{8} For Your Safety

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"Daddy?" a young (h/c) haired girl asked her father.

"Yes?" A man's gruff yet kind voice replied.

"Who was that scary man? And what deal did you make?" the innocent girl asked her poor father.

He sighed and his work weary eyes looked down at his trusting daughter who was only 3 at the time.

He squatted down and put a hand on her shoulder, "It was nothing, love. Nothing you need to worry about okay? At least not yet."

She nodded eagerly, looking at him with wide eyes, "Okay Daddy!"

His grip became slightly tight, causing her to look at him with concern, "Are you okay Daddy?"

He suddenly pulled her into an embrace, "I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. I love you okay? Don't forget that. No matter what, don't forget that I love you."

Her voice quivered as she spoke, "What's going on? You're scaring me."

Her father made her look at him in his eyes, "This is for your safety."

(Your POV)

The Hosts made themselves comfortable and I tried to divert their attention away from what they wanted with an awkward chuckle, "Anyone want some tea?"

Kyoya pushed his glasses up, "Stop trying to change the subject, Ms. (y/l/n)."

The twins spoke up, "Yeah! What just happened?!?!"

Haruhi shushed them, "Be quiet guys. Let her speak."

Honey smiled at me, holding Usa-chan tightly, "Yeah! (y/n/n)-chan can talk when she wants to!"

Tamaki sighed, "Yes, my princess may need saving and we will help!"

Mori just sat there.

I began to speak, "Okay one, I'm not your princess and I certainly never will be-" this sent Tamaki to a corner "-second, GET OUT OF MY CORNER! And third, I can't tell you guys."


"Yup, so sorry. Really truly am. My bad. But it's better this way," I began herding them out of my door.

"WAIT!" Tamaki yelled, stopped me from shoving them out with his body, holding unto the doorway.

"What?" I asked.

He blushed, "I, uh, didn't think that far."

I sighed, "I know you don't know me. But I'm asking you to trust me. This is for your own safety."

Haruhi sighed, "You do know that they're not going to leave you alone now right?"

I smirked, "I think I can handle a few boys."

This caused them to all stare at me, "What? Did I say something?"

Suddenly, I found myself in an interrogation room.

Well that was fast.

I looked up the see the typical good cop, silent cop (?) with Honey and Mori. The twins popped out of the dark and shone a bright light on my face. I blinked.

Kyoya came out of the dark with his notebook, "You are going to tell us what is going on Miss (y/l/n). If you do not, there will be consequences."

Tamaki came up, "We only want to help."

"So come on-" Hikaru said.

"-and tell us!" Kaoru finished.

I saw Haruhi mouth an 'I'm sorry.' to you but I just smiled and shook my head.

"Guys, sorry but you're antics won't work with me. I can't and won't tell you. It's for your own safety." and with that I got up and left.

(Host POV)

"How'd she even leave?" the twins mused.

"What're we going to do about (y/n/n)-chan?" Honey asked 'cutely'.

"On Monday, men plus Haruhi, we will kidnap her!" Tamaki said 'heroically'.

"I don't think that's a good idea," Haruhi said sweatdropping, "We saw what she did to that drunk guy and that 'Sombra'. Do you really think she'd fall for one of your kidnappings?"

"As much as I'd hate to say it, Tamaki's right-" Haruhi sweatdropped, "I'm rather intrigued by Miss (y/l/n). There is hardly any information on her and she won't talk. I'm afraid kidnapping is the way to go." Kyoya stated.

Well now they're just ignoring me, Haruhi thought as the Hosts began planning.

~Time Skip to Monday after you've stopped an illegal Drug Trade Operation, caught a ton of bad guys, kicked ass, helped your company get 2 new partnerships with Amazon and Netflix, and finished your homework~

The hosts hid behind some bushes -again- and waited for Haruhi and you to come out. (You had only popped into their lives a short while after Haruhi so you are both fairly new) Haruhi came out first and was immediately swooped up by the twins.

"Honey, Mori, you two are up," Tamaki ordered and the two saluted him.

You then came out with her two friends again. The sun shone on your (h/c) hair and caused it to shine. You smiled brightly at your friends and the hosts stared at you for a second.

"So...so...KAWAII!" Tamaki whisper-yelled before getting in the car with Kyoya.

Mori and Honey suddenly appeared in front of you. Mori swung you over his shoulder as Honey began skipping next to you.

"H-hey!" You yelled and began squirming.

(Your POV)

I knew that they wouldn't hurt me, otherwise I would have been actually fighting but that didn't mean I didn't have any places to be.

"Let me go!" you pounded your fists against Mori's back.

He didn't even flinch.

"No can do, (y/n/n)-chan!" Honey said cheerfully.

"Stop calling me that!" I groaned, it totally took away my feelings of badass-ness.

They plopped me into a limo that was waiting for me and I turned to face the other hosts. I crossed my arms and took in their faces. I noticed Haruhi looked as confused as I felt.

"Why'd you kidnap us?" I demanded.

"We're taking you to the beach!" Honey said happily.

Haruhi looked excited but I groaned, "No no no and absolutely...." the Hosts looked at me with hopeful voice as my face trailed off, "No."

"But why don't you want to spend time with us?" Tamaki whined.

"You make it seem as if my whole life revolves around you! I have stuff I have to do you know! And what about my parents?!?!?!" I said angrily.

"I'm sure that can wait. You claim to be quite busy, quite often, so a break will do you good." Kyoya said matter-of-factly.

I claim to be busy? I seethed. You try balancing saving a city, keeping your business running, and keeping up with you homework while maintaining a secret, Kyoya!

"Next time an assassin comes to kill you, you can count me out," I muttered under my breath.

"What was that?" Kyoya said as his glasses shone.

"Tch, whatever," I rolled my eyes.

Let's hope there's nothing the police cannot handle this weekend.

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