{10} The Sun, The Sea, and My Awesomeness (Part II)

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Back in the safety of my own room, I immediately dialed up AIRS.

"Yes Ms. (y/l/n)?"

"Hi, has there been any trouble yet?"

"No, Ms. (y/l/n). Nothing since the last 42 times you have called."

I know she's a robot, but man can she be a smart ass sometimes.

"Alright, just keep me posted," I replied.

"Very well."

The call ended and I looked out of the window in my room that faced the beach. I looked at the sky, looks like it's going to rain soon... Probably after dinner. Judging by how dark it's getting and how fast, I'm going to take a wild guess and assume it's going to be a thunderstorm. Perfect. Suddenly, there was a knock at my door, breaking me out of my thoughts.

Kaoru's voice rang out, "Dinner's ready, (y/n)-chan."

"Alright, I'll be down in a minute." I called out, and quickly changed into my pajamas, which consisted of a big t-shirt and some shorts. I walked downstairs and ran into Haruhi, who was being accompanied by Mori.

"Hey!" I greeted happily.

"Hello." She replied casually.

Mori didn't say anything so assumed he was still kind of mad about earlier. But whatever. Don't have time for those haters. We walked together in silence and reached the fining room. Mori opened up the doors and immediately alk eyes were on us. We sat down and an awkward silence filled the air.

"Well this is awkward." The twins stated the obvious.

I rolled my eyes but Honey saved us all, "Come on guys, let's eat! I'm sure the food we caught today will taste great!"

That was all it took for Haruhi and me to dig in.

*crack* *crunch*

Noises ensued the air as we dug into our food. After a bit, Tamaki apparently had enough.

"Are you two trying to be cute or something?"

Haruhi barely looked up, "I thought you weren't talking to us anymore."

Well damn.

Tamaki angrily stood up, as I kept eating, "Fine. I see you two don't want to realize your mistakes. I wish to retire now, Kyoya, could you please show me to my room?" He said before storming off.

"Excuse me too then." Kyoya wiped his mouth before exiting.

I stifled a laugh, even when they were angry they still kept their manners. Skills 101. Haruhi upruptly stopped eating and I knew some dramatic shit was about to go down. I was right, a whole apology thing went about, a group hug and then Haruhi ruined the "touching moment" by clutching her stomach and running off. I called that shit right there. Ten bucks she and Tamaki would make up by the end of the night. The hosts turned to me as I stared out the window.

"(y/n/n)-chan? Are you feeling alright?" Honey said softly.

"Hm? Yeah." I said still eating.

"Aren't you going to apologize too?" the twins asked.

"Me? Nah, I still don't believe I did anything wrong. I can take of myself." so before I would get wrapped up in the emotional stuff that was about to happen (and knowing the Host Club, most likely get ruined), I decided to take my leave, "Please excuse me."

The Hosts offered to walk me to my room and I agreed to throw them off. After getting to my room, I threw on some clothes that I could work out with on and let AIRS know where I was going. Right now, everything seemed peaceful so I was pretty sure no one would notice my disappearance. I opened up the door to the hallway and slipped out of my room. Slinking down the hallways, I finally reached the first floor. I quickly left the hotel and went down to the beach. It began to pour and the wind picked up. Lighting and thunder crashed and rumbled across the sky as the waves began to beat dangerously against the shore. Wind and rain pounded against me as I climbed to the top of the cliff I had fallen off of earlier. I sat at the edge, the ocean roaring underneath me, as if trying to tell me to jump to my watery death. Except....

"It'll take a lot more than some water to kill me." I mumbled.

And then I jumped.

(Host POV- a couple moments earlier)

Hikaru knocked at your door, "(y/n)? You forgot your sweather at the table and I figured you'd want it."

A slight snoring noise came from the other side.

She must be sleeping. He thought.

Then an evil thought came on through, She's snoring! That's quality blackmail material right there! I'm sure she won't get too mad if I come in. And I can drop off her sweather at the same time!.

With that, he picklocked the door and opened it. But instead of seeing you on your bed, nobody was there. Your radio was on, and from it came the snoring noise, a singular track playing on repeat. His eyes widened.

"(y/n)? Are you there? Ok I get it, nice prank. Come on out now, I have your sweather," he chuckled.

No response.



"It's not funny anymore, (y/n)."

Dude, she's not there.

Hikaru darted out of the room, "Kaoru!"

His twin popped out, sleepy, "What is it?"

"I can't find (y/n)!" Hikaru said frantically.

Kaoru's eyes widened, he was certainly awake now.

"(y/n)?!?!? Where are you?!?!" they yelled, running off.

Honey and Mori popped up, "What's going on?"

"(y/n)'s gone!" the twins yelled.

"We need to go find Kyo-chan, Tama-chan and Haru-chan!" Honey cried out.

The four raced down the hallway, reaching Kyoya. To their surprise, the door was already open.

"What the hell is going on?" He said, glasses flashing.

"(y/n)'s missing!" They yelled, minus Mori.

Kyoya's glare immediately vanished and the group headed towards Haruhi's room, which was closest. We they opened it, they discovered Tamaki putting earplugs in a blindfolded Haruhi's ears.

"And with these, you can't hear anything," he said cheerfully.

"Wow, you're right Senpai!" She said.

The twins made a remark about Tamaki's pervertedness and he immediately defended himself. Haruhi made a comment and it seemed as if they forgot about you. Honey didn't like that at all.

"(y/n/n)'s missing!" He cried.

Mori's eyes widened and Honey pointed out the window, "LOOK!"

They all ran to the eindow and they saw a figure stand up on the cliff. It was raining hard so thry couldn't see how it was but they had a pretty good guess.

"(Y/N)!" They all yelled.

But you didn't hear them. And they began to pound on the window.

"(Y/N)! GET AWAY FROM THE EDGE!" Tamaki yelled frantically.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Hikaru yelled out.

Mori, Honey and Kyoya were already running.

But you didn't know and you jumped.

"NO!" Haruhi, the twins and Tamaki yelled.

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