Chapter 10: Everything

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[Third Person's POV]

Gab, Taehyung, Jungkook, and Kai came back to the house. Kai was confused the whole time they were walking back to their destination. He didn't get what Jungkook just told him earlier.

"Hana... she's actually half vampire"

Jungkook's words were stuck in his thoughts. He was unsure whether to trust Jungkook or not. Even though they've been with them after defeating Jungkook's father, he still doesn't trust him. Sometimes, he would think that he's intentionally planning all this to get us to the hands of those worthless evil vampires. But now that he'll be saying everything, he wanted to make sure that he says everything. And by everything, he meant all of it.

Gab called everyone to gather in the living room, which was actually easy since they all listened. Eunji raised her brow, curious on why Kai is not going in the living room where everyone else were. "Kai, aren't you suppose to gather with everyone else?" asking her brother, she went towards him. But he shook his head, telling her that he won't go. She just shrugged her shoulders and went to the living room, leaving Kai behind.

"So, Jungkook, why'd you call us?" Chen asked to the younger male. They don't know what is Jungkook's reason of why they were suddenly called to go here by Gab, and they were ready to know what's up. "Yeah, why?" Luhan, with a curious tone, asked.

He's ready. Jungkook is ready to tell them everything. Without leaving anything untold, he wanted them to, at least, know what will happen if they'll never get Hana back. And in case they all get confused, he's ready to answer all the question they'll be asking him. There's no turning back now, he thought. Since he called everyone to go here, it would be a shame to tell them that he just called them for fun. And without any further ado, he started.

"It's about Hana" he told them while looking at the floor. Little did everyone know, Kai was leaning against the wall while listening to their conversation. He wanted to clarify everything because he's been really confused. Everyone stayed silent as they listened to whatever Jungkook is going to say. "If you don't know, she's actually half vampire" Jungkook said, making everyone shocked.

"H-How?" Chanyeol stuttered. Knowing that his only love is actually half vampire broke his heart into pieces. He despise vampires, though, Jungkook, Taehyung, and Gab are one. Just like Kai, Chanyeol doesn't trust those three at all. He barely even speak to them.

"You all never knew about this, but she came from a royal family. Her ancestors are very powerful vampires, but they were really kindhearted. Their royal blood was passed down from generations to generations, until it came to Hana" Jungkook explained.

"But why does her father look human? He doesn't look like a normal vampire to me" Kris asked, raising a brow and crossing his arms.

"Well, one of her ancestors fell in love with a human. And that continues on"

"So, what will happen to Hana then?" Eunji asked. It was quite obvious in her tone that she's quite worried for her best friend.

"For starters, Bohyeon is actually using Hana. He only wanted her because he found out that once she's turned into a complete vampire, she'll be very powerful. The royal blood within her will be awakened and it won't be stopped unless she gets killed"

"So are you saying that we have to kill Hana?" Xiumin frowned, not quite understanding what Jungkook just said.

"No, that's not what I meant. What I meant was, we have to bring her back before it's too late" Jungkook turned his gaze to the calendar, which was hanged on the wall. "The 8th of April, there will be a full moon. Bohyeon must be planning to turn her at that day. We must stop him before he could even turn her"

Everyone looked at each other, unsure about Jungkook's plan. But Eunji shrugged the negative thought off and agreed with him. "We have to prepare everything, and we should make a plan. Since I noticed that all our plans aren't working, we have to make something that would actually work. A plan wherein Bohyeon will never know what do to. We're doing this for Hana, anyway" she said, earning everyone's agreement.

Meanwhile Kai, he mentally agreed with his sister. It's true that what they've been doing is for Hana. All of them are very desperate for her to come back. They missed the old times where trouble wasn't in their dictionary. They wanted peace once again. And they'll make sure that, that peace will come true and everything will be back to how it was suppose to be.


New update!

I'm getting used with third person pov so there might be a lot of that now idk. And I've been stressing out lately. I'm trying to have a better time management so that I can update frequently but I just can't. I hope you all understand. I might even be in a long hiatus again because I'll be more focused on my education. But I'll give some time to wattpad :))

Anyways, I won't be saying anything else. This chapter is short, I know and I'm sorry for that. I hope everything is clear now.

Next chapter will be soon. I hope;-;

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