With You - 17

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The chef gave us a lovely "TV Dinner" as he called it. Rose called it comfort food. I was just happy to have warm food.

We got settled in, in front of the TV and finally got to watch the rest of Indiana Jones. The movie was great. The leading man was handsome and the leading girl was fierce. There were some plot points I didn't understand, as they were from a time before my own. My education usually didn't contain human stories. Rose told me that happens with these movies, the ones that the humans made, but it's easy to ignore that. The humans performed with so much passion, you feel yourself getting sucked into the stories. You believed what they were saying, even if it was just a story.

After Indiana Jones finished, and I had finished my meal, Rose decided she wanted to watch another movie. "This time a romantic one," she said, grinning at me. I smiled shyly back at her, not sure if I was liking what she had in mind.

Flynn sighed. "Fine, but how about we watch the best romance movie of all time?"

"I have a feeling that your idea of a romance movie isn't the same as mine," said Rose skeptically.

"No, I promise, you're all going to love it. I saw that Elizabeth had it earlier."

Rose sighed and settled back into the couch. As Flynn was getting the movie, I grabbed our plates and took them back to the kitchen.

I walked into the kitchen and almost dropped the plates. "Oh my!"

Elizabeth and Franklin were in a suggestive position up against the cupboard. Franklin looked startled but Elizabeth laughed. "Sorry, sweetie. Thank you for bringing the plates in the kitchen, not many people like to clean up around here."

I squeaked out a "no problem" and got out of the kitchen as fast I could.

I walked back into the TV room and Jace was automatically at my side. "Kitten, what's wrong? You look like you've seen a ghost."

I looked up at him, "I just saw something MUCH worse."

That got all of their attention.

"Elizabeth and Franklin were having... fun in the kitchen."

Rose and Flynn started to laugh and Jace blushed and rubbed the back of his neck. I could tell he was trying not to laugh as well. "Well... I am sorry you had to see that Kitten."

I giggled, which made Jace laugh a bit as well. "I'll be right back, I just want to get a bit more comfortable."

Once in the bathroom, I stripped out of my clothing, and folded them, placing them on the floor beside my feet. I felt my body change into a small spider monkey. I grabbed my clothes and brought them back into the TV room, placing them behind the couch. I swung myself onto the couch, landing on Jace. In a split second, I was my favourite form.

Rose giggled. "I've never seen you as a monkey before. I think that one is my favourite." I swatted her with my tail.

Flynn turned on the movie. It was called the Princess Bride.

Flynn was right, this was the most romantic movie in the world. When Buttercup realized it was Westly who saved her my heart soared. When Westley was captured and it looked like Buttercup would have to be with that horrible Prince Humperdink, I felt my body shift back to my human form.

"No! She has to be with Westley!"

Jace chuckled.

"Just watch," said Flynn.

I did. I watched the best love story I had ever seen, pressed up against Jace, and sitting with two of my friends. In a house where I felt safe and protected.

The movie finished and Rose and I both had to wipe our eyes dry. "Ok Flynn, you were right."

Flynn laughed. "Say that again."

Rose hit him with a pillow.

"Did you like that kitten?"

"Oh, that was the best movie I have ever seen. Can we watch it again soon?"

"As you wish," said Jace, as he winked at me. I felt my face heat up with a deep blush. "Let's go to bed now though, I think it's quite late."

I agreed, grabbing my clothes on the way out.

As soon as I saw our bed, I yawned, and crawled under the covers, leaving on my soft white dress. "Why do you think humans tell such good stories?" I asked Jace.

He sat on the end of the bed and looked at me thoughtfully. "To humans, life is fleeting, it is quick. Much quicker than life for Vampires, and most other species that tell stories. Human stories have so much passion, because, for all they know, it may be the only one they get to tell. Vampires, witches, werewolves, know we have time, or at least much more time."

I thought about it for a moment. "How much time do we have?"

Jace moved quickly, hovering above me, with his hands on either side of my head. "To tell you the truth Kitten, I'm not sure, but I hope forever."

I smiled at him sadly, "just in case, can our story be as good as the humans? I want a beautiful story too"

Jace grinned at me. He leaned down and pressed his lips against mine. It was soft and gentle. However, that wasn't the passion I was looking for at the moment. Feeling brave I grabbed the back of his head and pressed my lips harder against his. He grunted in shock before regaining his composer. He began moving his lips against mine.

I smiled into his lips and laid my head down on the pillow, bringing him with me. Still kissing him, I let my hands wander, as I had never allowed myself to do before. Jace must have noticed my eagerness and he pushed himself off of me. I was about to protest when he quickly removed his shirt.

Jace smiled at me, and it was the most beautiful thing that I have ever seen in my life. My eyes glazed over as they travelled up from his stomach to his shining, strikingly blue eyes. Eyes, that on my first night with him, filled me with fear, but are now giving me a very different feeling.

I guess I am feeling very brave tonight because I took Jace by surprise and flipped him underneath me. I may be much weaker than him in my human form, however, I can take him by surprise. I straddled his waist, and shakingly ran my fingers across his abs, feeling every inch of him, slowly.

He moaned, "kitten you're killing me." I giggled. He took that as an opportunity to pull my face back down to his and devour my lips with his.

We kissed, and gave each other light, fleeting touches that night until I got too tired to keep my eyes open.

I fell asleep with my head pressed against Jace's chest. More satisfied, and yet, unsatisfied than I had been in a long time.


hi <3 

Did everyone have a good week? 

Where did you spend it? :) 

Where did you spend it? :) 

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IG: Kaylajthewriter

IG: canadianmouse

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