Chapter 5

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Keane's POV
      I had been at the gym for over six hours. The sweat poured down my face and back without mercy.
      I had removed my shirt a while ago, and I didn't miss the girls that were ogling me out of the corner of my eyes. But I could care less about them right now.
      I was frustrated because my whole workout hadn't erased the guilt I felt towards Sean and Caroline from my mind.
      They kept on popping up in my mind, and my subconscious taunted me endlessly.
      Gathering up the rage and frustration and guilt in one blow, I launched a fiery blow at the punching bag while letting out a god awful "Dammit!"
      The trainer and some other guys working out stared at me and the now swinging bag with interest.
      "If you can't be quiet Keane, get the fuck out." the trainer told me. I was irritated and hit the damn bag one more time because I wanted to and stalked out.
      I sat down in the door steps and placed my head in my hands. Honestly, I wished I could cry it all away. The guilt gave me this choking feeling in my guts.
      I brought my hands down to have a look at them, and gently removed the black tape. My knuckles were busted and bloody. No surprise there. But I broke a finger. Shit.
      It was now 6:41am on Sunday morning. Since I was resuming work tomorrow, and didn't want to answer Caroline's questions, I decided to at least visit a chemist and treat my fingers. I got up from the pavement, dusted my butt and strolled over to the chemist shop closest to the gym.
      The sign read "Closed" but I could see a young lady inside doing paperwork.
      I trudged up to the door and knocked trying to get her attention. She looked up at me and smiled.
      God help me, she was beautiful.
      "Hello," she said, waving at me to get my attention. I instantly placed a scowl on my face and stared at those mesmerizing sea green eyes.
       "I need to clean up my fingers now." I replied, waving my busted and now horribly bleeding knuckles in her face.
      She drew back immediately looking disgusted and said that "eeew" thing girls loved to say. I honestly didn't understand why they loved that word so much.
      "Hey, I'm not here to waste my goddamn time. You're treating it or not?" I said.
      "Hey young man, don't holler at me. I ain't ya errand girl. Wait a few secs" she said jumping off her stool. Ok, she had sass, I liked her.
      I found my eyes following her beautifully curved ass as she bent down to retrieve the keys for the door. I inwardly palmed myself. "What happened to the Keane who doesn't do girls?" my oh so very nice subconscious mocked.
      I forced myself to look away and step back as she opened the door. Her movements were graceful and fluid.
      "Do you dance?" I found myself blurting out.
      "Uh..Ya. I dance in my free time." she answered seeming surprised. I simply nodded my head and followed her in.
      "Let's have a look at your excuse for a hand" she said stretching out her extremely small hand.
      Like seriously? Was this pretty bitch going to be rude all day? "Let's find out" my subconscious retorted. Oh hell. I stretched out my hand and she took it in hers.
      What I didn't expect was the electricity that fucking exploded from her touch, nor the drowning awareness I felt in that moment that she was a woman, and I, a man.
      And from the way she gasped, I knew she felt it too. I didn't know what to do, and I didn't wait to find out what the fuck just happened.
      I bolted.
      It had been fourteen damn years since my mother died, fourteen good years since I knew the meaning of love, fourteen years since I knew the meaning of emotion, fourteen damn years since I felt anything for a woman.
       Women had come, were always coming, a lot without clothing. And you mean to tell me that goody two shoes with the longest and most hideous skirt I had ever seen and a mere contact of hands almost wrecked my fucking world, fueled my desire to the point of explosion and opened up the heart that had been walled up for fourteen fucking years?! I had gone insane. No, scratch that. Keane Roberts was officially fucking insane.

Hello guys. I'm so sorry u took so long to update. Hope you enjoyed the chapter like I did. 😁😁.  Please don't forget to vote and comment. I love you.. 💖💖.. Muahh.. 😘😘😘

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