Chapter 7

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Dedicating this chapter to my friend and dedicated reader, Busola. I love you to the moon and back. Happy birthday to you. 😘😘💖🎂🎂

Keane's POV

     It was Monday, my first day at work.
    Yesterday after the event at the chemist, I had just wandered through town before slipping in quietly to my bedroom. I honestly wasn't ready to answer the questions I knew awaited me.

      I knew that I really looked good in my crisp button down shirt and slacks because of the ladies ogling me on my walk to work.

      I really didn't understand the logic in looking official when I was only going to do disgusting things and have weird photoshoots.

       I smirked at the ladies and went they began to giggle in the highest pitches known to man, I scowled and flipped them my middle finger.

      "Other men in your position would have bloated egos and flirty smiles on their faces at those ladies' adoration. What the hell is wrong with you?" A familiar voice remarked.

      I instantly tensed and looked to my side. I was now in front of the chemist shop from yesterday and goody two shoes was looking at me with irritated eyes that screamed, there-is-definitely-a-stick-shoved-up-your-ass.

      But I didn't see myself trying to make a comeback or even scowling.

      Something buzzing in my mouth made me realize that it was wide open and my eyes were centered on goody two shoes' body.

      I was however helpless to even spit out the fly. Goody two shoes looked really amazing today like she was going out on a date or something.

      Her baby pink trousers hugged her hips so perfectly it looked like the designer had only her in mind. And her lace blouse, oh that low cut, sexy, lace blouse was doing damage to my senses.

       Very reluctantly I raised my eyes up to her face and discovered it was worth it after all. Her face was perfect even with only mascara and lip gloss.

      There was a little smear just above her cupid bow. I didn't know what I was doing until I felt my index finger wiping away the excess gloss.

      I could see my subconscious' jaw six feet below the ground.
      I jumped back hastily, and with the last bit of common sense I had left, turned way and jumped into the cab I saw approach.

      It felt like an eternity before I finally got to work. My mind was on overdrive and honestly I hated the way goody two shoes turned me into pussy anytime I encountered her.

      What sucked even more was my jealous  thoughts of killing whoever was taking her out if she was actually going on a date.

      I paid the taxi driver his fee and got out of the car. I shook all thoughts of goody two shoes away. It was time to work.

      When I entered the large building. I walked towards the clerk I saw sitting down and asked for manager Rick. He asked me if I had an appointment and after telling him that I just got a job here. He smiled and offered me his hands.

      "Manager Rick's office is on the fourth floor. First door to your right. I'm Carle by the way." I actually liked him, and his white smile. So I politely thanked him and entered the lift.

      I entered to meet three young ladies. And of course, just as water will always be liquid, they started ogling me.

      I had started to raise my middle finger to flip them off when goody two shoes' words rang in my ear. Don't ask me, I don't know how, but I found myself in polite conversation with them and even wished them a nice day before I exited the elevator.

      Letting out puffs of breaths I hadn't realized the had bern holding, I let out a forced smile when my manager opened the door to his office. No scratch that. This was a bloody apartment. I could leave here for the remainder of my life and never utter a single word in complaint.

      "Congratulations on your first day Mr. Roberts. I will be introducing you right away to your tutor. Her name is Zoe Payne. Shall we?"

      I dipped my head as respectfully as I could muster and followed him to Zoe's office. Did my tutor really have to be a lady?

      I was surprised when I finally got to meet the Zoe Payne. She was decent, and that surprised me. She didn't even ogle me. Whoa. There really is a first time to everything.

      Manger Rick left me with her and as soon as she was gone, this lady checked me out from head to toe. "You're manageable." She muttered.

      Wah dah? Somebody please repeat that. My ego had never been so brutally bruised. And to make matters worse, my subconscious was rolling on the floor with laughter.
      Just perfect, you know. Just perfect.

Lol.. Poor Keane baby really has his ass whipped😂😂😂.

Please don't forget to comment and click the star at the bottom of your screen if you like the chapter like I did. Love you! 😘💖😘💖.
So?? What is your favorite scene so far? 😉😉

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