{1} Meeting the Vigilante

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**WARNING: Cursing, "inappropriate" thoughts, and a hell lot of bad-ass. This is for the whole book, deal with it.**

***Oh yeah, and violence.***

3rd/2nd IDK P.O.V:

The Host Club was getting ready to open it's doors to its guests. Tamaki was running around and yelling at the twins to get off his "daughter" while Haruhi was yelling that she already had a dad, Kyoya was typing away on his computer, Honey was eating cake and Mori was next to him, watching. The day was normal, well at least as normal as it could get with the Host Club. At least it was until the doors were thrown open. All the hosts looked up, stopping whatever they were doing, completely startled.

Tamaki called out, "Hello? My princesses?"

Kyoya pushed up his glasses, "I'm sorry. But the Host Club isn't open yet, you will have to wait a couple of hours or so-"

He got cut off, as a figure ran into the room. If you guessed it, you're right. It was you. Of course they didn't know it yet. Instead of seeing (y/n) (l/n), they saw Japan's recent "hero" and the police force's worst nightmare. The Demon. You ran in, your black kimono doing well to conceal your womanly figure, making you look like a man. You wore a traditional Japanese demon mask over your face, with your hair pulled up in a tight ponytail. They gasped and Tamaki was about to run over to you, possibly to give you a hug (you can never tell with Tamaki), when you suddenly pointed the edge of your katana to his throat. In your opinion, it was your subtle way of telling him to back off. Quick as lighting, the little boy with blond hair and honey colored eyes darted over and brought the blond weirdo behind him. You had no idea who they were, and you didn't care, you just wanted them out of your way before someone got hurt. But before you could tell them anything, the tall, black-haired boy and the little blond one were in a fighting stance facing you. You sighed, but the voice-enhancer in your mask made it sound like you growled. You really didn't want to have to fight civilians, it was stupid and pointless, but you would if it meant they would be safe. You put your katana away, but before you could fight, another figure ran into the room.

One of the twins sighed, "Really another one?"

You rolled your eyes at him, even though he couldn't see it, before facing the new person. This guy you expected. He was an assassin sent to take out one of the guys behind you, you forgot the name though. It was only by pure luck you found out about it, you were going through encrypted channel links when you heard about it. You growled and the mask made it sound like a roar. You charged at him with your katana raised. A fight ensued with you each throwing punches left and right. Your (e/c) eyes narrowed at him, he was kind of good. They must've looked hard for him and promised to pay him very well. But obviously, compared to you, they were nothing. He was obviously running out of energy but you were still bursting with it. You swiped at him with the katana, this time successfully grazing his arm, he let out a yelp and charged you again. Timing it right, you waited until the last second before darting out of the way and sticking your leg out. He tripped and you couldn't help but smile gleefully under the mask. Even a professional can fall for the easiest tricks in the book. You straddled him and punched him a couple of times. He bought out a knife hiding in his sleeve and stabbed you in the side. You let out a undignified yelp but at least the mask made it sound like a growl. Taking his chance, the bastard reached up yanking your mask off. The crowd behind you gasped (except for Kyoya and Mori) but you rolled your clearly visible (e/c) eyes at them. Were they stupid enough to believe you weren't prepared for that to happen in a fight? Apparently they were, and so was the baka underneath you. His eyes widened at the sight of the mask underneath the mask. A tight fitting black mask covered your entire face except your eyes. Their stupidity angered you and you grabbed the man by his brown colored hair. You pulled him to his feet.

"You will never defeat me! The Blood King protects me," he cried.

You sighed, "So you're one of those guys who can't admit defeat, huh?"

You dragged him to a table, "Guess, I'll have to make you."

You slammed his head into it and lifted him back up, "Who defeated you?"

His nose was bleeding, "No-"

You slammed his face down again, "Wrong answer."

This continued for about 5 more times, and the table was slightly covered with the assassin's blood.

You lifted him one more time, "Who defeat-"

"You! You! You defeated me!" he cried.

You smirked at him, even though he couldn't see it, "You got that right."

Then you slammed his head down harder than the rest, knocking him out. You dropped him onto the ground before walking over and putting your demon mask back on. You turned towards to the stunned group of boys. Even the dark-haired ones had an amount of shock in their eyes.

You bowed mockingly, "I, oh so do, apologize for the mess I've made, your 'majesties'. Please forgive me"

You walked back over to the scum that was still out cold on the floor. You hoisted him over your shoulder, wincing only slightly because of the cut in your side. You went towards the door but before walking out, turned towards them again.

"Give a good word to the press for me, will ya?" you said, walking out like a boss.

After a couple of seconds, Kyoya turned towards the group, "We have to start picking up. The Club will open soon."

Haruhi looked over indignantly, "After what just happened, you expect us to host?!?!?!?"

The twins walked over, each draping an arm around Haruhi's shoulders, "We're all rich, Haruhi. We've all been almost kidnapped or killed at least once. It's for our never ending supply of money. Though we've never actually seen the Demon before in action."

Haruhi's eyes narrowed, "These damn rich people."

Tamaki began yelling at them about how they might've hurt "his daughter's" feelings while once again, Kyoya was writing in his notebook. Meanwhile, Honey and Mori began cleaning up.

The little 3rd year looked up at his tall cousin, "That was weird, huh Takashi?"

Mori nodded, "Yeah."

Honey hummed thoughtfully, "The Demon is a pretty good fighter, huh?"

Mori nodded.

Honey shrugged, cleaning up the table, "I wonder who he is..."

Soon, all the mess was picked up and it was time for the doors to open.

The customers poured in as rose petals swirled through the air and a bright light blinded them momentarily.

"Welcome," the 6 boys and 1 girl in disguise said.

The Host Club was open for business.

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