I Wanna Know You - 9.2

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Jace's POV

We walked into the mall, and I could feel Annabelle grip my hand tightly. I could tell she was nervous, so I consciously pulled her slightly closer to me. I wasn't going to let anything happen to her, that would be seriously counter-productive. The biggest reason for this trip was to get Annabelle to trust me.

I figured taking her to the mall, maybe buying her a few things, treating her with respect, things I'm sure she hasn't experienced in years, maybe never experienced, would be a good way to start.

I looked over at her face and she was in awe. I will admit, if you've never seen it before, this shopping mall was quite the sight to behold. With almost 1000 stores, you can imagine how big it is, and the foyer, was just as grand as ever. I could see many vampires bowing their heads in respect as we passed by, which just annoyed me more than ever.

Trying to control my temper, I gripped Annabelle's hand tighter then I had meant to and dragged her into the first store I saw. Flynn followed closely behind us.

The store, it turned out to be a small casual clothing shop, one of which I knew the owner, who waved at me from behind the counter as soon as we walked into the shop. She was an older woman named Rachel, who was friends with my mother before my mother had married my father. She was one of the few friends from her old life that my mother had managed to retain throughout the years.

She was actually quite a nice woman, and her shop was quite successful, selling a lot more online than any other small store I had ever come across. Although to be fair, I am really not that old, so I could just be saying this blindly from lived experience. Which reminded me, the other bias I may be blindly following... This may actually be a good first place to shop. At least I know in this shop, Annabelle will be safe.

I released my hand from Annabelle's grasp and placed my hand on the small of her back, leading her towards Rachel.

"Hello Jace," Rachel said, smiling at me, "Flynn," nodding at him. "What can I do for you lovely gentlemen today."

Noting Annabelle's cowering stance, I chose my words carefully, trying my best not to upset her. I want this trip to be productive. "Hello Rachel, we are actually here because Flynn has just recently... introduced me to Annabelle, and we were hoping here would be a good place to get her some clothing."

Rachel grimaced at Annabelle in obvious distaste, but smiled as she looked back up at me, trying to her best to hide her prejudice. "Of course, what did you have in mind?" She looked pointedly at me, ignoring Annabelle completely.

"Let's just walk about the store and see if anything catches our eye," I looked down at Annabelle, who was timidly looking up at me, "does that sound okay Kitten?"

She nodded quickly, obviously wanting to get away from Rachel's unpleasant stare.

We decided to walk to the back of the store first, starting there, while Flynn stayed and talked with Rachel.

"Grab anything you like okay? It doesn't matter the price; I want to keep you comfortable."

Annabelle nodded wearily, choosing not to speak since we had arrived at the mall, which was starting to get on my nerves a bit. She should at least feel comfortable enough to speak to me!

She started to grab a few things, some long sleeve shirts, some leggings, sweaters, and socks. Things that someone would be comfortable in for inside.

"Annabelle, you can grab a few nicer things too if you want. For days like today you know, you won't always be inside."

Confused, she nodded and added some jeans, nicer tops, a jacket and some dresses to the mix.

"Thank you."

I heard exactly what Annabelle had said, but I wanted to hear her say it again. I wasn't being narcissistic, I just wanted to hear her speak. She was finally speaking to me! "Sorry Kitten, what was that? I wasn't paying attention."

She cutely furrowed her brows, she knows I heard her, but she did speak again, which I was grateful for. "Thank you Jace, for being this kind to me."

"There is no need to thank me Kitten, I want to do this for you."

She blushed, and it was more adorable than you could ever imagine.

After trying a few things on, she had 2 shopping bags full from just the one store. Thank god she's an efficient shopper. Although that store had a great selection, and it doesn't seem Annabelle is too choosy, even some of the more conservative girls I know would have to have gone for 4 or 5 stores just to choose exactly what they wanted. The other option from the girls I knew, seemed to buy 4 or 5 bags from every store they walked in. For me, both options seemed exhausting.

After saying goodbye to Rachel, we walked to an underwear and pajama store, something store that was called Marians Dream, and the entire thing was terrifying. Although Annabelle had not been comfortable walking through the mall to get to the store. Flynn and I had done our best to block her from curious eyes, it was not enough. I was the prince, Flynn was my cousin, and with us we had a perfectly healthy looking shifter. One that was not beaten, not harmed, and looked as if to be a friend rather than a pet. It was understandable people were curious, confused even, given my father, and well, me.

Inside the store, I stayed to the side as she went to the section with what looked like the most conservative of the bras and panties, which were still not all that conservative. I was letting her choose what she wanted without me being in her way when I heard a scream.

An employee of store had her hand gripped on her wrist, tightly, as if to stop Annabelle from touching the merchandise. Immediately I ran to stop what was happening, but it was too late. The employee had raised her hand to hit Annabelle, and Annabelle had shifted.

Into a perfectly, beautiful, I may add, white Tiger. In the middle of the store.


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OH NO! what is going to happen to poor Annabelle!!?

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- K

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