{2} Don't Mess with My Friends

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[I think I might keep this in 2nd person, request if you want it in 1st]

You brushed off your hideous yellow dress and looked up at the pink school that had been your home away from home for almost a year now. You waved goodbye to your limo driver and walked up the steps for another day of school. Oh yeah... you were rich. Not the "I-inherited-my-parents-money-and-am-a-rich-snob" rich. Instead you were a rags to riches story, a prodigy some would say. But of course, due to certain...Extracurricular activities, you had to hide the fact. In order to make yourself, another nameless face in the snobby rich crowd, you had to pretend you were and heir, not the owner, to the (y/l/n) Companies. You were really powerful, and your classmates ranked you among some of the highest. This caused you to smirk, the difference was, in a way, you were the highest. You didn't inherit the money, you owned it.

"(y/n)!" your friend, Azima, yelled out to you.

She dashed to your side, a light blush from the running on her cheeks. You immediately put on your happy face, grinning at her. You did actually like her but after yesterday with the assassin, you were sore from the stabbing.

She looked over you with concern, "Are you ok?"

You nodded quickly, "Yeah just tired."

She looked at me suspiciously, "Hm, okay."

(Okay, sorry, I'm switching to 1st)

Luckily for me, our other friend, Mitsui ran over to us, "Phew, I made it!"

We all laughed since it was a joke between us that Mitsui couldn't make it anywhere without getting there in a nick of time. As if on cue, the clock ring and we rushed to our first class. We were all in Class-A, in the advanced studies. What got me mad, however, was the fact that many of the students weren't that smart, it was more or less social class and not based on what you knew. As soon as we entered, I became the girl that stayed in the background and just went along with the crowd. It made it much easier to keep my identity hidden. If you were just a nobody, then it was so much more easier to keep under the radar. I bet that not even half of the class knew my name, even if I was more powerful than them, by playing dumb, it made me a forgetful face. A nobody. And I liked it that way. We made our way to our desks and since the teacher hadn't arrived yet, people were chatting and throwing random stuff at each other. The boys would be chatting and the girls would all be in one big group, gushing over the subject I hated the most. The Host Club. I didn't even know them or what even what the Host Club was but the way that these idiots gushed over them made me want to find the club and chop them to pieces with my katana. But for the sake of being a nobody, I had to pretend I liked it. No, even worse, I had to pretend I loved it. A girl whose name was Kanako, I think, squealed over some kid named Honey-Senpai calling him the best host. Even I knew that was a wrong move to make. These crazy ass chicks will defend their favorite till death. She could have made it easier and declared war instead.  They started arguing and I internally sighed, here we go again. Now whose side should I choose today? The apparent "king" Tamaki? Or the "little kid" Honey? I opened my mouth to speak when two hands clamped over it. Mitsui shook her head and mouthed, 'No they will rip you apart.' I nodded and she and Azima led me away from the bickering children I know unfortunately as my classmates.

Azima giggled, "So...Which Host is your favorite?"

She and Mitsui shared a knowing look and began fangirling over them. My jaw dropped as I watched them. They knew how much I hated the Hosts. How could they do this to me? Were they bitten by some Club Bug or something? Yes that's it! The source of all the world's problems is because of that Bug! I vow to find it, and squash it under my foot in good riddance. I swear-

They burst out laughing.

"You should've seen your face!" Mitsui laughed.

"Priceless!" Azima agreed.

I sulked and they calmed down.

"We're only joking, we know you don't like the Host Club," Azima said, wiping tears from her eyes.

Mitsui and I froze. She said it outloud in school. Shit. I'm screwed.

Speak of the devil and he shall appear.

"Who hates the Host Club?" We heard a voice say behind us.

We whipped around and there stood the Hitachiin twins, I forgot their names. Fred and George? I don't know. That might be right.

"Oh hey Fred and George," I said casually.

Mitsui and Azima facepalmed as the twins deadpanned,"Who is Fred and George?"

I gulped, "Um huh well, my cousins?"

"Do we look like your cousins to you?" They asked creepily.

"Anywho," I changed the subject, "What brings you to our humble abode?"

I know I'm bad in conversations, but thankfully, the teacher walked in.

"Everyone to their seats!" She said.

I breathed out a sign of relief, I'm was safe. I just had to make sure I throttled Azima when school's over. I need to make sure I don't do think again. Everything could be compromised if I got too much attention on me. But I knew I didn't need to worry about the reincarnated versions of the Weasley brothers. They were by far too wrapped up in their own little world to notice me, but still... I looked over at Azima and shot her my 'you're dead to me' stare. Unfortunately, she and Mitsui only giggled at this. I rolled my eyes and turned my attention back to the teacher.

It was our break and we headed to the lunchroom. We grabbed our lunch and grabbed a lunch table to sit down at. We were eating and chatting when suddenly a girl and a couple of others came up to us. 

"Hi!" Mitsui said cheerfully.

Ignoring her, the one who seemed to be in the lead glared at me.

"Just what do you think you were doing with our twins?" she hissed at me.

I rolled my eyes, I would take fighting all of Japan's criminals than being at the receiving end of wrath from a jealous fangirl any day. They can get crazy.

"I wasn't 'doing' anything to your precious twins. So thanks for your concern and goodbye now." I stated coldly.

"No, not goodbye. We aren't done with you, slut." she said in what I assumed was supposed to be a threatening tone of voice.

Before I could remark an much too good of a friend spoke up.

"Don't call her a slut! If anythings, you're the slut! Parading around in a much more revealing outfit and throwing yourself at any boy who you find attractive!" Mitsui's mad voice rang loud and clear throughout the entire cafeteria, causing everyone to stop their conversations and look at us interested.

And now I have attention.

"She's right! You bring dishonor! Dishonor on you! Dishonor on your cows! dishonor on your family!" Azima yelled.

I stared at them with slightly wide eyes. You know you have true friends when they stick up for you while quoting Disney. But apparently, the bitch in front of me didn't think so. She hissed at them.

"How dare you," and before anyone could even blink, she had moved to slap them both.

But I was so much faster.

I grabbed both of her hands and stopped them completely. Everyone was silent watching me, but this time, I didn't care. She moved against my friends. And that, is a death wish.

"No. It's actually, how dare you." I said, then I twisted her around and kicked her back, making her fall to the ground.

"If you want to mess, with me, fine. I've handled worse than jealous whores like you. But don't you ever. Ever. Make a move against my friends. Let this be a warning, because next time, I won't be so nice." I practically growled at them, causing her and her goons to run away.

I turned away and was met by the stares of the kids in cafeteria. Well, I forgot about them. But before I could decide if I cause a mass-induced amnesia or leave them be, Mitsui and Azima began to clap. Soon, the entire cafeteria was clapping a some even whistled. My face flushed slightly, adding to yet another reason why I don't like attention. I gave them a small fake smile before returning back to my seat.

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