{7} Exposed?

147 6 2

(Your POV)

I had luckily commenced Cover-Up Procedure 1-0-5-1 before I opened up the door, so to them it looked like a normal apartment. Them being as forgetful as they are, they didn't question about almost dying. It must be normal for them too. They looked around confused, except for Haruhi, who just gazed over the room respectfully.

"I thought you were rich," Hikaru stated bluntly.

"Yeah, this looks like a dump," Kaoru added.

Tamaki lunged at the twins, "How dare you, you shady twins! Didn't I tell you to be respectful?"

Haruhi came to stand by me, "I'm sorry about them. I tried stopping them but they insisted on coming here."

I chuckled, "It's okay. I've dealt with worse."

Haruhi shuddered as we looked at the three bickering Hosts, "I seriously doubt that."

Honey tugged at my arm sleeve, "(y/n/n)-chan? Why didn't you come to the Host Club yesterday?"

Tamaki came over, forgetting about the twins in a microsecond, "Yes! Why didn't you come? You owed us money!"

I face-palmed, "I knew I was forgetting something!"

I whipped out my checkbook and wrote the amount due as Haruhi sweat-dropped.

I was about to hand it to Tamaki when I realized my mistake and turned towards Kyoya, "Here. I don't want to hand it to someone who'll waste it on something stupid."

This sent Tamaki to a corner where he began growing...mushrooms? I was about to go tell him off but Haruhi beat me to it.

"Tamaki-senpai! You can't just be growing mushrooms in someone else's house!"

"Yeah boss. Didn't we tell you to be respectful?" the twins said in unison, using Tamaki's own words against him.

Kyoya faced me after pocketing the check, "This doesn't explain you're living situation, Ms. (y/l/n)."

"Since when is it your business to know my living situation? I like it just fine, thank you very much." I sassed.

"Well, as the Club's vice-president and treasurer, it is my responsibility to know who we are making deals with," he stated.

"Actually, it's not. Since I'm not making any deals with you." I stated right back.

The other hosts were in between us, watching the argument and moving their heads from left to right, as if watching a ping-pong tournament.

"Nevertheless, we are taking money from you but we do not know you. How do we know that this money is legit?"

My eyebrows rose, "Are you accusing me of giving you fake money?!?!?"

A voice yelled out from down a dark hallway, "Oh snap!"

Kyoya ignored it, "I'm not accusing you, I'm just stating it as an option."

I rolled my eyes, "Whatever. Bye now."

I began pushing them all towards my front door.

"Wait! We didn't get a chance to meet you!" Tamaki cried.

"I don't even know you guys! You can't just waltz in here and-" I yelled.

AIRS' voice interrupted me, which is strange since I told her not to after the elimination threat, "Warning. System failure. Code Red. Warning. System failure. Code Red. Warning. System failure. Code Red."

Alarms started blaring as AIRS' voice continued repeating the same thing and I cursed, "Shit! You guys need to leave. NOW!"

"Wait, (y/n/n)-chan! What's going on?" Honey's voice and the others started asking me rapid questions as I tried pushing them outside.

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