Prosper. Chapter 20

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You guys liking things so far? I'm trying to fluff this up a little... is it working? Oh and sorry for the delay... I got pretty sick so I've been slacking on my writing. I hope that doesn't bother you guys too much-Internet Head

I woke up because of the sun filtering through the motel window.
I tried not to make much noise as I looked around. I tried to move only to find that I couldn't.
I furrowed my brow and looked down, immediately flushing red.
Artemis still slept next to me, the covers only going up to her waist. She had her arms looped around mine and he face was pressed into my side.
I was reminded that she was kind of small compared to me.
I ever so slowly pricked her arms off of me and untangled her legs from mine. I stood up and put the covers back over her.
I turned and I saw Alexus giving me a pointed glare.
I squeaked "how- how much did you see?"
Alexus crossed her arms, her hands tightening on her biceps "all of it." Her voice was hard like steel.
I took an involuntary step backwards "really?"
Alexus gave me a hard smile "yes. Normally I'd put you down like a dog but my 'mother' doesn't seem too angry with you." She gestured with a few fingers to Artemis who had grabbed onto a pillow and was now hugging it.
I nodded, wide eyed "I'm going to shower now." I stepped past her towards the bathroom, grabbing some new clothes.
She seemed oddly smug as I opened the door and stepped inside.
I quickly stripped and got into the shower, turning on the hot water immediately.
Most people like their showers warm. I like mine like lava.
I opened the bar of soap that was sitting on the edge of the tub and went to work, scrubbing myself down.
I washed the suds off and then grabbed the Shampoo. I squirted some into my palm and then did the same with the conditioner.
I wasn't really sure if this was better or worse for my hair but nobody had ever told me otherwise.
I washed the products out of my hair and grabbed the towel I'd hung over the shower curtain.
I looked at it and scoffed at my own stupidity.
I willed the water off my body and it just dropped right off, leaving me completely dry.
I put the towel back and got dressed in fresh clothes, having to take the tags off of them.
I stepped out of the shower to see Carmen cooking with sleepy eyes and Artemis stirring as well as Alexus leaning against the wall and doing maintenance on her bow.
"Good morning." I said to the room and in response I got:
"Buenos Dias." Carmen said back tiredly, yawning and going back to cooking.
"You bet." Alexus said, nodding at me and paying more attention to her now.
Artemis just yawned and groaned "beeed." She moaned, covering her eyes with the pillow.
I smiled a bit. The goddess of the moon was not a morning person.
I walked into the small and dismal kitchen, the tile cold against my bare feet.
I moved a chair from the table that could probably seat only four people and sat backwards on it, looking at Carmen.
"How's the arm?" I asked, watching him move and cook, small clicks and bangs coming from the prosthetic though they were muffled because of the shirt.
Carmen slid some eggs onto a plate and some bacon as well as sausages onto another "better and better."
Alexus snorted "last night you couldn't even pick up a pencil."
Carmen scowled "this is why we can't have anything nice."
But they didn't seem to be fighting. It was almost as though they were being friendly, joking around. If they actually did that kind of thing I would've believed it.
"So you can cook?" I asked Carmen, getting up and making a plate for myself.
Carmen nodded and grinned "you'd be surprised at the amount of jobs I had to be an undercover chef in."
"Three? Four?" That seemed like a lot to me.
Alexus set down her bow and started coming towards us "twenty seven." She guessed.
Carmen winked at her and pointed with his finger "on the money!"
I blinked in surprise "wow." I sat down with my plate and began to eat.
Artemis shambled over, dragging her feet, and Alexus helped her get a plate.
Soon we'd all sat down and started eating.
Carmen smiled "bon appetit!" And then he dug in.
I found the lack of blue disturbing but I would make do.
"Carmen... this is really good." I shoveled some more egg and sausage into my mouth.
Carmen smirked and wiped off his mouth "don't sound so surprised." He winked "but thank you, I try."
Alexus rolled her eyes and swallowed "so your not totally useless after all."
Carmen made an indignant sound "I was never useless!"
Alexus went back to eating "debatable..." she muttered.
I snorted and finished my plate, getting up and putting it in the sink.
One by one we all finished and then sat on the beds or on the floor, watching cartoons.
"Was there... a time limit to the prophecy?" Alexus asked suddenly.
I thought for a moment, tearing my eyes away from the TV "um. No I don't think so." As soon as I said it It felt wrong. There was always a time limit.
Artemis kneaded her hands in her lap "this isn't normal. Gods tend to give prophecies time limits... always."
I furrowed my brow. I'd like to see what the fates have in store for you! The memory bubbled up. "What if..."
Everybody looked to me and I addressed the room "what if a god wasn't the one who made the prophecy? I mean there aren't many gods who can do that and Apollo is the main one but he's-."
Carmen interrupted, looking serious "- out of order, yeah. So they're might be something there." He told me.
I nodded, thanking him for his support "if it's not a god then who... and why?"
Alexus fiddled with her bow string "I think the best way to find out is to keep going where we're going."
Artemis sighed "I agree."
I sighed heavily as well "yeah. That makes sense." But I couldn't shake the feeling that everything that I did would lead me to the same place. Like it was inevitable and I was doing the worst thing, waiting for it to hit me.
Carmen looked sheepish "I'm all for this plan but uh..." he raised his hands "I don't have any weapons."
Alexus pursed her lips "that jacket of yours should have something you could use."
Carmen sighed and twiddled his thumbs "my jacket stopped working... I think the enchantments got severed along with, well, you know."
I furrowed my brow "that's not good... that means your weaponless..."
Carmen shrugged and summoned a flame into his palm, pursing his lips as he looked at it "not completely but yeah I'm at a pretty big disadvantage."
Artemis frowned "you need swords... every Hunter needs her weapon, and so do you."
Carmen nodded "so I guess I've gotta forge a new one..."
Alexus scoffed "people seem to be forging you a lot of things lately." She rapped her knuckles on his hand from her vantage point on the floor where she sat cross legged.
Carmen frowned at her "that's mean."
Alexus smirked "I'm mean."
I shook my head. Those two.
I stood up and grabbed Riptide as I paced around the "living room"
Artemis stood up as well "so then. Our first order of business is to help Carmen with his weapon problem."
I nodded.
Artemis sighed "then let's get going."

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