7. Saat

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I stared at the twins, giving them both an equal amount of my of observation. But nothing about them said that they were twins. The corundum must have been depicting on my features so clearly that Daksh replied to my unasked question, "Fraternal twins."


"We are fraternal twins," he repeated at my mindless sounds that came out automatically. Daksh's voice was oddly velvety yet a bit husky towards the end. Like the dark silky molten chocolate with a pinch of salt to it. I had heard about twins of the same gender who don't look alike but had never seen them, until now. So it kind of slipped my mind about their existence. Hey, what can I say? Would telling that I was a technical person save me from looking like a complete idiot?To my defence, whenever the word twins came to my mind, I always visualized two cute same looking girls, not two different handsome guys.

I just nodded awkwardly when I realized that I had been staring at no one in particular, just deep in thought, might I add with a frown etched on my forehead? No doubt that I was as pink as a baby panda.

"Let's get you to the doctor," Aaryan's voice brought me back to the present as he gently led me towards the sofa where Daksh was seated, while I hobbled my way. I was a little scared and nervous at the moment. Never had I ever been in the company of such a handsome man, let alone three.

"What happened?" Daksh came to kneel before me as Aaryan explained, "Broke her heel, twisted her ankle and dragged a pyramid of glasses down with her, can you imagine that?"

Amusement was dripping from his tone, I swear I would have punched him in the guts if he wasn't helping me out here.

"Gosh, I could be wrong and you could be worse than Luv and Kush put together," I rolled my eyes as I leaned back when I corrected myself, "No, I take that back."

"You do?" Aaryan raised his eyebrows in surprise to hear me take back the words I had been repeating like a broken tape recorder the whole night.

"Yeah," I nodded my head before adding, "You ARE worse than Luv and Kush put together."

It took a second or two for him to process what I had said before understanding dawned over his features. That was it, the laughing Buddha burst into laughter. Aaryan had been laughing almost the entire night at my expense, "Oh, that attitude you have!"

I just narrowed my eyes at him, grumbling, "Yeah. Whatever. Laughing Buddha." That was when I realized that we had company. Daksh's eyebrows shot up to his hair, a small tilt in the side of his lips while Neel looked quite amused as a smirk threatened to break out. As if on cue, my cheeks flushed red and my eyes widened a bit.

"Don't mind me, it's just that he annoys me faster than anyone else," I tried sounding casual.

One by one they started chuckling, enjoying the free show.

"Where did you find this one?" I heard Neel's voice for the first time. It was deep just like the other two but had a gentle tone to it. It went well with his personality.

"You wouldn't believe me," he replied with a tease.

"That's something that I can't disagree with, go on and tell anyway," Neel leaned over his elbows stacked over his knees.

"I followed her to the end of the world," Aaryan winked flopping on the sofa beside me. Neel threw a cushion that was beside him at Aaryan.

"You're barfing that shit as always," Neel rolled his eyes, leaning back again. I couldn't believe that they were acting like regular siblings. Hearing their reputation and seeing their initial behavior, I had thought differently. At least, it was comforting to see them act like normal humans.Daksh ignored them as he examined my ankle.

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