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Jackson POV

I was the first one to be awake while the others are still gather on the floor with a thin mattress under and a fluffy blanket over to keep them warm.

I tried to sit right up but my body was held by a strong arm of no other than Jaebum.

I look to the right side to see Yugyeom and Bambam hugging one another in a tight cute hug.

As I tried to get Jaebum's hold off me I tried to gently move my feet first. I don't know what I'm doing but I was trying to think to get off of Jaebum without waking him up.

As I tried to shift, Jaebum suddenly move his body closer to me.

I just smile, Jaebum does this if I had a nightmare at night. He would hold me tight to ensure me that he's by my side.

So I have no other choice but wake him up. I shake Jaebum body gently and murmured "Jaebum come on get up, we have early schedule." I shake Jaebum a couple more time.

Jaebum started open his eyes and shift his hands off me but as he open his eyes he turn his body towards me and said "Are you feeling better Jackson?" Jaebum murmured as he blink trying to get used to the lights from the room.

"I'm a bit better" I said smiling giving him the real answer. "I'll wake the other two, you should wake the other three" I murmured trying to make my brain function in early morning.

"Yea okay," Jaebum answered as he quickly got up and stretch his hand out.

"When Bambam and Yugyeom is awake just let them use the shower in your room because we have our schedule in JYPent  and tell them not to to be long in the showers" Jaebum explained  while I nod listening to the instruction that was given.

It's not hard to wake Yugyeom and Bambam up it's just when their in shower they take at least 30 minutes each.

I tried to wake both of them by shuffling them. Yugyeom is the first one to wake up.

"Gyeom, can you please wake Bambam up while I take a shower then you guys take a shower here quickly" I explained while getting my clothes. He nods and started to wake Bambam up.

I went in the shower and clean my self up, as I'm in the shower, I told my self, today I have to avoid Mark and Jinyoung at all cost.

I told my self, it's okay 2 more weeks till our new album is released which means I'll be promoting in china so that'll be okay.

After I finished showering I go out and find Yugyeom ready to take a shower while Bambam is sitting on my bed still half a sleep.

"YOO THE MAKNAES IN THE HOUSE" then I started beat boxing  a beat. Which makes Bambam and Yugyeom laugh which leads Bambam to be awake and Yugyeom to freestyle dance to the beat and I laugh at our behaviours.

As both of them are getting ready I got out to have some breakfast.

As I got out to the kitchen I saw Jinyoung preparing lunches using his usual glasses that makes him look even younger.

I back hug Jinyoung and said "Did you prepare any food for me too?" I ask teasingly. I really don't mind if he didn't.

Jinyoung chuckle "of course, what kind of question is that" he answered. I let go of Jinyoung's hold and grab a banana from the counter.

"I don't need lunch, I need to diet I become chubbier" I stated. Jinyoung turns around, stare at my face for a second then he flicker his fingers to my forehead "Where do you get that from?" He asked with all seriousness.

"Yah! that hurts, and besides I'm older than you!" I screamed while holding my forehead.

"What's this about" a voice questioning our behaviours from behind while I silently curse from both getting caught and my forehead.

I turn expecting one person instead I saw Jaebum and Mark standing there ready to go, Mark looking at both of us dumbfounded and Jaebum crossing his hand on his chest.

"Jackson thinks he doesn't need lunch because he become chubbier" Jinyoung stated plainly while putting everything in a bag to carry.

"You don't look chubby" Jaebum assuring me while looking straight to my eyes. "And you need lunch Jackson, it's important" Mark added looking at me concerned.

"I'll eat guys and I just ate banana for breakfast see" I stated showing them the banana skin that needed to be put in the bin.

After the scolding that three did on me we waited for Bambam and Yugyeom then went to JYPent for our first scheduled of the day.


Heyyy guys
So I'm sorry if this chapter disappoint any of you
Because this is just a filling chapter..

But you might guess my second ship for Jackson is anywhoo you can guess where this is going..

I have not edited it and happy new year

I know 2017 ends in a bad note to big majority including my self because of the lost the angel in Kpop..

Kim Jonghyun..

I hope you guys are feeling better you can message me if you need anyone or anything ..

Rest in peace Jonghyun..

You've worked hard, you are the best ..

I've let out my thoughts on my Instagram and I tried to not think sad thoughts.. so I hope you'll think of happy things.. it doesn't mean we forget of who he is. We will always respect, love, support for who he is by how gentle, caring and humble his personality was and how talented he was in everything he does.

And GUYS GOT7 is having FANMEETING 😭💝

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7 for 7, 7 or never

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