{4} My Daily Night

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The birthday with the Host Club was by far the most interesting birthday I've ever attended. I remembered them because I saved them from the assassin. They sat around my friends and I and we attempted to make a normal discussion. We talked about life and stuff and the hosts would try and flirt with my friends. If they even looked at me, I would send them a glare which sent them sprawling.

"Mommy? Why doesn't (y/n) like us?" Tamaki cried.

Who the fuck was Mommy?

Kyoya replied and I had to keep myself from laughing, "That is indeed a very good question. Miss (y/l/n) why don't you enjoy the club?"

I snorted, "I don't like what you guys do. You give off the wrong impression, even if you mean no harm. You willingly string along girls like fish to the bait, and once you hook them, you never let go. You may delude yourself into thinking that your are being nice and helping them, and in some cases you might be. But most of the time, you get these girls addicted to you like a drug, until they practically need to see you daily in order to function properly. I don't like that. I never will. And furthermore, as much as I can keep ranting, I have to remind you to do your job. Since my friends wanted to come here and be your guests, and instead, you just want to figure out my own personal displeasure about you for your own ego. If you want to be a host, do it right, or don't do it at all. If you truly care for these girls, you'll act like it, and not get them addicted to you then break them. Especially since none of you like you guests, you actually like-"

I gave a pointed look towards Haruhi but she still looked oblivious. But before I could add anything else, my speech was stopped by the twins so I licked their hands to get them off of me. They yelped and backed off.

"You certainly have a keen eye, Miss (y/l/n), but I warn you to watch what you say. My family is the Ootori, and although I may not be sure what your family does and how powerful they may be, I'm sure you don't want us as an enemy." Kyoya's glasses tinted.

The other Hosts chimed in agreement and I rolled my eyes, "Whatever you say. But you can't deny the truth.  Now, if you please, entertain my friends."

Mitsui leaned over to me, "Wow, you really got them shaken. Good speech though. Although I wouldn't dare say that in front of the fangirls."

Azima and her both snickered and I let myself grin a little. But I was a bit distracted. The Ootori name rang a bell in my ears. I'm pretty sure the assassin was after them, until I got there. Things went on normally as the hosts did their thing until the time was up. We packed up and helped clean up a bit when I felt a buzzing coming from my pocket. I think I knew what it was. I put down some of the plates and held the phone up to my ear.

"Bank robbery commencing," the robotic voice of my high tech computer stated.

Her name was AIRS (Artificial Intelligence Robotic System) and she would notify me when the police received word of something. I hacked into the police alert system to get it connected.

"Ok which?" I said, ignoring the curious looks of the Hosts and my friends.

"The Resona Bank Tokyo Branch," AIRS said.

"Okay, I'm on my way." I said and ended the call.

I put the plates down in the kitchen before rushing back out, "Sorry, guys, but something came up. I got to go."

Azima and Mitsui probably assumed that it was my business and waved me off.

"Is everything alright (y/n/n)-chan?" Honey said.

"One, don't call me that. Two, it's nothing. My mom just needs me home now." I stated in a rush.

"Would you like a limo?" Tamaki offered.

"What? No. No thanks." I said stuffing my stuff in my schoolbag. 

"Nevertheless, I would like to speak to you tomorrow regarding the fees. Will you come tomorrow after the Host Club?" Kyoya asked.

"Yeah, sure. Whatever. Bye!" I said, not really hearing what he said and ran out the door. 

I darted around the corner, knowing I won't be able to reach the robbery in the school uniform. Quickly making sure no one was around, I raised my hands. The flames of hell appeared out of nowhere, wrapping around me. It didn't burn and in a heartbeat, my Demon costume was on. I placed the masks on and darted out of the building. I ran from rooftop to rooftop, my feet quickly and quietly moving. (A/N: I'm going to warn you now. I know pretty much nothing about a banks setup so just bare with me and my limited comic book knowledge) I reached the bank and landed on the roof. The thieves were already inside, I could feel it. I dismantled the fire escaped, so it wouldn't make any noise and ran through. Sure enough, the vault was wide open and people with white masks were taking gold bars out and stuffing them in bags. I moved through the ceiling before jumping down quietly.

"Hello." I said, the mask distorting my voice.

They jumped and some of them even dropped their bags, landing on  their foot. I gave a huge grin behind the mask, this is where I was free, doing what I loved. One of them recovered and pulled out a gun and I leapt into action.

~Time Skip brought to you by: My Laziness~

As you can guess, the band of thieves were caught and I disappeared before the police arrived. I left my calling card, the wanted poster the police set up for me hanging from the main leader's unconscious body. I reached my house, it looked like a normal apartment complex and I entered through the third floor but once inside, the entire building was redesigned into my house. An entire mansion complete with indestructible training grounds on the top floor.

I threw off the mask, "Hey AIRS, mission report."

I tiredly held up my arms and the costume disappeared back to hell. The fight had worn me out and I was just glad I didn't have to use my powers. Otherwise, I'd be even more tired. 

She beeped, showing she was ready, and I reported on today's files, "11/25/18. Caught a group of people, 3 biological men, 3 biological women. Robbing Resona Bank, the Tokyo Branch. However, there were no further leads on the Blood Dragon. This appeared to just be a group of petty criminals. But I need to contain the threat of Blood Dragon as soon as possible. Mission would be classified as a success but because of no leads, I condone it as a failure. Signing off."

AIRS beeped again and then sighed, "You shouldn't be so hard on yourself, Miss (y/l/n). It is not your fault. You will catch the Blood Dragon! Whoever they may be!" 

I smiled, "Thanks AIRS, you always know how to cheer me up."

I thought of AIRS like my BFDW (my Big Friendly Deadly Weapon). I was proud of myself for creating her. She can think for herself, make remarks and even hold some emotions. She's like and acts like my mom/best friend, which, now that I think about, sounds kind of pathetic. But it's not like I can go around talking to my friends about my life. Most people don't know anything about my company, they don't know that I'm running it (except for a couple of people), and they most certainly don't know I'm the Demon. I begin to head away to my bedroom.

"Food is ready for you when you are, " AIRS said cheerfully.

"Alright." I said.

I ate and did my homework before tiredly looking at the clock. 11:00 PM, huh, it felt later.

"Well, I'm crashing in a bit earlier today, AIRS." I said, stifling a yawn.

"Very well, have a good night! Your uniform will be ready by the morning." she said.

"Security night lock-down code 7-0-7-1." I stated and all the lights in the building dimmed or shut off.

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