I smiled at her politely only to have her close the tap before rushing out of the washroom. I wouldn't be surprised if she took me to be a deranged female in the washroom. That was when I looked down and noticed my idiocy! I had worn my skirt inside out, and now it looked like I had worn a skirt for the first time in my life...

I was such a klutz!

I looked around the washroom, happy to see no one else was present to witness that stupidity of mine. I rushed towards the first cubicle only to find it engaged. Sighing in frustration, I checked the other two to find them occupied too. A glance at my watch and it was almost time to meet my new boss!

I have to hurry... I cannot be late on the very first day of my job! And I CANNOT go around looking like this!

Either I was really brave or really stupid because I had removed my skirt right outside the cubicles and was standing only in my shirt and undies while I rushed to turn it inside out with trembling hands. If someone walked in on me at this moment, I would die out of embarrassment.

"Almost done! Almost done!" I kept chanting as my hands shivered and ruined the majority of the effort. But somehow I turned the inside back inside and was ready to wear it when the door of a cubicle opened and a girl walked out to give me a shocked look. I stood back straight, already dying out of embarrassment. She looked at the skirt in my hand and then at me. I instantly became tomato red. Immediately, rushing into the cubicle she had come out from, I put on my skirt. Coming out of the cubicle, I found the same girl still washing her hands.

"It's cold here isn't it?" My lame save made me want to facepalm. It was the middle of the summer, burning with forty degree Celsius! And we were in Hyderabad, it was always damn hot here! She just kept staring at me like I was crazy. I wasn't called Crazy or Craziness for no reason...

"I better get out!" I quickly grabbed my bag up and rushed towards the door as she continued to stare at me.

Oh shit! I forgot my appointment letter by the sink!

I turned back around and picked the letter before rushing back out, while the girl was still trying to understand what was happening.

Someone, kill me now!

I walked out of the washroom, just to go behind a gigantic pillar to bang my head on it, "Why me god? Why me?"

I hit it once again hoping that doing it twice would reverse what I had done. Or was it thrice?

"Am I seeing it right? Is that you Ms. Kundra?" A voice stopped me from further banging my head against the pillar, instead, I cringed unintentionally. I turned around to see a familiar person. The suit looked a size or two big for him, just to fit in his protruding belly. A black beret hat covered the vertex baldness. His smile was stretched on his lips making it look like if it stretched a millimeter more, his lips would tear.

"Oh! It truly is you! What a pleasant surprise!" He laughed his peculiar laugh making me cringe internally.

"Mr. Surya Kanth Nath. How are you?" I asked politely, my mother had taught me to behave politely, no matter how much I was disgusted with that person.

It started with an impulseWhere stories live. Discover now