Chapter 9

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As time went by, I grew more and more worried about Jay but whenever I mentioned Jay's name, Lee threw a fit about me not trusting him.

"Lee please," I pleaded the wolf.

"Please what?" Lee asked.

"Please let me see Jay,"

"You're seriously not bringing this up again are you?" Lee asked with an annoyed look.

"Yes I am. I want to see Jay, I miss him, and want to know if he is ok,"

"Like I keep telling you, Jay is fine. Why can't you take my word for it?"

"I believe you but I still want to see that he is ok,"

"I said no so drop it," Lee warned.

"Please-" I began to plead.

"You're not seeing him and that's final," Lee said firmly.

"You can't do this, I love him. Let me see him," I demanded.

"No," Lee insisted.

"You can't keep this up for much longer you know. Jay will take control and then he'll never let you see me,"

"That's not going to happen because I can have control for as long as I want, forever if I wanted," Lee surprised me and then I realised what he was up to. He's planning on having control over my mate's body for life. I can't never see Jay again. As much as I love Lee, he is just a wolf. I can't be happy with just him. I need my human mate.

"That's what you're planning of doing isn't it? You're going to keep control over Jay forever?" I asked sadly.

"How did you guess?" Lee asked with a evil smile.

"You kind of just told me," I sniffled.

"Now you know so you better get used to it because you will only be seeing me from now on,"

"That's not fair," I argued.

"Life isn't fair," Lee replied.

"I didn't even get to say goodbye," I said sadly. "How could you be so cruel?"

"I'm sorry but you could pretend that I'm him and say goodbye. Wait a minute................ I am him," Lee said cockily.

"No you're not him, you're only a wolf spirit who is a part of him. Now let me see him," I demanded.

"No way," Lee refused.

"If you don't let me see him then I'll-" I began to warn.

"Then you'll what, what will you do?" Lee asked with an eyebrow raised as he began to get closer to me.

"Then I'll never touch you again," I stated seriously. I will do anything to get Jay back, even blackmail.

"You can't do that," Lee began to become anxious as be checked my face to see see if I was being serious which I was.

"I can and I will,"

"Please don't not touch me, I'm sorry," Lee apologised.

"Does that mean you'll let me see Jay?" I asked with hopeful eyes.

"No," Lee took my hope away.

"Fine be like that, I'm leaving," I decided. If he won't let me see Jay then there is no way I am staying here with him for the rest of my life. He's a fool if he thinks I will.

I turned to leave but Lee grabbed my arm to stop me.

"You're not going anywhere," Lee pulled me closer to him.

"Yes I am. Now let me go," I tried to get out of Lee's grasp.

"Never," Lee refused and his hold around me tightened.

I've had enough of this. I will demand Lee to let me see Jay or else.

"Let me see Jay right now," I demanded in a raised voice and managed to get away from Lee and move back a few steps.

"Hell No,"

Lee took big steps towards me untill his face was only an inch away from mine. He towered over me, it frightened me and I took a step back.

"I'm sorry. Did I scare you?" Lee asked softly.

I nodded.

"I'm so sorry babe, I didn't mean to," Lee apologised before taking me into his arms gently.

He put his hand on my back to go up and down gently making me relax in his arms.

I was no longer afraid, I was angry but there was nothing I could do. Lee was stronger than me. I couldn't fight him or leave but I had to do something before I lost Jay for good.


Jay's pov

I somehow managed to gain control but only for a minute and I had to make the most of it.

I pulled Amber into my arms and brought my lips to hers. I pulled away quickly. I knew I didn't have much time and had to spend the time I had with my mate wisely.

"Jay I've missed you so much, Amber told me with tears in her eyes as she realised immediately that it was me and not my deranged wolf.

"I've missed you more," I replied.

"When will he stop this?" Amber asked anxiously. "I hate this and not being able to see you. I was so worried,"

"I don't think he will ever stop,"

"I thought he loved me," Amber said sadly.

"He doesn't know the meaning of love or he'd never have done this,"

"He hasn't hurt you in anyway has he?" I asked worriedly as I looked all over my mate's body for injuries but found none.

"He hasn't touched me but he frightens me sometimes. I'm worried he might hurt me," Amber admitted.

"Don't worry he won't hurt you. I know what he's done is bad but he won't hurt you. If he does, I'll kill him," I vowed.

Then I could feel Lee gaining control.

"I have to go. He's gaining control but don't worry, we'll be together soon," I assured Amber. I gave my mare a quick peck on her lips before I slipped away, loosing control.

I was back in the darkness. I began to loose consciousness but as I did, I heard an unfamiliar voice.

"Don't worry, this will be over soon," the voice said.

I don't know who spoke to me and I didn't care at that moment as I slowly passed out.

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