Wake up, get up, EAT. Chapter 4

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Sooooo I felt like a needed to make more chapters..........and here I am!- Internet head


I really didn't like being away from my hunt. It just didn't seem natural! I was just itching to get my hands on a bow, some arrows, and some Nectar. There was a rap on the door which made me very annoyed, I was still sleeping? Who would come knocking at a door this early in the morning? My question was soon answered when Percy, still dazed from sleep, got up and opened the door to reveal a very annoyed looking Annabeth "who was that yesterday?" She asked suspiciously "hmm? Oh. Yeah her." Percy said rubbing his eyes "yes her." Annabeth said crossing her arms "what about her?" Percy said leaning on the door frame "oh, your really of no use until you get ready." Annabeth said sighing "I am a loser." Percy said smiling slightly "you can't even think properly now, we're you up late again? Get ready and meet me at the pavilion." Annabeth said closing the door lightly "huh." Percy said as he walked over to the bunks and reached over his to get into mine. His hand groped around looking for something until he grabbed my leg, to which I responded with a very painful slap to the hand "how dare you." I growled at him "I'm not going to lie, I completely forgot you were up there." Percy said, facepalming and clutching his hand "mmhmm sure." I rolled my eyes at him "hey, uh are there any clothes up there?" Percy asked, which explained the groping "no, why would I sleep with clothes in my bed?" I said firmly "good point" Percy muttered scrounging around the cabin looking for clothes, which lead me to look down at what I was wearing: short shorts (I hate these things!), a white tee with a glittering moon on it (oh ha ha) and small metallic arrow shaped earrings (this is just ridiculous), or in my opinion, stupid. "Do you have anything I could borrow?" I asked him really wishing I didn't have to ask "hmm? Oh yeah check in the clothes drawer... oh." Percy face palmed realizing where his clothes had been all along "yeah. Thanks." I said rolling my eyes, Percy just stared at me looking like he didn't know if I was serious, or sarcastic "your welcome?" Percy said opening the drawer as I leapt down from the top bunk "yeah." I said pushing him aside and tearing through the clothes finding what I wanted: a camp tee-shirt, and some jeans (I'd make do with the jeans) "where-?" I started to ask "over there." Percy said pointing a thumb to where the bathroom was while rummaging through the clothes that weren't drastically unfolded and un-neat. I went into the bathroom which was pleasant enough and got changed really fast hoping that nobody would come in, for the door couldn't lock. I got back out to see Percy fully dressed but still blurry eyed, so I stepped aside to let him in to the bathroom. It didn't take long before Percy and I were walking down to the pavilion for breakfast (A/N: I'm pretty sure they do it for breakfast.) "why doesn't the bathroom door lock?" I asked him suspiciously "I never expected to have anyone in there." Percy said as-a-matter-of-factly "oh." I said fidgeting around while we walked "I could get you a lock if you want." Percy said shrugging "yes please." I said nodding ignoring all the other campers who were staring at me with an emotion I couldn't read "oh by the way, don't worry about Annabeth. She's overprotective that way." Percy shrugged "your completely unconcerned that your girlfriend is mad at you?" I asked him "well, I have a perfectly good alibi, and it's super airtight. Housing the human Goddess of the moon is a good excuse."He said, smirking. That made sense. I left him alone as we sat down and ate breakfast. Other camps stared and pointed at us, I gave a wild guess that they thought I was a daughter of Poseidon despite them not seeing me claimed. "Percy, why are they all staring at us?" I asked anyway "maybe it's because a random 'daughter' of 'Poseidon' just suddenly popped up? That typically raises some eyebrows." He said before returning to his almost completely gone food. Speaking of his food... "why... is your food blue?" I questioned. It was a brilliant shade of turquoise. Pancakes never looked better somehow. "Oh... it's a... memento I guess? Also it looks cooler." He nodded "much cooler." Sadly I agreed. This was a part of him I hadn't seen before and too be honest it was intriguing. I shoved down my pride so I could do the impossible "could I...could I..." I flushed. I'd never blushed before... I decided that I absolutely did not like it. "Could I have some?" I finally said. He stopped dead. The fork was still in his mouth when he slowly turned to me, his eyes wide. He blinked rapidly. He finished his bite and started to speak "um... um.... you-you want... my blue pancakes? You, of all people, want my blue pancakes?" He couldn't believe it. Despite the embarrassment I now felt I had the audacity to smirk at him "yes. I, Artemis, want to have some blue pancakes that belong to you, Perseus Jackson. Now-" I gestured to the food "oh, uh, yeah. Okay. Sure." He cut off a portion of his last pancake and put it on my plate. Now was the time that I realized I could've simply asked for blue pancakes and saved myself some embarrassment and the experience of blushing. I blushed even more. Schist. I thought as Percy looked at me with questions written all over his face. I shook my head and dug in. Somehow these pancakes were amazing. Better than ambrosia and nectar. How? "I don't know why, but these pancakes always taste like the ones at home. It's kinda weird." Percy said, getting a far off look in his eyes. Ah, Sally Jackson. That explained everything. "Truly, Sally Jackson deserves to be a goddess." I said to myself, meaning every bit of it "No. I mean- yeah, but no on the goddess part. I mean-" he sighed heavily "-she definitely deserves to be a goddess... but I don't really want that to happen..." he said "why not? She would be immortal. A literal goddess." I said to him, confused as to why that was a problem "well. I wouldn't be able to see her. And she'd have to see me... pass on." Percy explained. I thought about that. I didn't understand it all that much and I guess he saw the look on my face because he started to explain "Alright. Imagine if the Hunter you've been closest with and have been around the longest had to leave for a little while and then you never saw her again. You search and search but then you find out they were killed by some monster. How would you feel?" He Said. I was taken aback. He wasn't worried about himself, he was worried about how his mother would feel when he died if she were immortal. That was perplexing but given the example and context he put it in I could understand. Finally breakfast ended and Percy told me we could start trying to find my hunters. For the first time in a while I smiled a ninety-eight gigawatt smile, and I knew it was ninety-eight gigawatts because Thalia told me. I also have an extensive memory. Percy was staring at me. I frowned at him "what?" I asked "I-I just. I've never seen you smile before." He said, laughing a little "why would you? I'll admit you're amusing but you hardly do much for me to smile." I looked at him "that kinda hurts my feelings." He said, looking somewhat unfazed "should I be concerned?" I asked "are... you being serious?" Percy questioned, genuinely looking confused "yes, why?" I said. I didn't know Percy all that well but I doubted he was a snowflake Though usually men cowered in fear or tried to attack me as I was the virgin goddess of the moon. I wasn't sure how he would react. On the occasions I had met him he was either very brave or very sarcastic with no in-between. "No reason." He chuckled to himself "come on. We've gotta see if we can Iris-Message Thalia." He started to walk towards his cabin. I followed him, thinking about Apollo. What was happening to him? What was his quest? What was my quest? These questions swirled through my mind as Percy reached the Poseidon Cabin. Before he could enter though Annabeth blocked him off "Hey." She said, casually "hey." Percy replied, ever so smooth (not really) "what's up?" He asked "I wanted to meet your sister." She said, looking at me with worried eyes "oh. Yeah. About that..." he grinned "this isn't my sister, though that would be cool." Percy said "then who is this?" Annabeth look actually confused, a look you don't see on her face often "Annabeth, meet Artemis. Goddess of the hunt. Artemis meet Annabeth."

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