A Million Dreams - 14.1

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Jace's POV

Looking at Annabelle's grin, I knew it had been the right decision to tell Paval the plan. I already knew I could trust him, for my whole life I knew I could trust this man that stood before me, and I know he wouldn't let me down now, not when I needed him most.

Paval had always been there for me. When my dad was harsh, when my mom was cold and when my sister was gone, and now I am glad that he is here for Annabelle. I know that although I treat her better than many 'owners' would, I will still always be her owner, even if one day I am not. No matter what, she will need people like Paval in her life, where there is no power struggle, where there is just friendship.

Paval explained that too me, though not in terms of him. He explained to me that no matter what I need to leave Annabelle with Elizabeth. After this I cannot protect her at the castle, and I shouldn't be the only person she can rely on, it is not fair to her. If the world really is to change, examples like this need to be set. As much as I never want her to be out of my sight, I know he is right.

I'm still dreaming that everything will go alright, somehow Elizabeth will have a plan, a plan will enable us to overtake my father, and that we will be able to change people's minds. That Annabelle will get to stay by my side, and it won't just be because she belongs to me, it will because she is free and that she chose to stay with me. I know I am shooting too far into the stars but Annabelle has already changed so much. She has created a world in which I see colour again. She brought me music, and laughter and even though I don't know much else, I know she is important to me.

I was brought back to reality when I heard music and a giggle. Paval had started up his old radio and was shaking his backside to the (what he called contemporary), music that was playing. Annabelle was beside herself giggling in a way I had never seen before. It was then when Paval grabbed her hand and pulled her into the dance with him. They were laughing together, and dancing in a way that you would imagine a daughter would dance with her father. Familiar and intimate in only the most innocent and fatherly way that you could imagine, with joy in her eyes and pride in his. It was a sight to see.

Sometimes I wish she was someone like Paval's daughter. We could have known each other for, at least her whole life, and she would have a loving and protective family. I often think of her family and the condition she was found in. I know she claims that they loved her, but very few shifters in that position, being with a family that they had been with before, would have been in the same condition she was in. One day I will find her, her real family. I know she has one out there. I wonder if she thinks about it like I do.

My thoughts were again interrupted, as a small hand wrapped around mine and I was pulled into the dance. I wrapped my arm around her waist and lifted her up into the air, spinning her around to the beautiful music that surrounded the room. Music that I heard before, but had never seemed interesting to before this moment. Paval went back to flipping crepes, making us a feast.

Annabelle grinned down at me as I lifted her high, spinning her. Her hands grasped onto my arms, holding tight, as if I would ever drop her. In the sunlight that streamed into the kitchen, from the same sun the weakened me slightly, I could see how bright this small girl could shine if given the chance. Even as every part of being says to stay away from the sun, I never wanted this girl to be hidden from it again.

Every part of her called to me. I don't think I can deny my feelings for Annabelle much longer. She may be a shifter, and I may be a vampire and we maybe, are supposed to be enemies, but this girl has me wrapped around her fingers.

Call me crazy but I would design a whole new world for this girl, and I think I will, I just have to fight for it. Fight I will.

"Children, the crepes are ready." Called Paval, smiling at us. Annabelle squealed her thank you and ran towards the counter where the delicious meal was waiting for us with three plates set up and ready.

"Thank you Paval," I said feeling so young again.

"Anything for you, my boy." He said, and I could tell he felt younger too.

As we dug in, Annabelle moaned in appreciation. "Paval, these are amazing! Oh! I wish we had made some for Rosie and Flynn too." She suddenly looked sad, "Oh no, why didn't we think of that, I feel so bad now!" She said while looking down at her half eaten crepes on her plate.

"Oh dear girl, what a heart you have, but no worries there are plenty, I knew they would be coming in later." He said winking at her!

A grin covered her face, quickly replaced by a suspicious one. "wait... how did you know about that?" Then I realized she was no longer even looking at Paval, but at me instead, accusing me of what I already know to be true. I also knew she wasn't mad.

Before anymore could be said, the kitchen door flung open and in came a frazzled looking Flynn and a very defeated looking wolf... on a leash? Why Rose was a wolf on a leash, I really don't know.

A gasp sounded from Annabelle beside me and I know she had spotted Rose in her current state. "Oh Rose! They made you didn't they?"

The wolf... Rose, just laid down on the floor looking more defeated than before. I looked at Flynn confused.

"She just couldn't help herself. I managed to save her life but she must be kept as a... dog. A witch should be able to reverse the spell, but it will be easier if we wait until we get to safety. He threatened death if we reverse the spell."

Annabelle looked at Rose sadly, knowing she could still understand us, just unable to communicate in the way we could. "They would do this to me to, when I still lived at home. Anytime they caught me taking too much food. I'm sorry Rose, we will fix this soon."

I looked at Annabelle, anger bubbling up inside my stomach. I can't believe this 'family' that she speaks of. That is one of the harshest punishments for a shifter or werewolf. Even I know that. For a wolf, if they are with their pack then it is one thing, because at least they can still communicate, but doing it to them alone is the cruelest form of isolation.

Before I knew it Annabelle had shifted into a wolf. Her clothes laying in shreds beside her and had cuddled up next to Rose. Unlike Rose whose wolf was around the size of a small horse, Annabelle was the size of large dog, a real wolf. Rose whimpered and Annabelle licked at Rose's face the same way I have seen actual dogs do. It was a comforting gestor. Even though every one of us was devastated in the moment, feeling devastated for Rose's bad luck. Soon we would get out of here.

Only a few days.




Hi <3 Sorry guys

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Hi <3 Sorry guys. I know it's been almost a month, and I honestly have no excuses that haven't been used before. So I am not going to make them and hope that you guys will just stick with my story.

What has everyone been up to?

My whole month has just been studying and snapchat while studying

Also WHAT DID YA'LL THINK??? Comment, vote, lemme know, and follow me <3

- Kayla

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