11. Gyarah

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I waved at Kavya who was talking to Shreya at the reception. She waved back. Shreya was just looking at me, so I waved at her too. I didn't need to portray myself as a girl filled with arrogance. That caused Shreya to widen her eyes a bit in surprise but she did wave back.

I had only reached the office and needed to punch my slot. I was already feeling tired for the day.

"Hey!" I smiled lazily at the ladies who greeted me back.

"So, what's up with you and Mr. Raivardhan?" Shreya wriggled her eyebrows causing butterflies to flutter in my stomach. Only one Raivardhan came to my mind and that Raivardhan wouldn't even care to bat an eyelid at me. Even though I couldn't stop thinking about him most of the time.

"What can happen between a boss and an employee?" I shrugged my shoulders nonchalantly.

"I wasn't talking aboutMr. Viaan, I was referring to Mr. Aaryan. That Raivardhan," she titled her head slightly emphasizing on 'that'.

"Wait, that was you? The Raivardhan connection girl?" Kavya posed in shock.

I just rolled my eyes at that nickname. That incident always reminded me of Jaspreet. Not that she didn't try to approach me after that day, she tried several times, bribing me that is. And all that was done to get me to introduce her to the Raivardhans. The heights of desperation.

But then, since I was shifted to the Designing department, our lunch breaks were at different times and hence she couldn't pester me anymore.

"Shush! Let her answer the main question first!" Shreya hushed Kavya.

"No yaar, Aaryan is like my brother. We just bond that way and share a playful friendship. He was just messing with me the other day," I dismissed the topic with little explanation.

"So... you don't see him that way?" Kavya asked baffled.

"No, I don't."

"You are the first girl to say that she isn't interested in Raivardhans that way," Shreya was amused I could tell. I wanted to correct her that I wasn't the first girl... I wasn't immune as they thought me to be. I too had an interest in a certain Raivardhan. A crush, in fact. But I couldn't. I didn't want to tell that I had a big crush over the boss Raivardhan even when I was destined to be marrying another man. I didn't want to end up looking like a slut.

We stood there for sometime gossiping around. At least, I thanked God that I remembered to punch in my arrival, I didn't want to lose any more salary than I already had. It was just yesterday that I had forgotten to punch my entry in the arrival spot and was taken as a latecomer... Though I had been there for half an hour!

I and Kavya finally took our leave and headed towards the elevator. We didn't want to piss Anand anymore than he always was.

After hitting the floor number, we waited for the elevator doors to close when suddenly a hand shot in the middle of the closing doors and stopped the elevator. The doors reopened to reveal a beautiful lady wearing a short maroon wrap dress that fit perfectly around her hourglass figure. She didn't look like an office worker from any angle.

"Is it her birthday or something?" Kavya asked me in a whisper. I just shrugged in reply. How was I supposed to know?

"Excuse me, can you please tell me, on which floor is Viaan in?" She looked at the guy standing by the number panel but then he was busy staring at her long legs. I rolled my eyes. Men will be men.

"Hello?" she stuck her hip out before the man, placing her hand over it, "I know that I'm beautiful just don't be so obvious about it, Viaan doesn't like it."

It started with an impulseWhere stories live. Discover now