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"You know, people said he got in a fight with some Biker from the street. Again!"

"Biker? Does he want to die or something?"


"How do you even know that, Blake?" one of the students asked the boy next to him named Blake.

"Oh please. Everyone talks about it. And have you seen his bruises? It's a surprise to me that he made it out alive! But Lucian probably-" he stopped talking. Just abruptly stopped his rambling about the infamous Lucian Night when he felt the presence behind him.

You just KNOW when he stands behind you. His cold aura, you just feel it.

The student flinched as Lucian put one of his large, bruised hands on his shoulder.

"You're talking about me or what?"

His voice sends chills down both of the students spines. People stopped walking, just standing and observing. To scared to go near.

No teacher can be seen.

"W-what? No! I-i would never talk about you behind your back Lucian my f-friend" he stutterd nervously.

The boys grip became tighter and he spun Blake around before he slammed him against his own locker.

His eyes. Just the look in his eyes could probably kill someone.

Lucas, the other students name, just stood there. Not knowing what to do. To scared to even do something.

"Lie to me one more time and I will make sure you can't talk anymore" the scary boy growled and slammed one hand into the locker near Blake's head.

He just flinched. Not trusting his voice to speak up.

"Now, about what did you talk about me?" he asked with a too sweet voice.

"J-just, um, I-" he stopped talking. Again.

"Tell me!" Lucian shouted and kneed the boy in the stomach. He loosend his grip and the helpless boy fell to the floor coughing his lungs out and holding his stomach in pain.

"I-i'm sorry, p-please..."


Oh, how often Lucian himself begged things to stopped. But it never happened. So why should he stop.

"Tell me!"


A hit.

"Tell. Me."


A kick.

"Fucking tell me you Bastard!"

Not one word.

He was ready to punch him again, but as he made the swing a hand hold his arm and he stopped mid-air.

"That's enough, Lucian!" a firm voice stated. The Headmaster.

Lucian breathed heavily and lowered his fist. Blake and his friend ran. People stopped staring.

"Come on. You and me. Office"

Without looking back the headmaster went to his office.

And Lucian behind him.
"What in hell went into you!?" he yelled.

The bruised boy just stood there with crossed arms and stared at the floor.

"I'm calling your father Lucian. He will come get you. You're suspended for 3 weeks"

His head shot up.

"My father? He's probably not home. And it was an accident. It will not happen again"

The headmaster shook his head and grapped the telephone.

"You are suspended Lucian. You're father needs to know" he stated and looked Lucian in the eyes. They just looked at him with this icy cold look.

Just for a short moment he saw a flash of...fear? But it vanished quickly.

"I'm going. See you in three weeks" the boy said with a bored tone and left the office.

"Lucian! Come back!" the headmaster yelled.

But he didn't listen.

Just left the school. Deep in his thoughts.
First story. Don't hate on me. Next chapters will be longer. Just a sneak peak. Yeah. Bye.

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