{3} Meeting the Prostitutes

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I was hoping the attention would go away and luckily, it did. People move on so quickly to the "next big thing" and it's honestly a blessing. After about a week, people stopped talking to me and I stopped needing to tell them fake names. Only a couple people knew my name, Mitsui, Azima, and my teachers, but I kept them all quiet. My "night life" was becoming increasingly more dangerous. The name Blood Dragon keeps popping up in the dark streets of Japan. I had no idea who the hell this person was, but I needed to find out and fast. I entered the classroom, only to be swarmed by my friends.

"It's my birthday!" Azima said happily.

I handed her my homemade card and bento with a slight smile on my face.

Mitsui gasped, "The cold-hearted one is being nice?!?!?!?"

I rolled my eyes before shoving her playfully, "Shut up."

They shared a look and I sighed, "What do you guys want now?"

Mitsui twiddled her thumbs, "Azima has a, uh, special request for her birthday."

Azima gulped, "I, uh, was, uh, wondering if you could come with us to the Host Club for my birthday..."

I began to give her a glare before remembering the occasion, "Fine."

"I know you don't like them but- wait. You said fine? You said fine! Yay!" she jumped around happily.

Mitsui looked surprised, "I thought it would have taken more effort."

We looked over at the dancing girl.

"Well, it is her birthday," I stated.

~~Time Skip bought to you by Aquaman is at least better than Squirrel Girl~~

When the clock chimed, signaling the end of the day. I was considering making a run for it but two arms slipped through mine and carried me away. I grumbled but didn't struggle as Mitsui and Azima carried me to the abandoned music room #3.

"I thought you guys were taking me to the Host Club?" I asked them.

"This is the Host Club!" Mitsui said cheerfully, "You're going to love them!"


"And, since it's my birthday, I requested we get all of them to ourselves for a couple of hours. It'll be great!" Azima added.

I gulped, "Alone? With them? For a couple of hours?!?!?!? I can't do that!"

"Too late!" they walked on through.

A bright light hit me and I started yelling, "My eyes! I'm blind! I'm blinddddd!"

I protectively put myself in front of my friends, ready to attack. But then the second wave hit me. Rose petals.

"Look out!" I yelled and accidentally swallowed one.

I started hacking on the petal as Mitsui and Azima pounded on my back. I got it out, wiped my mouth then started ranting.

"What the hell was that? Are they trying to kill someone? The light alone could cause serious damage to your eyesight, not to mention the dangers of walking into something dangerous well you are slightly visually impaired! And don't get me started on the flower petals! What is someone is allergic to pollen?!!?! You just killed them there! And the choking hazards! Deadly! Dangerous! Stupid! Idiotic! Whoever thought of that was clearly aiming for the romantic effect but missed by a mile! Unless, you count death romantic, which I don't, they are so dumb! When I get my hands on those pack of idiots, I don't care how many fangirls will get mad, I'll-" I stopped ranting, seeing my friends' uncomfortable expressions, "And...They're right behind me aren't they?"

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