Chapter Two: A disappointed toddler on Christmas

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"Chapter Two: Dora The Explorer"

I DON'T KNOW WHAT'S MORE AWKWARD: answering Dora or sitting there in silence, while she stares at you. My little brother, Mason, and I were staring at the TV with a big bowl of popcorn on my lap. The six-year-old loved watching Dora with me.

He answered all of her questions and clapped when he got it right. Some would say it was childish, but from my point of view, it was really cute seeing my brother get so excited about a cartoon character.

I checked my phone for the thousandth time this evening. Justin hooked me up with the job interview and it went okay. Justin's dad, the owner of 'Snack it back', interviewed me this morning and said he would send me a text if I got the job in the evening. It was evening. And I was stressing way too much about this.

"Can you stop that?" My brother pointed at my fingers tapping on the bowl of popcorn unconsciously. I dropped my fingers and looked at the ceiling. Out of boredom, I started texting Kristen.


Hey gurl

Your hero <3 (she put that name in my phone herself):

Hi! Did you get the text?


No! I think I'm going craycray...

Your hero <3:

Don't worry, you'll get the job. ;)


I hope so...

Your hero <3:

You're overthinking things. I demand you to stop overthinking.


You can't just demand someone to stop overthinking.

Your hero <3:

You just have to believe in it, then it'll work. ;)


You sound like a Disney character...

Your hero <3:

Honey, haven't you noticed, I am one! J


Sure you are. ;)

Beep. Beep. I glanced at the screen of my Nokia. It showed '1 new text message from unknown'. I internally screamed. Adrenaline pumped through my body as I opened it. 'Dear Madison, we decided you would be a great profit to our team. Congratulations on your new job at 'Snack it back'! We'll see you on Saturday 9 a.m., further information about your schedule will be explained then. Greetings, the 'Snack it back' crew.' I blinked. Twice. Oh my god! I jumped up and down on the couch, making Mason fly a few centimeters in the air. "I got the job!"

"Congratulations, sweetie!" My mom was cooking dinner in the kitchen and smiled at me. I returned her smile.

"I knew they wouldn't decline my daughter." My dad ruffled my hair. I scowled at him for ruffling my hair, even though he knew I felt like a little kid when he did it. He just chuckled at my reaction.

"Can everybody shut their mouths, I am trying to understand what Dora is saying!" Mason pouted and crossed his arms. This got us all laughing so hard, my jaws were hurting afterward.


My dad dropped me off at the corner of 'Snack it back' and waved me goodbye as I opened the passenger door. "Have fun!" He yelled when I stepped out of the vehicle.

"I'll try," I responded and waved back. My dad drove away and I headed towards the snack bar. My hands were shaking from the adrenaline, but I shook my head and ignored it. I can do this.

"You can do what?" I heard a familiar voice ask behind me. I turned around and almost bumped into a chest. I looked up at his face.

"Dave? What in hell are you doing here?"

"I was just walking my goldfish. Sounds fun, huh?" He drawled sarcastically. I shot him a blank look. Not appreciating the sarcasm at all. He sighed. "I was planning on getting some food." He cocked his head. "And what are you doing here?"

"I work here."

"You're kidding?" He chuckled. I flipped my hair in his face as I turned around.

He groaned and followed me into the snack bar. I searched around for Justin's dad and found him helping a customer. He waved at me when he saw me walk towards him. I waited patiently for him to finish the conversation with his client before asking him about my schedule.

Justin's dad (he told me his name was Dirk) handed me a piece of paper that he grabbed from behind the cash register. Dirk told me to start cleaning the dishes after we finished our conversation. I nodded and headed to the kitchen.

Dave came up to me and held up his dish. "This one's still dirty." Dave pointed at a tiny spot of dirt on his dish next to his hamburger.

"Lick it off," I replied dryly and continued washing a dish. He rolled his eyes and dumped his plate- with hamburger and all- in the sink. The soap water splashed all over my shirt. I shrieked, "Dave, leave me alone. " I shivered as the cold water soaked my shirt and stared at him in anger. I slapped him on his arm with the dishwashing brush. He laughed and walked around the desk, ignoring my comment.

"Here, let me show you how it's done." He grasped the dishwashing brush out of my hand and started cleaning the dishes twice as fast as me. I looked at him surprised. He shrugged. "I've worked in restaurants before, you know." I pressed my lips into a thin line. 

"So you'll do all my work for me? Great," I leaned back and watched him do my work.

"That's not exactly how it works, Madison," he said while consistently eyeing Dirk, who was talking to a the cook.

"Tell me how it-" I was interrupted by an irritated shout from across the restaurant.

"Madison Cole! No costumers behind the register! This is your first warning. You might want to start listening to what I told you," Dirk pointed at Dave, who was smiling in delight. This was his plan all along. And it was funny to him?

"Get out, asshole. You knew he was going to get mad at me!" I fumed. He tricked me. I shouldn't be surprised though, he'd deceived me before.

He just smiled and walked out of the restaurant without a word.


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