f o u r

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*buzz* *buzz*

I turn off my alarm and sit up from the bed. I then started getting ready to go to JYPE to meet the others for practice.

When I arrived on the dance room I was instantly met with Jinyoung laying down on Mark's lap, Jaebum laughing with Youngjae.

"Hey guys, where's Bambam and Yugyeom?" I ask ignoring jinyoung And Mark's action.
"They said they'll be here in 10 minutes" Jaebum answer then Turn back to face Youngjae.
"Have you eaten hyung?" Youngjae Askes
"No, but I'll meet up with my friend for lunch so that's all good" I stated
"Oh, I was planning to treat all of us on the restaurant that we always go to" Youngjae said looking at me sadly
"We haven't hangout as the 7 of us in a long time" Jinyoung said while getting up from the couch.

I look at all of their faces were either using the puppy eyes or hopeful smile.

"Who were you going to hangout with anyway?" Mark ask
I turn my body towards the couch then answer, "I was thinking Jooheon, but then who can resist a hangout invitation from youngjae am I right?."  After hearing the replied, Jinyoung and youngjae jump up and down then hug me in bear hug, I let out some giggle from their reaction.

Yugyeom and Bambam then come crashing me with their hug.

"Yeayyy, why are we hugging hyung again" Yugyeom ask not knowing what occur beforehand but then Bambam hit the back of his head and said "Youngjae is going to treat us for lunch" Bambam answered shaking his head in disbelief.

All of us laugh while I rustle Yugyeom hair.

"Okay let's go start practicing" Jaebum shouted.

After 1 hour of practicing

I went to grab two water bottle and went over to where mark sitting.

"Here have some water" I offered
"Oh no thank you I already have one" Mark stated then turn his body towards Jinyoung. Mark refused my offer once again, instead of sticking around Mark I move towards the maknaes.

Eventhough Jackson feel hurt by the rejection that Mark continuously sent towards him, he does not want the others to find him feeling hurt by Mark's cold shoulder.

The maknaes and Jackson had put a song and pretended that they are making a new music video.

"Yugbam in action in 3 2 1" I said as I click the record button from my phone

At first both Yugyeom and Bambam did   whip and nae nae, then they did the dab as what Bambam requested to be in their choreography. Then Jackson enter his body wave move which the maknae follow, but as they did the body roll youngjae enter with his strong voice singing to the song. After the song finish Jackson went and grab his phone and end the video

"Wohoooo, that was a success" Bambam shouted while Jackson, Yugyeom and Youngjae laugh at the footage that they had just filmed.

"Let's go get some lunch" Youngjae screamed
"Yeaaaaa" we all shouted
"Oi we're not in the jungle, settle down" Jinyoung stated while we roll our eyes.

When we arrived at the restaurant, I was instantly greeted by warm hug
"Ohh my baby boy is here" the restaurant owner that I could call family
"Who are you with today?" She asked
"My members" I replied giving her my biggest smile, she always makes me feel home when I feel sad sometimes I come here to clear my mind and she's always there to take care of me.
"Ohhh is your boy, mark here too?" She ask which I instantly replied with a blush and a nod.
Then suddenly the restaurant door bell rang and here they come, Jaebum walking with his sharp face with Youngjae beside him smiling, then it's Yugyeom and Bambam laughing at a phone screen, then it's mark holding on to Jinyoung's arm while talking. After seeing the skinship again between them I turn my head away from them then turn my head again to the exchange that Jaebum with Youngjae.

"Ohh you boys are here, and Im Jaebum what's with the long face?" She questioned
I laugh hysterically clutching my stomach and answer "isn't he so chic and sexy unnie?" I ask
"Sorry you can only be a mess in here if you're going be chic and sexy you can go to the other store" she replied

All of us laugh hysterically trying to catch my breath, trying to composed a shock Jaebum. "This is why I told you to smile more, Hyung" I stated. He turn his head to face me and then said "I understood I won't do that again" towards the lady.

"Okay now, there's an empty table for 8 people on the corner so go now I can hear your stomach grumbling" she said patting Jaebum's shoulder.

As we all moved to our table she pulled me back and said "If you need anything just come here and I'll be there for you okay" then she let go but I answer her with a hug a kiss on the cheek.

As I went to our table I see mark holding on to Jinyoung tightly again.

I puff seeing this 24/7 makes me tired, I mean I don't mind if Mark having skinship with Jinyoung but he constantly have skinship with it is obvious who he like the most.

"Hey can I sit beside one of you guys?" I ask Yugyeom and Bambam
"Sit with me" both Yugyeom and Bambam said while tapping the chair beside them. I giggled and sit on the middle of them.

I can't help but questioned, why can't Mark notice 

that I'm hurting

 by the way he acted  towards me? 

The whole lunch was amazing 

excluding the way Mark acted towards Jinyoung. 

He constantly feeding him.

 Wow my jealousy is going to much isn't it?



Hey guys I don't know if you guys like the way this story is going and if you thank you so much. 

and if you don't know where this going please wait a little longer I'll make sure to make it more interesting to you..

so please give support by voting and comments me anything you think 

and please support my babies, GOT7 

7 for 7 

7 or never, 7 or nothing 

thank you 

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