4. Magic

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Was this just a dream? I felt confused. "Mom, can I talk to you later?" I asked. She nodded. "Just open your window at home and call for me. I'll be there," she replied and disappeared. I ran as quickly as I could home to see my mother and talk to her again.

"I have so much to tell you, Mom," I thought and opened the door to my room. Then I locked it and ran over to my window. I opened it. "Mom, can you hear me?" I called out of the window. The wind got stronger but the rain stopped. "Hello, Amy! I was waiting to talk to you!" I could hear her voice but I couldn't see her. That was strange. "Mom, why can't I see you?" I questioned. I could hear a quiet sigh from her. "Look, I will explain it to you, I died this winter, right? And because it is winter and you missed me so much, you gained the ability to talk to me through the elements of winter," she answered. "Elements of winter...." I whispered. But I wanted to know why I couldn't see her. Then she continued," The elements of winter are water, ice, snow and wind. You can see me through water, hear me through wind and you can do both with ice and snow. That also works when for example wind and rain are mixed." 

Now I understood. I would definately talk to my mother everyday. "But there is one problem," she said," after using the ability for a certain amount of times, your emotions and language will start to fade." I was shocked. So if I would use this ability too often, I would end up heartless and not being able to speak. But I wanted to be with my mother. I wanted to hear her soft voice. I wanted to see her face, that was so similar to mine. I wanted to be with her, forever. I started to cry. "Mom, I wanna be with you!" She sighed understandingly. "Amy, don't cry, you will get used to this soon!" she spoke softly. "And there is one more thing, you can also use the elements of winter as some kind of 'magic'." I stopped crying. Mom's voice disappeared and I ran over to my bed. I quickly stretched myself and started to think. Nice, now I could talk to my mother but I would lose my emotions. That was really so stupid. But I would also lose the ability to speak. That's even worse. How should I behave at school then? Sit in the darkest, most lonely corner, just with the walls and myself. That was a great idea. Especially that with not being able to talk. How should I talk to my mother then? Probably with thoughts. 

This was strange. Really strange. I was confused and sad. Confused, frustrated and scarred actually. Confused because of what just happened. Frustrated because I wouldn't be able to talk if I would use my abilities. And scarred because my dead mother was just talking to me. This day was really weird. Maybe it was just a dream. But maybe not. I was way too confused, so I decided to take a little nap for a while. 

Amy, Martin & The Elements Of WinterWhere stories live. Discover now