The Neglected Storyline of Dave Sandersmen. Chapter 25

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I haven't updated in a while. Sorry about that, I had to switch devices and it's kind of weird getting used to a new device. I apologize for my lateness. Regardless of that the chapter is here.
I hope it lives up to your expectations, enjoy.- Internet Head

I coughed and the world around me began to lighten and the odd swimming feeling in my gut began to subside.
I groaned, put a hand to my forehead, and sat upright with more effort than I would have liked.
I looked around. The car was empty save for Carmen who was staring out the window looking pensive.
It was dark and the sun was just beginning to reach into the sky.
I smiled. I know this street.
"I'm home." I said aloud and Carmen leaned forward, finally looking at me, and patted my shoulder.
"Welcome home." He said quietly "I know there won't be a welcome home party for you and... I'm sorry." He said with earnest eyes.
The smile on my face lessened and I nodded "Carmen... it's fine. Really, I couldn't care less about what they think."
He didn't seem convinced and frankly neither was I.
I remembered what happened just before I left. I could only imagine it had gotten worse.
Carmen squeezed my shoulder and unsheathed his sword a little "if it comes down to it, I will defend you. Rouge's honor." He raised his hand like he was pledging something to me.
I laughed a little, in no mood for laughing "I can't ask you to do that. Besides, I can fight my own battles." I told him.
He shook his head "that may be the truth but it doesn't matter. If it's you against the camp I will choose you." He was serious, I could see it in his intense eyes. He meant every word of what he was saying, he was completely self-assured.
I furrowed my brow "but... why? You, out of all of us, probably have the least amount of reasons to help me." I thought back to the Rouge Demigods HQ.
He was having the time of his life there. He had an awesome nickname and everything.
Carmen stared at me, his gaze burrowing into my soul "I am a disgraced and unwanted Rouge Demigod. My father is dead because of me and so are many other people. I have no home, no place to belong. I came to you because I thought that you could find my mom, and maybe kill me if I got too dangerous."
I opened my mouth to say something back but instead he held up a hand.
He gave me a searching look "you are one of the few people who have treated me like a person, and not a weapon." He blinked rapidly "and that's... that's something I can't ignore. You've earned my loyalty, Jackson. You deserve that much."
I looked at him. I really tried to take in all that was him.
He was tired and grungy and weak at the moment, but he took the effort to explain things to me.
I sighed. Dammit. I really need to stop making such good friends. I laughed to myself inwardly, smiling outwardly.
"Carmen." I called and he turned back to me, wiping his eyes with his sleeve "I'm going to find out who your mom is. I promise."
He smiled "and I thought what I said was moving. Thanks, Jackson, I appreciate it."

