Chapter Thirteen: Cute turned ugly

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"Chapter Thirteen: Cute turned ugly"

I finally got home and threw my bike against the garage door and quickly went inside to take off my wet jeans that were uncomfortably sticking to my legs. I walked into the kitchen in my underwear to grab a cup of tea before I took a shower.

"Hey sweetie, I let your friend inside," my mom yelled from the living room.

I frowned. "What frien-" I stopped talking when I saw a smirking Dave turn around the corner.

His eyes slowly trailed over my legs before they met my eyes. Unlike mine, his were sparkling with joy. "Eager are we? You could've waited until we got to the bedroo-" he started. I fumed and stalked over to him to slam my hand over his mouth. 

"What are you doing here?!" I hissed. 

His curly hair laid on his head messily. A result of wearing a helmet, like the one he was holding under his arm.

I felt his lips morph into a smile and he chuckled into my hand. He reached up with his hand to remove mine from his mouth. He was still smiling as he enclosed my hand in his. "Don't get too excited."

I looked at my mom who was watching our interaction closely. She was smirking and when our gazes met, send me a wink. I rolled my eyes. She was a fangirling teenager trapped in a mom- body, I was sure of it.

"You need to LEAVE. I have to pack for tomorrow!" I grabbed his arms and started pushing him towards the door. He didn't look that affected by my poor efforts of getting rid of him and it wasn't like pushing him was actually working. He still stood there, unfazed, looking down at me with his usual amused smile curving his lips.

"When you're done with whatever you're trying to do-" He gestured at my poor attempts of pushing him out of my house. "-we can start packing your stuff."

I looked up at him in shock and my arms fell to my sides. "We? You want to help me pack?"

"I need you to babysit Aria again for tonight. So yeah- if that's what I have to do so you can come sooner, I'm down." He explained as his finger tapped the kitchen top nervously.

"Gee, thanks for asking in advance," I muttered as I tried to squeeze into my soaking jeans again. "Why can't you babysit her?"

"My mom doesn't trust me alone with her. I think it has something to do with the last time she let me babysit... Anyway, I told her I knew a babysitter that lived close by." He winked at me.

I crossed my arms and narrowed my eyes suspiciously. "What happened last time?"

His eyes trailed to the wall and he combed through his hair nervously. "I may have fedherrottenfood," he muttered.

"You what?" I asked.

"I fed her rotten food," he mumbled.

"You fed Aria ROTTEN food?" I exclaimed in disbelieve.

"How was I supposed to know that canned food could rot?!" He threw his hands in the air.

"Of course it can! What happened?"

"She got sick. Like, really sick. She threw up for days."

"Wow, that's bad.."

"Yeah, my mom got really mad when she found out."

"SHE GOT SICK?" My mom's voice screeched through the kitchen. "I was contemplating on names for my grandchildren- like Bella, Tristan or something unisex like Sam, but now I'm doubting the baby-daddy." My mom walked into the kitchen and crossed her arms, smirking a little.

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