{11} Lazereth

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"NO!" Haruhi, the twins and Tamaki yelled.

Dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnn

The Hosts all began running out of the hotel towards the cliff. Rain and wind pelted against them, as if trying to keep them away from you. But nothing would stop them from trying to save you. At least, they thought you needed saving. They were still a distance away from you but the next sight stopped them in their tracks.

(Your POV)

~Under the sea dun dun dun, under the sea dun dun dun, down where it's wetter, I think that's the words, I don't really know, under the sea~ the song from The Little Mermaid played in my head as I sunk beneath the waves. Beginning my training, I activated my powers and the churning water around me began to still slightly. But it was enough for me to exercise my muscles by swimming in it. After a couple minutes of it, I leapt out of the water, flipping over mid-air before diving back into the dark ocean. Underwater, I closed my eyes. Now for the hard stuff. I opened my arms out wide, and the flames of hell came swirling out from the depths of the sea floor. They surrounded me and my eyes shot open, a bright orange taking the place of my usally (dark/light) (e/c) colored irises. I focused my energy on solidifying the surface of the water and I began to float upwards. A small section of the ocean's surface, a circle large enough for me to stand on, lay beneath me. It suddenly was lit aflame. The underworld flames mixed with the salty water, slowly turning. I cautiously set my foot upon it, and to my delightful surprise, it held. I began walking towards the shore, and under every step I took, the mixture of water and fire appeared, holding me up. I reached the beach and got off my magic circles. Then I began to fight. Around every jab I took, the air exploded as raindrops became mist. Sand flew around me as I kicked, creating a almost forcefield like moving sphere around me that lasted for about half of a second. I swept my feet across the sand, and it flew upwards. I knew training was important, but I also knew I had to keep it a secret from the Host Club.

Oh well, I thought, you only live once.

I spun around, it wasn't necessarily needed, I just liked suspense, and my canines sharpened. I laughed wildly and happily, as rain once again hit me. But hell was hot, and so was I, so the rain just became steam as it landed on me. I decided to bring in a sparing partner. I slammed my fist into the ground as flames rose up, molding into a demon. Not me Demon, but the sterotypical horns, fangs, bony stature and mean persona. I grinned, even though I felt my energy waning, it was still so cool when I managed to do this. Suddenly, I heard a collective gasp from behind me when the demon finally took form.

Unholy Devil's crap roasted in the pits of hell! I cursed inwardly.

The demon and my own head whipped around to see who the intruders were. Of course... My good old buddies who are stupid sexist idiots who think it's a good idea to follow me around. a.k.a The Host Club. Great...Now I'm going to have to explain shit. I was saved by the bell, or more accurately, the demon's laughter that sounded like nails on a chalkboard.

"Food!" It told me in my head.

Thanks to my abilities, I could understand the demonic tongue.

"No! Not food! Those are my, er, friends!" I mentally shouted at it back.

"Lazereth hungry!" It growled.

Then the creature charged. I ran and intercepted the monster.

"This wasn't the training I planned for, but I guess it'll have to do!" I said.

I dodged Lazereth's fist, and punched it in its ribcage. It clawed my left cheek, drawing blood. I hissed and stumbled away as the disgusting thing smiled and licked my blood of its' fingers. So it was a blood demon.

"Your blood tastes sweet," it snarled.

I shuddered, resuming my fighting stance and tried to ignore the poison from the cut that was now seeping into my blood, "Yuck man. Keep it in your pants!"

We resumed fighting as the Host Club stood there, transfixed by the fight.

I dodged another clawed hand and yelled over my shoulder, "You guys might want to move now!"

Honey yelled back, "We want to help!"

"Are you guys crazy? If I was fighting some street thugs, sure why not. But this is the fucking supernatural, something none of you have any clue on how to fight against. Besides, I summoned it, I deal with it." I yelled dodging Lazereth's attacks.

It chuckled, "You think you can defeat me?"

"I've had enough of your ego!" I yelled.

I left my katana back in the city so I bought out my pistol that I kept with me for emergency. I jabbed the demon with my elbow and swept my right foot underneath it, knocking it to the sandy floor. I quickly stood up and cocked the loaded gun at its' head.

"Any last words?" I said.

"Yes," it snarled, quickly standing up, "DIE!"

It lunged at me but I shot it, right in between the eyes. It kept charging. Crap, I forgot that normal bullets don't do anything against the supernatural! It growled as we tumbled across the sand. The sand scratched against me and Lazereth grabbed my neck. It lifted me off the ground and I clawed against its' gnarly hands. My eyes flashed back and forth from oramge to (e/c) as my vision began to blur.

"(y/n)!" Everyone cried and began to run towards me.

I held up my hand weakly in their direction.

"Don't...too...dangerous," I choked out.

"We can't just let you die!" Tamaki yelled out.

The demon laughed, "How sweet! When I devour your sweet sweet blood, I'll take theirs as well, not leaving a drop. And, just for you, I'll make it as excruciatingly painful as possible."

With my last bit of strength my eyes flashed a dangerous shade of orange.

I snarled, "Don't. Mess. With. My. Friends!"

I held onto the creature with my right hand and changed my left so my nails became pointy. It simmered with black magic as I mentally recited an incantation. With a roar, I plunged my hand into the monster's chest. Ripping out it's disfigured black heart, I crushed it in my fist. The demon's empty husk fell to the ground, and erupted into flames. It quickly burned away in a matter of seconds and the ashes blew away in the wind sending it back to where it came from. I looked up and saw that we were all drenched and the cold wind and rain were still pelting against us. The Host Club expressions were all varying, some blank, some in awe and some filled with fear. I sighed, it was just like last time. I turned away, it would be better if I cut off all connections to them now. Maybe move schools as well. I began to walk away, ignoring Haruhi's calls for me.

"(y/n)! Wait!" She called after me.

I didn't run, deciding to awesomely walk away but a hand on my shoulder soon stopped me.

"(y/n)..." she said softly.

I didn't turn and heard the footsteps of the other members coming towards us. I lied when I said I didn't run because I wanted to be awesome, in truth, I was drained. Badly. Using my magical abilities always wears me out but most of the time, my katana takes the burnt of the impact. Doing it on my own was exhausting. Not to mention the small amount of poison that was in me from Lazereth's cut. I began to sway as my vision blurried. I also had a tendency to pass out after a long use of magical abilities. Which was completely uncool.

"Um, (y/n)?" Haruhi's voice asked again.

But I was already down and out for the count.

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