An hour or so later, in which Carmen and I passed the time through the game Never Have I Ever, Alexus and Artemis came back.
They both seemed oddly wary of us. Artemis wouldn't look me in the eye and Alexus could not stop flushing when Carmen teased her like he usually did.
I caught his eye and furrowed my brow. He shrugged.
Artemis and Alexus had been shopping for supplies. They found food and other such gear that might come in handy when we drove into Camp Half-Blood.
Artemis drove us to a place where we showered and cleaned our clothes.
Four hours after we arrived in New York, we were all saddled up in the car ready to take on Camp.
I didn't feel as bad as I should've. My stomach wasn't in knots, I wasn't sweating like crazy, and I had no desire to turn away and run.
I felt comfortable with my friends by my side.
I turned to Artemis "thanks for finding all this food and stuff." I said, eating a giant Cinnabon out of the box with a plastic fork.
Artemis's hands tightened on the wheel as she firmly stared straight ahead and nodded.
I frowned. Is she okay?
I leaned towards her "Artemis... are you okay?" I asked tentatively.
She glanced at me "I am fine." A curt response.
"What's wrong?" I asked, hoping my face wasn't going to get bit off.
She sighed "it is nothing, Percy. I am fine." Clearly she was lying.
I narrowed my eyes "your not a very good liar, Artemis. Tell me what's bothering you."
She closed her eyes tight for a moment before looking at me "you really don't remember?" She asked, almost like she couldn't believe it.
I furrowed my brow and frowned "remember... what?" I hoped I hadn't done anything stupid while I was looped up on medicine.
She shook her head "you said... a lot of things to me. They were... less than appropriate." She explained.
My face burned "you mean I catcalled you? Oh man, I'm sorry! I would never do anything like that on pur-!"
Artemis cut me off "-no. You did not catcall me. Alexus says you 'professed your undying love to me' though. I would not call it that however." She smiled.
I hid my face in my hands "what exactly did I say?" I asked, afraid of the answer.
"Oh nothing. Just that you wanted to stay with me forever and you wanted me to hold you." She said, eyeing me with her sharp gaze.
I whimpered "ah... yes. I can see how that would... make you rather not want to talk to me..." I looked away from her, embarrassed.
She put her hand on mine and gave me a kind look "it is okay, Percy. I don't resent you for it. Never be afraid to tell me how you feel, even if it is to say that you want to be with me." She said the last part like it was a lighthearted tease. That was already unexpected.
My face felt like it was on fire "it's not fine though... saying stuff like that or even feeling that way... it's wrong." I said quietly "it's impossible and your a man hating goddess of chastity." I looked down at my shoes.
What was I thinking, liking her? Not just that but telling her about it as well! When will you learn, Percy! Get it through your thick skull!
Artemis breathed in and out deeply "Percy." She said and I looked toward her.
She was way too close to my face. Our noses touched.
"Percy." She said again "I'm not really anything right now. I'm mortal." She whispered.
My heart thundered in my chest "what are you saying...?" I asked, just as quiet as her.
She opened her mouth to respond, her eyes soft and kind, but before she could Carmen moved between us.
"Guys, coming up on Camp Half-Blood." He pointed and Artemis turned her attention back on the road.
I blushed furiously. I looked at him "Carmen, I love you man but sometimes your a real pain in the glutos." I whisper yelled at him.
Carmen held up his hands and shrugged with a wide smile but soon turned serious. His eyes were hard like coals and his mouth was set in a hard line.
Be careful. He mouthed to me.
I felt a little surprised and hurt that he didn't trust me but I nodded and turned my attention to the road.
We pulled up to Camp Half-Blood and got out of the car
Carmen blinked in the sunlight and shielded his face "ready?" He asked me.
"No." I muttered a reply and he nodded, understanding.
We walked into Camp Half-Blood to find it busy and also far more industrial looking than when I'd left it.
There were banners and half finished weapons everywhere, demigods milled about.
It was bustling and busy.
Alexus looked at me "I haven't been here in a long long time. Is this something that's been going on for a while?" She asked.
I shook my head, my eyes wide in amazement "no. It wasn't like this when I left."
Artemis grimaced "things are certainly changing. I'm not sure it is for the better."
We continued on down the hill.
The first thing we did is stop by the Big House, where we went completely unnoticed by any demigods.
Chiron was excited to see us, looking nervous though.
"Chiron, what's wrong?" I asked the centaur, seeing his palled look.
He fidgeted In his fake wheelchair "Camp Half-Blood has completely turned against you, Perseus. The son of Aphrodite has managed to assert his dominance over the camp. He was... far clever than I anticipated." He seemed kind of ashamed.
I put a hand on his shoulder "it's okay, Chiron. It wasn't your fault."
Carmen leaned against the wall and picked at his cuticles "how exactly did he 'assert his dominance' over the camp?" He asked.
Chiron looked up at him, confused "well, strange boy I have never met." He gave me a pointed glare "he slowly gained friends within the camp, rising rapidly in popularity. Then these friends simply became supporters and benefactors. He even convinced them to oust everybody that supported you, Percy. He basically runs the camp now."
Artemis looked upset and frustrated "yet another obstacle." She huffed.
I crossed my arms and got the gears of my brain working "so your saying that this... what was his name again? It doesn't matter. Anyway, this kid forms his own little group and overthrows you?" I recounted and Chiron nodded.
Carmen huffed "it's a very classic case of 'king of the hill' you see. They're on top so we have to take back control by forcibly removing him from the throne." He said, looking thoughtful."
Alexus nodded "I agree. Take out the figurehead and the supporters will have no clue what to do."
Chiron nodded to himself slowly "this... sounds fairly reasonable."
Artemis looked at me "this is the best plan we have right now." She conceded, gripping her spear tight in one hand.
I sighed "let's do it."
We started to file out but we were intercepted by a ton of demigods, all looking extremely pissed off.
"Uh... hey guys! I don't suppose you know where to find the bathrooms?" Carmen asked weekly.
"Shut it." One of them snarled at him.
My hand twitched, wanting to grab Riptide and teach these kids some manners.
"Dave wants to see you, Jackson. Come quietly and he might let you off with a minor punishment." Another one said, stepping forward.
I shoved him away "no! We're not coming with you!"
They advanced and quickly subdued our efforts to escape, tying our hands behind our backs and relieving us of our weapons.
I scowled and huffed "fine. Let's go see the king."

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