Revealing the Main Theme, Raivardhan summer mansion and a sneak peek

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Hey lovelies!

Now that you read the chapter, let me tell you that the next chapter is a crucial chapter of Viaan's and Rynah's lives!

And let me tell you that I forgot to tell you before, we have crossed more than half of the story by now.

A sneak peek of the next chapter is below there somewhere 😜😜😜

But I need you guys to listen to these three songs as they are the main theme of the entire story. The story can be summarised from start to end in two songs while in the other two are the feelings of Viaan and Rynah. Every book of mine shall have something like this!

So enjoy:

Theme song 1:

In case you are not able to detect the translation in the above video go for this one but I still prefer the first video as the meaning is more clear.

Theme song 2:


Visit that link to get English translation in the description link with the same song


As I've said before, every song that is in the story reveal the deep secrets hidden in the hearts of the characters and they are not your regular songs, Many of them are special editions only those that suit the story. I try to search for the English translations so that everyone can understand. So, don't skip them!

Now coming to the so awaited sneak peek of the next chapter 😉

"oh, Divya! They are calling for you there," I tapped on her shoulder and gave her a sickly sweet smile while on the inside I wanted to roast her slowly and painfully on the candle flames.

"My name is Taniya not Divya," she replied bewildered.

"Yeah yeah, Taniya. That waiter over there was looking for you saying something about someone looking for you," I pointed at the waiter at the end of the ballroom who was looking from left to right and then left again.

Skeptically, she got up looking at me before making her way towards the other end of the room.

Okay bitches, one down. Three more to go.

I sat down in her place and turned towards my husband who was interacting with the other bitches surrounding him but I didn't doubt that he hadn't seen the little trick that I had pulled to chase away one of the clawed eagles who were hoping to steal my husband from me. After all, I was Mrs. Viaan Raivardhan now.

It pissed me off even more that Viaan did nothing to chase away these vultures. I gave them a fake sweet smile while glaring at them hoping that they felt awkward and just went away.

Go away bitches! Hands off the accessories. There are a lot more fish in the water. But this one is mine!

I was just about to do something else to attract their attention when all of a sudden the music went off and instead Aaryan's voice echoed through the speakers as he stood on the stage and said, "this is for all the couples that are meant for each other."

He looked at me and winked before adding, "ladies go ahead and grab your men and men, make the night special for your ladies."

I was flushing red with the inner meaning that Aaryan had just spoken out in disguise and felt shy. How was I going to ask for Viaan to dance with me?

The initial music started as I turned to face my husband again but what shocked me more was that Nishika was standing before him with a hand raised up in the air, asking for the dance that was meant to be mine!

Haha, I hope I have raised your excitement level after the sneak peek. You definitely have to read the next chapter 😉

Another possible thing is the change of cover soon😉

Stay tuned for Raivardhans Summer mansion!

Love you all!

- Victoria ❤❤❤

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