Chapter 8

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2 Weeks Later

I'm still trapped inside my own body with no control for who knows how long. I have no idea what my wolf is doing with Amber. I regret ever letting him have control over my body to spend time with her. He didn't deserve that time one bit. I really hate him right now and if I could I wouldn't hesitate to kill him. He deserves to die for what he's done and when I get my hands on him, I'll kill him, I won't spare him.

I wonder how Amber feels about all this. Is she happy with him or is she missing me? I hope she misses me even though I know she's in love with my wolf as much as she is in love with me but I sometimes feel as if she loves my wolf more than me.

I'm so bored here, I don't know how long I've been trapped. I don't know how I'm still alive to be honest, I guess I'm never getting free to find out, no matter how much I want to.


Amber's pov

These last two weeks I have not seen Jay at all. I've just seen Lee. I was sitting in the living room of Jay's house and Lee was in the kitchen, I don't know what he was doing, probably stuffing his face with food. I really miss Jay, I hope he is alright.

"Lee what happened to Jay?" I asked as Lee came into the living room with his mouth full. I was right he's stuffing his face with food. It took Lee a minute to chew and swallow his food before he answered.

"Nothing, he's fine,' Lee answered then came towards me and put his arms around me.

"Then why haven't I seen him for 2 weeks?" I asked anxiously.

"Because he agreed to let me spend some time with you," Lee replied but I knew he was lying. Jay wouldn't allow that after what happened before.

"Why?" I asked.

"So we can get to know each better," Lee lied.

"And now we do so bring Jay back," I demanded.


"What do you mean no?"

"I meant not yet, I need more time with you," Lee corrected himself but I knew something wasn't right.

"More time, how much more time?" I asked in frustration.

"A few more weeks," Lee said.

"Are you sure Jay is ok? How can he be when you've had control over his body for 2 weeks?" I asked worriedly.

"He'll be fine as long as I'm taking care of his body, you know I'd never harm his body right?" Lee asked me.

"I know but I just want to know if he's alright, can I speak with him for a minute," I pleaded.


"Please I just want to see if he's alright, just one minute please Lee,"

"No, he's fine like I told you before," Lee insisted.

"But-" I began to argue.

"Don't you trust me?" Lee asked with a look of hurt.

"Of course I trust you,"

"Then why won't you take my word that Jay is fine?"

"I'm sorry I just wanted to speak to him but if you say Jay is fine then I believe you,"

"You really believe me?" Lee looked hopeful.

"Yes," I confirmed but I wants to see Jay for myself.

"Good," Lee smiled and kissed my cheek.

"So why don't we make the most of our time together and mate already," Lee whispered in my ear.

"Mate, but we already have mated," I said knowing exactly where the conversation was going.

"That was in my wolf form, I want us to mate now while I'm in control of Jay's body,"

"I don't think that is such a good idea," I told Lee and stood up to get away from him.

"Why not?" Lee asked with a hurt look.

"Because it wouldn't feel right, it would feel like I was cheating on Jay and what if it hurt him?"

"It won't hurt him and besides you never had a problem mating with me in my wolf form,"

"That was different and Jay wasn't happy about it," I told him.

"I thought you loved me," Lee accused sadly.

"I do love you,"

"Then why won't you mate with me?"

"I'm sorry I can't do it, it would be wrong to,"

"Ok but can we mate if I'm a wolf?" Lee asked with hopeful eyes.

"Ok," I agreed.

"Right now?"

"If you want to," I said and before I had finished speaking Lee had already turned into his wolf and had me pinned on the couch.

"Lee stop, you'll break the couch," I said and struggled to get off the couch. Lee realised what I was trying to do and got off the couch before he walked to an empty corner in the room and lay down on his stomach. I followed to sit down where he lay and leaned against him. I stroked his soft black fur. I scratched behind his ear and under his chin, he seemed to be enjoying it because he was purring really loudly. I hugged him and then he pinned me to the floor getting on top of me and I put my arms around him and we stayed that way for a while. It wasn't really comfortable on the floor so I got out from under Lee somehow and stood up. Lee whined, he didn't like that.

"Sorry but I think that's enough for now, I like you better as a human anyway," I said and Lee immediately turned back to human form. He was now in front of me naked. I looked away.

"Why are you looking away, you've seen it all before?" Lee asked.

"I know but it's not your body, it's Jay's so you should have some respect and cover up," I replied.

"I'm sure Jay wouldn't mind,"

"I'm sure he will mind. I mean how would you like it if you were in your wolf form and Jay had control then he asked someone to shave all your fur off," I asked as Lee shuddered at the idea of having no fur.

"You're right that would be awful," Lee said and put some clothes on.

This needs to stop right now, I need to find a way that Jay can have control over his body but how? I have no idea how but I'm going to try and hope I'll be reunited with Jay soon because I miss him, I don't know how much longer I can cope without him.

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