Chapter 2

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Keane's POV
      The dusk was steadily approaching by the time I could see my home in my line of vision. I had decided on impulse to just wander through the city in a bid to clear my thoughts and really think about my recent appointment.
      Well I ended up just walking and appreciating the beauty of Miami. Her outdoor cafes, beautiful weather, parks, quaint riverfront streets and boutiques were good enough distractions for least for a while.
      I looked up to find out that I was now standing in front of my best friend's home, which was also home to me.
      I rapped on the door and waited as muffled voices came closer and someone shuffled to open the door.
      "Keane baby! " Sean's girlfriend, Caroline squealed as she rushed over to embrace me. I rolled my eyes inwardly at the use of her nickname for me. Her hug was kinda uncomfortable but I managed to return it so as not to upset Sean
      "Hello" I said in return.
      "How was the interview?" She asked looking at me with expectancy in her green eyes
      "I got the job" I said, waving my folder at her.
      "O mi gosh! I'm so happy for you Keane baby! " she squealed and enfolded me  in another hug. Like seriously, how long was I going to endure this?  I groaned inwardly.
     "Babe!  Babe!!" she screamed calling Sean.
      Motherfucker we are outside for God's sake.. Can't she at least enter the house first before deafening the whole neighbourhood? She kept on screeching until Sean showed up.
      "Babe, " she said excitedly. "Keane baby got the job!"
      A goofy grin spread across my best friend's face as he engulfed me in a manly hug. Now this I could take anytime.
      I felt slightly guilty because I didn't tell  Sean and Caroline the nature of the job.
      "Great friend you are" my subconscious mocked me.. Goddammit.. Did I really have to put with all his bullshit??
      "Keane baby we are going for a party tonight "
      "No I'll pass,  thanks though " I said entering the house. I could hear their footsteps following right behind me.
      "Are you kidding my ass?" Caroline said looking at me  like I took a leisurely bath in a soak away.
      "Who the hell stays at home on a Friday night doing absolutely nothing. Not to talk of someone as incredibly hot as you... "
      Sean cleared his throat. Like seriously?
"Oh baby you know you are hotter" she said giving him a kiss. Disgusting if you ask me.
      "As I was saying" oh hell. "You've also got a job to celebrate. So get your handsome ass off  my couch and let's go shag some beer! "
      Just amazing. Typical Caroline.
      "Umm.." I pretended to be thinking.
      "My answer is still no." I wish they knew the guy they were celebrating just got an appointment in a porn agency.
      "What da.. " I looked up to see two horrified pairs of eyes staring at me. I didn't say that out loud. Or did I?
      "A porn agency of all goddamn places?! " Sean fumed. Yup. I actually said that loud. Thanks to my loud mouth. "still sexy though " my subconscious reminded me. Like seriously. Of all moments?  I inwardly palmed myself.
      "Caroline and I are going to go for that goddamn party. And God help your ugly ass, " he said eyeing Caroline. "You don't have an explanation by the time we get back."
      I didn't need to look up to know that Caroline already had tears in her eyes by now as regards my job and Sean was escorting her to the hallway.

Hello guys! I am completely enamored with you guys that have shown me your support. And I hoped you loved the chapter. Anyone with Caroline in feeling bad for Keane? Well I am. And I totally love Caroline by the way. Lol. Please feel free to comment your thoughts and click the like button if you liked the chapter. Totally loving you guys!! 😘💖💖

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