Chapter Fourteen: Not everything is about you, Ronaldo

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Lol this vine doesn't have anything to do with this chapter, but I just laugh every time I hear it... Maybe I'm posting a vine at the top of every chapter from now on. Idk.

Also, I definitely have a math test tomorrow and I should be learning that right now instead of writing this chapter. Hey, what's up, it's the queen of procastinating.


"Chapter Fourteen: Not everything is about you, Ronaldo"

"Push! Push!"

"Get it in, girl!"


I stopped cramping my Nike sports back into the baggage compartments of the bus to shoot Paul and Justin a dirty look. "Walk to the end of the street, take two left turns, go inside the church at the corner of the street, get some holy water from Jesus and drown in it."

"Sweetie, I got some right here," Justin said, holding up a water bottle that contained a clear liquid.

"Justin Wellington, tell me that isn't vodka!" I yelled and tried to grab the bottle out of his hands to throw it in the trash.

"Calm down, lady, it's just water," Paul rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"Of course," Justin added and winked at him. Christian shouted at us to join the rest of the team. I wanted to shout angrily at them, but they jogged away quickly, leaving me behind open-mouthed.

"You can stop gawking now, Hun-Bun!" Justin laughed and the whole team followed.

That's it- Justin was a dead man.

I ran over to him and tugged hard on his ear.

"GOD! WOMAN! THAT FUCKING HURTS!" Justin whined as he crouched down to get his ear out of my grip. I smiled in satisfaction and let go of his ear.

"No swearing on school property!" A passing teacher yelled at us. I recognized her as the new science teacher, Mrs. Bagley. From what I've heard, she was something else. Some students claimed to have spotted her smoking weed in a club, but at school, she was the most uptight, pole-in-the-ass teacher there was. Weird, I know.

"Isn't that Mrs. Bagel?" Paul snorted. "The herbivore?"

"That's her," Justin answered smugly.

"I hit a bong with her once," someone behind me said. I turned around immediately and Rustin shrugged.

"You WHAT?" My mouth dropped open in disbelief.

"It wasn't a big deal or anything. It was before she even taught here. We kind of met and I pulled out my bong and she joined in," he added and looked at the group of boys behind me, all mirroring my expression.

"You're kidding! You have to tell us everything," Justin walked over to him and slung an arm around him. Rustin looked a little surprised, but I saw his mouth form a small smile. Justin dragged him away to join the team, interrogating him probably.

"You got a teacher high? Now that's a headline right there," Justin exclaimed excitedly before they walked out of hearing distance.

"What's Justin doing to poor Rustin?" A voice behind me asked. I turned around to Dave staring at me confusedly. His dark curls lay messily on his head after he ran his hand through them one time. I noticed that he was wearing black Nike sweatpants and a plain white T-shirt that hung loosely over his shoulders. I looked down at my outfit, that was kind of similar to his, only I was wearing Adidas sweatpants.

"I'm afraid he's kidnapping your friend," I sighed dramatically.

"But Rustin still owes me twenty-five bucks," Dave whined.

I punched him lightly in the arm. "You're so sympathetic."

"I know," he said, turning his head so his gaze could meet mine. His bright green eyes sparkled amusedly. I sighed and walked towards the other boys. Dave followed me.

"Hop on the bus everyone!" Mrs. Bagley shouted and all the students started to queue up.

Rustin and Justin seemed to get along great and sat together on the bus. I looked around for Kristen in vain. Dave stood in front of me and was blocking my view of most of the bus.

"I think Justin just stole my bus partner," Dave turned his head to look at me and frowned. "Can I sit with you?" His eyes twinkled in anticipation.

I looked around again for Kristen, bending over all the way to the left to look past Dave. When I saw her, she was laughing with Liam somewhere in the back of the bus. She totally ditched me.

She caught my gaze and pointed at the two seats in front of her that were still empty, motioning that she saved them for me to sit. I smiled at her in gratitude, but couldn't help still feeling a little dumped. I mean, as best friends, it was an unwritten rule that we always (and I mean ALWAYS) stuck together. Being bus buddies was not an exception.

"Sure," I said, returning his smile. He grinned and clasped my hand in his, spreading a warm and comforting feeling through my body. We walked to the seats Kristen saved for us and sat down. "Thanks, Kris," I mumbled and smiled at her in gratitude. Dave sat down in front of the window and I sat down in the aisle seat.

"No problemo," she winked at me.

"Ma chica, Spanish are we?" Liam chuckled. "Are you taking Spanish classes to impress me?"

"Shut up, not everything is about you, Ronaldo," Kristen huffed.

"Ah, pero belleza, sabes que caigo en las chicas españolas, porque soy de origen español. Tú eres mi única excepción," Liam rambled and grabbed Kristen's hand.

Dave's eyebrows raised in surprise as Liam finished his sentence. Liam stared back at him confusedly and Dave smirked. Liam ignored him and Dave chuckled and shook his head in amusement.

"You understood that?" I asked, "How?"

"Took some Spanish classes when I lived in Canada," he said and started rubbing his thumb lightly over the back of my hand. Even though I wasn't sure why he hadn't let go of my hand already, I wasn't going to be the one to let go. I kind of liked the feeling of my hand in his.

"You did?" I blinked at him dumbly, "Why?"

"I don't know, a lot of Latino people lived in my town. Most of my friends were Latinos."

"Can you talk Spanish?"

"A little," he smiled.

"Teach me a sentence!" I chirped and turned to face him.

"Uhm," he started, "Eres el chico más sexy que he conocido en toda mi vida."

"Eres el chico más sexy que..." I repeated. "Ugh, I don't know, bla bla bla."

He laughed. "Nope, that was perfect, thanks!"

I narrowed my eyes at him and I was about to ask what that meant when Liam cut me off.

"HEY! What about me?"

"Oh shut up, Ronaldo," Kristen and Dave said in unison. They stared at eachother for a second before they burst out laughing. Liam's eyes mocked sadness and he even pouted a little.

Kristen bumped him in the shoulder and he started laughing too. His expression suddenly turned dark and his smile grew even wider. He grabbed her sides unexpectedly and tickled her until she was crying for air.

I smiled at the two. "Goofballs." I mumbled as I rolled my eyes. I sat back in my seat and turned my head to look at Dave only to catch him already looking at me. He quickly averted his gaze but it didn't mask the strange look in his eyes when he looked up at me again. His green eyes searched my face as if he just saw me for the first time. 


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